annotated hypertext transcript of the following: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS OF THE CORONA INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE September 15, 2021 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, an experienced trial lawyer licensed in Germany and California (USA) and co-founder of the, summarizes the Committee‘s findings to date and reviews the current status. You can watch the video version by following…
Category: Uncategorized
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency files case against the FDA
This nonprofit, made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists exists solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines. The organization takes no position on the data other than that it should be made publicly available to allow independent experts to conduct their own…
Let us focus on what matters

Instead of scrambling on sideward issues, let us focus on what matters. Until all Repent, repeating the same message again and again is of immense value. It is a matter of the forever. The final word and the conclusion from the so many messages given from the Lord all this long are:- 1. The unvaccinated…
Amazing Polly elucidates the difference between “patient based” and “evidence based” health care
This was enough of a revelation to warrant its own post, plus I include another factor in the limitation of health care we are seeing with COVID-19. Probably the most important thing to know is that in many cases, your general practitioner does not write the orders for your care while you are in ICU. …
FDA advisory committee voted 16 to 2 against boosters

According to Dr. Steve Kirsch, the “elephant in the room” is: People killed > People saved In other words, you are more likely to die from the vaccine than from COVID-19. See the outtake video and Dr. Steve Kirsch’s slides from the meeting. The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting on September 17, 2021…
Priests share their stories

Some of the reports in the video are from exorcists. Priests have not been telling the people that they should avoid the vaccines; rather, they have been endorsing them. As this video shows, when the priests won’t tell you what you need to know, the demons will. God requires that the people have a chance…
Project Veritas series focuses on COVID-19 jabs
Sources: Post date is date Part 1 was posted on YouTube. Videos are listed in the order they appear on YouTube. I prefer to post videos from sites other than YouTube because YouTube postings seem to be a bit “fragile” these days, but my chosen site does not have all of the videos yet. I…
Crimes Against Humanity, Depositions, Research, Uncategorized
Pathological Institute in Reutlingen holds press conference

Backed by Professors Sucharit Bhakdi, Stefan Homburg and Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Auschuss, a new forensics institute held its first press conference on Monday to present the evidence now available on the fatal accidents that may have resulted from so-called anti-covid injections. The first part of the press conference focused on autopsies of vaccinated people. During these…
Judgments, Uncategorized
A case is won against vaccine mandates in Florida

The case is Friend v. City of Gainesville, Florida Circuit Court, Alachua County, No. 133500511. This case does not help everyone. The argument in this Florida case was based on states rights, which was the real issue in the decision of the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts case presented to the U.S. Supreme Court. If your…
Children of vaccinated people are different

“Pandemic babies” have dark eyes with little if any conjunctiva. They reach developmental milestones such as raising the head, crawling, and walking at very early ages. They are the offspring of vaccinated parents. It is too soon to know yet how these children will develop as they grow. This is irrefutable proof that the jabs…
A scientist publishes the Sparticus Letter
This is an anonymously posted letter by someone who calls himself Spartacus. It’s the best and most detailed summary of COVID I’ve seen. It’s gone viral. It’s not hysterical. It’s thoughtful & thorough. I’d summarize but I think you need to read it and digest it yourself. It’s long but worth the read. — Tierney…
President of Croatia bans vaccination in his country
Object with appearance of hydra found in vial
Francis Collins to Step down as Director of the National Institutes of Health
Source: See also, on this site: Senior FDA leaders stepping down
Strange discs are found in vial contents

Microbeads and Microspheres are listed as an active ingredient in the Pfizer death jab patent. Microspheres and Microbubbles are listed in the Moderna death jab patent. Microspheres and Microbubbles are micrometer size devices approximately equal in size to a red blood cell, according to the NIH. That’s about the width of a Human hair. — Dr. Ariana Love “And as you go through…
Cyrus Parsa reveals source of AI agenda, confirmed by Karen Kingston
If you have not had much exposure to information like this, it will sound like the craziest thing you have ever heard. But I have seen enough information already to know that there is truth to this. Karen Kingston, the former Pfizer employee who revealed documentation of graphene oxide in the vaccines, returns with documentation…
A court hearing takes place in Maine regarding vaccine mandates

