Pandemic Timeline

Month: December 2009

Zale et al file patent US20100216804: Long Circulating Nanoparticles for Sustained Release of Therapeutic Agents

The present disclosure is directed in part to a biocompatible nanoparticle composition comprising a plurality of non-colloidal long circulating nanoparticles, each comprising a α-hydroxy polyester-co-polyether and a therapeutic agent, wherein such disclosed compositions provide a therapeutic effect for at least 12 hours. — Patent US20100216804A1   “As you read through a patent, what you’ll find,…

Jesse Ventura interviews Dr. Rima Laibow

Jesse Ventura and his team of investigators dig deep into the behind-the-scenes government doings. What he reveals will shock you and awe you, but still, you’re left to make up your own mind about what you do or do not believe. — Info that matters description Jessie Ventura interviewed Alex Jones behind a warehouse, then…