Pandemic Timeline

A scientist publishes the Sparticus Letter

This is an anonymously posted letter by someone who calls himself Spartacus. It’s the best and most detailed summary of COVID I’ve seen. It’s gone viral. It’s not hysterical. It’s thoughtful & thorough. I’d summarize but I think you need to read it and digest it yourself. It’s long but worth the read.

— Tierney

On September 26, 2021, a scientist published the following document about COVID-19, outlining complete disease function and treatment, and revealing this outbreak to be a criminal conspiracy of such magnitude as to defy belief. The scientist did this anonymously, fearing employment retaliation for revealing these truths, which have been known for over a year in the medical and scientific communities. The scientist cites irrefutable medical facts about the disease itself, outlines the effort to thwart successful treatment of the disease outside a leaky and dangerous gene therapy masquerading as a “vaccine,” and explains how this process has resulted in the wholesale slaughter of innocent people around the world. Here is the Spartacus Letter, which can also be found here.

— CLG News


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