The case was heard in Kennebec County Superior Court in Augusta, Maine, by Justice Michaela Murphy. This location is also known as the Capital Judicial Center. The case is about illegal rulemaking. The mandates at issue are those imposed on health care workers in the state of Maine. The case was brought by the Alliance…
Conspiracies, Uncategorized
Many members of Congress and their staff have been using ivermectin
***BREAKING SCANDAL*** FACT: Between 100-200 members of Congress and their families & staffers have been treated with IVM & our I-MASK+ protocol for COVID. NO hospitalizations. Not one of them reported that to the people. Saved themselves & stayed silent as IVM was torched. — Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care As you can see, Frontline Covid-19…
Study: Spike Protein impairs DNA damage repair

🔬 A new study published last month in the MDP Viruses Journal is titled, “SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro.” It’s a little troubling for the injections, which make spike proteins. Remember that the “golden rule” of the mRNA injections was that the spike proteins wouldn’t get into cell…
Is it illegal for OSHA to enforce vaccine mandates?
The current plan is that OSHA will enforce workplace vaccine mandates. It is questionable whether OSHA has the legal authority to enforce vaccine mandates. According to the OSHA employees in the Del Bigtree video, OSHA would have authority to act only in a death on contact type situation, such as a chlorine leak. For there…
Taiwan: Vaccine deaths exceed COVID deaths

And with this, the so-called vaccines lose any claim to being worth the risks. Cases went up dramatically after Taiwan began its vaccine roll out, and deaths went up as well. Furthermore, an “epidemic of the unvaccinated” doesn’t make sense, given these numbers. Any cost/benefit analysis totally fails. Any claims of efficacy totally fail. And…
Planet Lockdown interviews Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

In this intimate sit down interview with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the “pandemic,” or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives. He is one of…
Pfizer contracts with governments are revealed
Remember: Fraud vitiates everything. Sources: See also, on this site: Fraud vitiates everything: UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON
Stefan Oelrich: mRNA shots are ‘gene therapy’ marketed as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust

Stefan Oelrich, a member of the Board of Management of Bayer and head of the Pharmaceuticals Division, gave a speech at the World Health Summit focused on biotechnological innovation. He said his company is “really taking that leap … in cell and gene therapy.” “Ultimately, the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and…
Nanotech is found in dental anesthetics

In a new program, La Quinta Columna has shared new optical microscopy images of injectables that they suspect may contain graphene oxide. On this occasion, they have observed drops of injectable lidocaine, an anesthetic widely used in dentistry. In the images obtained it is possible to see materials that fit the classic description of graphene…
Research, Uncategorized
Study finds increased death rate for children of jabbed parents
This is potential proof of danger from shedding of spike proteins from jabbed people. The Pfizer study protocol for the COVID-19 inoculations recognizes the shedding risk. For the unvaccinated age group 0-14, most associations between mortality and vaccination in adults are positive (among 39 r values with unadjusted two-tailed P < 0.05, 32 are positive…
Law, Uncategorized
Stop the Shot: Caught on Tape! Hospital CEOs collude to deny medical care
This is critical information needed to survive a hospital visit for any reason. Be sure to watch the embedded video in the LifeSite article. Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet hosts various presenters in this Truth for Health Foundation press conference. This press conference reports that attorneys are working hard to get people out of hospitals in…
Vaccinated people also spread the Delta Variant, yearlong study shows
Study found similar peak viral load with or without shots. Immunized household contacts have a 25% chance of infection. Vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and accelerates viral clearance. Nonetheless, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including…
Dr. Ariyana Love publishes a detox protocol
All-cause deaths are up among vaccinated in England
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson holds testimony meeting in Washington D.C.
Research, Uncategorized
Pfizer publishes its 6 month review
FOIA: No Record of Unvaxxed Individual with COVID Natural Immunity Spreading the Virus
Key points: CDC claimed vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity. CDC admitted that they have not had any documented cases of an unvaccinated individual with natural immunity spreading the virus. Israeli study that has been collecting data from March 1, 2020, to August 14, 2021, published data to show that natural immunity is actually stronger…
Treatments, Uncategorized
Japan’s move to ivermectin proves to be a good one

Japan switched from the jabs to ivermectin for prevention and treatment when they became fed up with contaminated lots back in August. This appears to have been a good move for them. Ivermectin was discarded unceremoniously till now, but Japan has demonstrated that the drug can be used as a more effective cure and a…
FDA publishes Summary Basis for Regulatory Action regarding COMIRNATY
🔥 In another huge fail for The Narrative, newly disclosed FDA documents show that more people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer’s Covid injection than the drugmaker publicly reported. Pfizer publicly reported that only 15 people who got the injection in its original trial had died as of mid-March. But new documents show the real…
List of athletes injured and dead of cardiac issues keeps growing
Taiwan Halts 2nd-Dose BioNTech Vaccinations for Ages 12-17
Cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart) have been reported after BNT vaccination of children between 12 and 17 years of age. According to U.S. statistics, the risk of youths experiencing myocarditis after receiving the second BNT dose is 10 times higher than after…
Judgments, Uncategorized
U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals tells OSHA to stand down on vaccine mandates
This case has not been decided at the time of this writing. Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate, the Mandate is hereby STAYED pending further action by this court. — November 6, 2021, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit On November…
Judgments, Uncategorized
Federal judge rejects DOD claim that Pfizer EUA and Comirnaty vaccines are ‘interchangeable’
There are some important distinctions between the Pfizer-BioNTech EUA jab and the Comirnaty jab, as stated by this ruling. The Pfizer-BioNTech EUA jab comes in packaging that states that informed consent is necessary for administration due to its experimental nature. The packaging of the Comirnaty jab does not have a statement about informed consent or…
U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals wins lottery to hear vaccine mandate cases
Several related cases across the country were bundled into a single case. A lottery was held to determine which court would try it. The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit won that lottery. The Sixth Circuit is comprised of a majority of Republican President-appointed judges, which some view as friendly to the…
Books, Uncategorized
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. publishes The Real Anthony Fauci

If you like the work I have done on this site, this book is essential reading. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a lawyer who has been investigating Anthony Fauci for a long time. In addition to extensive citations, the book contains information obtained from interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has personally conducted. And because he…
Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is “Murder”
At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac. We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination. —…
Fauci admits that hospitalizations among fully vaccinated are going up
“What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who’ve been vaccinated but not boosted,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease, said Tuesday in an interview. “It’s a significant proportion, but not the majority by any means.” His answer? More vaccines. 🪳 The…
Africa is NOT suffering a COVID disaster
Earlier this week, Zimbabwe recorded just 33 new COVID-19 cases and zero deaths, in line with a recent fall in the disease across the continent, where World Health Organization data show that infections have been dropping since July. The continent has one of the lowest vaccination rates. But there is something “mysterious” going on in…
How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?
Australia: COVID-positive and close contacts get hauled off to concentration camps
It is not just those who are actually sick that are getting hauled off. It is their close contacts as well. Think “contact tracing.” Considering that there are simple treatments available for COVID, this is criminal. It is criminal that these treatments are being blocked in many places. And, the so-called “vaccines” are actually worsening…
Books, Uncategorized
Scott W. Atlas, M.D., publishes a book

What really happened behind the scenes at the Trump White House during the COVID pandemic? When Dr. Scott W. Atlas was tapped by Donald Trump to join his COVID Task Force, he was immediately thrust into a maelstrom of scientific disputes, policy debates, raging egos, politically motivated lies, and cynical media manipulation. Numerous myths and…
Crimes Against Humanity, Uncategorized
Dr. Mercola interviews Francis Boyle: Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes
Francis Boyle drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. He has a prosecutorial plan for ending the vaccine mandates. Francis Boyle is a repeat guest; I’ve interviewed him twice in 2020 about the likelihood of SARS-CoV-2 having been engineered in a lab. Boyle’s background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a…
Dr. Andreas Noack finds nano “razor blades” in vial

These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades. These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano-scale, tiny razor blades. Only one atom layer thick. Relatively wide and high. They are razors, biologically not decomposable. The OH (hydroxy) groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, they gain a…
Prophecy, Uncategorized
It’s Witchcraft!
The standard response to COVID promoted by the nations is witchcraft. I make this claim based on the way the Greek of the New Testament of the Bible was translated. Let me explain. The clue is here: Galatians 5:19-21 (KJV) 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness,…
Judgments, Uncategorized
Courts issue injunctions against federal CMS vaccine mandate
The Missouri case injunction affects only the ten states that filed the case. They are Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. The Louisiana case injunction affects the remainder of the states. The Louisiana injunction has now been limited to only those states filing that case. So far,…
Judgments, Uncategorized
Court issues injunction against federal contractor vaccine mandate
Initially, this affected only the three plaintiff states: Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee. Now, another ruling has been handed down that affects the remaining states as well. The second ruling was issued nationwide because one of the plaintiffs in the case does business nationwide. 🔥 Also yesterday, a federal district court in Kentucky became the first…
Letter in The Lancet claims it is the vaccinated getting sick now
These medical journals have a way of obscuring just how bad a problem is by using their technical words. So I’ll let Jeff Childers break it down for you. If you want to see the original, you can go see it on the journal’s site. 🔬 The Lancet published a letter last week titled, “The…
A demon spills the beans
In the videos, the word “vaccine” was bleeped out to avoid censorship. I put the word back in. I did my best to transcribe what was said, but the words were not always clear. Deliverance minister: Miss —-, look at me. You’re arrested. Is the vaccine part of your kingdom? Demon: Yes. But she won’t take…
The FDA begins dumping documents, as ordered
The following is about one of those documents, “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021” by Pfizer’s Worldwide Safety department. Here are some important points to remember while reading this document. This report does NOT tell us the number of people who had been jabbed at this point. …
Poland begins criminal investigation of the COVID crisis
Reiner Fuellmich of Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Investigative Committee) says they will share materials with anyone wishing to pursue a prosecution. Source: Related:
Researchers find increased risk of reinfection associated with Omicron
A preprint paper posted 01 Dec 2021 on MedRxiv has quickly analyzed routine surveillance data from South Africa with a focus on SARS-CoV-2 re-infections. While not yet peer-reviewed, this represents the most current available data concerning the ability of different viral strains (including Delta and Omicron) to re-infect previously infected patients, and so directly addresses…
Treatments, Uncategorized
Doctor shares a treatment protocol for the vaxxed
Do not ignore symptoms of tiredness and fatigue following a jab. Dr. Zandré Botha reports a protocol for the vaxxed to help them recover from the jabs. Treatment protocol post jab for mild symptoms. Nutraceuticals : Anti coagulant Thrombocyte, aspirin, curcumin/turmeric, garlic Ivermectin 12mg x 1 pd for 5 days then 1 per week NAC…
Site with COVID cases from around the world is announced
The Corona Cases site was announced during Session 81 of Stiftung Corona Ausschuss. If you are an attorney on a COVID case anywhere in the world, please contact this site and get your case listed. Sources:
Vaccine passport as RFID chip

Some people are having RFID chips inserted to act as vaccine passports, but something similar may have already been installed. Source: Related: See also, on this site: Ricardo Delgado finds what he believes is a micro-router in a Pfizer vial ID2020 Summit is held at UN. When Humans Become Cyborgs | DAVOS 2020 Dr. Carrie…
No liability shield, no jabs
💉 World Bank President David Malpass said in a Zoom presentation this week that “Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of these countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield.” Um, I have a question. If the injections are completely safe and effective, why does Pfizer NEED a liability…
Funeral director reports large number of deaths
John O’Looney is a funeral director in England, a country with one of the highest jab rates. He is seeing more deaths than usual in his funeral home. Many of the excess deaths are being caused by blood clots and related disorders. John O’Looney estimates that he is seeing 5 or 6 TIMES the normal…
Crimes Against Humanity, Uncategorized
A UK team files a complaint with the International Criminal Court
Subject of complaint: Violations of the Nuremberg Code Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute Violation of Article 8 of the Rome Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute Perpetrators listed on the case include: Boris Johnson, Prime Minister for the United Kingdom Christopher…
New York City calls for vaccine mandate for private employers
Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York said a sweeping coronavirus vaccine mandate would go into effect for all private employers on Dec. 27 to curb the spread of the Omicron variant. Mr. de Blasio said the measure would apply to about 184,000 businesses. — New York Times, Reuters I had heard that there was…
Study correlates rate of variants with rate of vaccination
🔬 Finally. A new study, published online ahead of the print version, appeared in the Journal of Physical Chemistry yesterday titled, “Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Evolution Revealing Vaccine-Resistant Mutations in Europe and America.” It totally nukes the injections. The study’s researchers explain how the INJECTIONS are CAUSING mutations and accelerating evolution of vaccine-resistant strains. Here’s the…
The pandemic of the vaccinated is here
Omicron has only been mild
🔥 The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (E-CDC) reported yesterday that 1,780 cases of Omicron have been identified worldwide. Of those, exactly ZERO have featured serious illness or death. It might be a really great thing if Omicron becomes the dominant strain. So why are we locking down and banning travel to Africa?…
Investigators report autopsies of the vaccinated

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Arne Burkhardt of Germany performed autopsies on people who had died following vaccination. Dr. Arne Burkhardt some findings in the first segment of the video, Doctors for Covid Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium II – Sounding the Call. They found extensive T-cell invasion of multiple organs including the heart and blood…
Conspiracies, Uncategorized
Mike Adams exposes exopolitical agenda
This is another post that could challenge your sense of credibility. Those of us who have had some involvement in the metaphysical know that what we see in the 3D is not all there is. Christianity is metaphysical as well; so Christians should be aware of such realities. So let’s begin by exploring the Biblical…
Joe Rogan interviews Dr. Peter A. McCullough
💉 As you guys know, I rarely links to external news, much less recommend them. After all, what do you need THEM for? You already have Coffee & Covid. But every once in a while there’s something so important that I suggest it to you. My recommendation today — and it’s three hours long —…
Official statistics and statements by UK politician do not match
The population of England is about 55.,98 million as of 2018. In a public statement, Boris Johnson said that about 5 million in the UK were unvaccinated. Sources:
Sixth Circuit case moves to the Supreme Court
👨⚖️ The Sixth Circuit, in a 2-1 split decision, granted Joe Biden’s motion to dissolve the OSHA Mandate injunction ordered by the Fifth Circuit. Since I’ve already done a bunch of legal analysis for you this week (a snoozer of a post for many readers), I won’t do that to you again. But I’ll make…
COVID-19 patients in New Zealand can now be eligible for euthanasia
Danish cohort study finds negative effectiveness of mRNA vaccines against Omicron
Negative effectiveness. In other words, the Death Injections are maiming and killing people. And this is the slow kill program that will accelerate over time. Look for a far more troubling term than “negative effectiveness” in the near future, upcoming false flags and other distractions notwithstanding. Also, the UK is reporting a similar “negative effectiveness”…
Dr. David Martin suggests laws to use in your defense
Dr. Vanden Bossche, Dr. Malone, and Dr. Zelenko meet with Australian politicians
Statistician evaluates EU COVID-19 statistics against Benford’s Law
Sources: Related:
Scott McKay interviews vaxx injured commercial pilots
Previous to the COVID-19 vaccines, the FAA required that pilots wait 12 months after taking an experimental drug before flying again. Now, it is 48 hours. The so-called federal law mandating masks on planes has not been legislated by Congress. Sources: Related:
Life insurance company CEO says deaths are up 40% since vaccines introduced
The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people. “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news…
Ricardo Delgado finds what he believes is a micro-router in a Pfizer vial

A Pfizer document mentioning graphene oxide was included in the February 2023 document dump. Whether the jabs contain graphene oxide is no longer speculation. We are no longer depending on laboratory science to show us that the jabs contain graphene oxide. This is now documented by Pfizer. Graphene oxide in the jabs is now an…
Tests, Uncategorized
EUA for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test expires
Sources: Related: See also, on this site: CDC issues lab alert regarding RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2
Joe Rogan interviews Dr. Robert Malone

I had not been aware before of the information control that is globally coordinated. The ‘Trusted News’ initiative has become the Ministry of Truth, full-on. — Robert Malone Here are some major takeaways from the Rogan/Malone interview: The gain-of-function research behind the development of the bioweapon spike protein ultimately paved the way for the development…
John O’Looney is rescued from a hospital by friends
Below this section of the post, I have also posted other recent cases of medical kidnapping: Doug Kuzma, Cirsten Weldon, Scott Quiner, and Matthew Nolan. There is also a section about Rod Brooks, who has not managed to leave the hospital and may never be able to do so. The date may have been earlier…
Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal
The cited article contains a very long list of medical and scientific journal articles about the dangers of the jabs. Source:
Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them
The messages of the authorities and politicians to the people in this historic crisis leave much to be desired. Basically, the journalist is apologizing for his profession for not asking the right questions and not making correct distinctions during the pandemic. Sources:
U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on OSHA and CMS mandate cases
I bet you think I’m going to talk all about the Supreme Court oral arguments yesterday, but I’m not. That story has been over-covered anyway. Who cares? Haha, just kidding! I’ll briefly explain everything non-lawyers need to know about the arguments and give you my prognostications (for what they’re worth). All you need to know…
Conspiracies, Uncategorized
Project Veritas releases gain of function documents
Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the gain of function research moratorium. The main report regarding the EcoHealth Alliance proposal…
Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Back in March 2020, [Dr. Zelenko] saw a MedCram video, episode 34,1 in which Dr. Roger Seheult explained some of the principles that he then ended up building his COVID protocol on. Seheult specifically quoted a paper that explained the functioning of zinc ionophores. That mechanism is what Zelenko relied upon when developing his own protocol.…
Life insurance may not cover jab deaths
A French businessman took out millions of dollars in life insurance. Then he took a COVID jab and died. The insurance company refused to pay out. The family took the company to court. The death was ruled a suicide because the risks of the jab are well known, and the businessman took it voluntarily. In…
VAERS is a bit understaffed

According to Brittany Galvin, a VAERS employee told her that there are only 50 employees working on the millions of reports coming in to VAERS. Assuming that VAERS is working on 1,000,000 reports, that is 20,000 reports for each employee to work on. Even if that is all of the reports, that is a lot…
US submits to the WHO proposed amendments to the IHR
More to come. Sources: See also, on this site: WHO posts proposed amendments to the IHR James Roguski sounds the alarm about IHR amendments Archbishop Vigano writes letter to the people of the world Changes to the IHR amendments are submitted Changed amendments to the IHR are approved
It’s time to declare a Heavenly verdict into manifestation on earth
News of Hammersmith, London case 6029679/21 lands in The Irish Sentinel
The Irish Sentinel appears to be a relatively mainstream publication. It took nearly a month after the Hammersmith, London case 6029679/21 was filed for it to be picked up in this type of publication. The next day, Boris Johnson announced the easing of COVID restrictions in the UK. This had to be its own post…
Boris Johnson eases UK COVID restrictions
A criminal investigation case regarding COVID was published on a relatively mainstream Irish news site. The next day, Boris Johnson made this announcement. Sources: See also, on this site: A UK team files a complaint with the International Criminal Court Criminal complaint regarding COVID vaccines filed in London News of Hammersmith, London case 6029679/21 lands…
How a mom used surety bonds to lift the mask mandate in her district
Surety Bonds are required for every elected and appointed official throughout the United States – including, but not limited to State School Boards, Districts, Mayors, Sheriffs, and County Officials. This case was pursued in Illinois. Health officials may be subject to the surety bond system as well. Anyone who oversteps the bounds of their office…
BMJ demands immediate release of vaccine test data
Editors of the British Medical Journal have demanded the immediate release of all raw data from the clinical trials that led to the emergency use authorization of the COVID-19 shots. They are quite disgusted with the FDA’s earlier agreement to release 500 pages a month. Sources: See also, on this site: Public Health and Medical…
Croatian MEP calls mandatory vaccines a “death penalty”

Honorable president and colleguages, dear citizens of the European union. President Macron, considering the many restrictions of citizen’s rights and freedoms in France during the pandemic, I ask you only one thing: while presiding over the EU, why are you doing the exact opposite of what you are doing in France? On the other hand, today you…
WHO posts proposed amendments to the IHR
More to come. Sources: See also, on this site: US submits proposed amendments to the WHO James Roguski sounds the alarm about IHR amendments Archbishop Vigano writes letter to the people of the world Changes to the IHR amendments are submitted Changed amendments to the IHR are approved
Embalmers report huge clots in corpses

Who better is there to know the true death rates than funeral directors and embalmers? In this report, an embalmer reports that corpses now have clots of a type not seen before jab mandates. The new thing about the clots is the white fibrous stringy parts, and the problem is getting worse. Please keep in…
Numbers in military medical database are rolling backward
The same query run at different times is showing lower results at the later time, according to Leigh Dundas. This should not happen. This indicates that someone is manipulating the numbers. Sources: See also, on this site: Attorney updates us on evidence found in a military case