Pfizer – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Sat, 26 Oct 2024 06:23:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pfizer – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 Pfizer files patent US6372224: Canine coronavirus S gene and uses therefor Fri, 28 Jan 2000 00:00:58 +0000 From the patent: The present invention provides the amino acid and nucleotide sequences of a CCV spike gene, and compositions containing one or more fragments of the spike gene and encoded polypeptide for prophylaxis, diagnostic purposes and treatment of CCV infections. — Patent US6372224B1 This is the patent for the spike protein virus, a vaccine…


From the patent:

The present invention provides the amino acid and nucleotide sequences of a CCV spike gene, and compositions containing one or more fragments of the spike gene and encoded polypeptide for prophylaxis, diagnostic purposes and treatment of CCV infections.

Patent US6372224B1

This is the patent for the spike protein virus, a vaccine for the canine Coronavirus, which is actually one of the multiple forms of Coronavirus.

From the Reiner/Martin interview:

But as you know, up until 1999, the topic of Coronavirus vs V [VSV?] the patenting activity around Coronavirus was uniquely applied to veterinary sciences. The first vaccine ever patented for Coronavirus was actually sought by Pfizer. The application for the first vaccine for Coronavirus, which was specifically this s spike protein. So the exact same thing that allegedly we have rushed into invention. The first application was filed January 28 2000, 21 years ago. So the idea that we we mysteriously stumbled on the the way to intervene on vaccines is not only ludicrous, it is incredulous because Timothy Millor, Sharon Klepfer, Albert Paul Reed, and Elaine Jones on January 28 2000, filed what ultimately was issued as US Patent 6372224 which was the spike protein virus, a vaccine for the canine Coronavirus, which is actually one of the multiple forms of Coronavirus. But as I said, the early work up until 1999 was largely focused in the area of vaccines for animals, the two animals receiving the most attention were probably Ralph Barics work on rabbits and the rabbit cardiomyopathy that was associated with significant problems among rabbit breeders, and then canine Coronavirus in Pfizer’s work to identify how to develop s and spike protein vaccine target candidates giving rise to the obvious evidence that says that neither the Coronavirus concept of a vaccine, nor the principle of the Coronavirus itself as a pathogen of interest with respect to the spike proteins behaviour is anything novel at all. As a matter of fact, it’s 22 years old, based on patent filings. What’s more problematic, and what is actually the most egregious problem is that Anthony Fauci and NIAID found the malleability of Coronavirus to be a potential candidate for HIV vaccines. And so SARS is actually not a natural progression of a zoonetic modification of Coronavirus.

Dr. David Martin at 02:53


See also, on this site:







Pfizer fined $2.3B Wed, 02 Sep 2009 00:00:49 +0000 Pfizer Inc., the world’s largest drug maker, will pay a record $2.3 billion civil and criminal penalty over unlawful prescription drug promotions, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. The largest health care fraud settlement in Department of Justice history; The largest criminal fine of any kind imposed in the U.S.; The largest ever civil fraud settlement…


Pfizer Inc., the world’s largest drug maker, will pay a record $2.3 billion civil and criminal penalty over unlawful prescription drug promotions, the Justice Department announced Wednesday.

  • The largest health care fraud settlement in Department of Justice history;
  • The largest criminal fine of any kind imposed in the U.S.;
  • The largest ever civil fraud settlement against a pharmaceutical company.

More recently, the question was asked, “Why should we trust this company?”



Report: fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported to the VAERS. Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:00:07 +0000 Grant Final Report: Review of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) determines that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Even if we assume that the COVID-19 situation has created increased awareness of VAERS, we can assume that adverse reactions are still grossly underreported. If nothing has changed, this means that statistics derived…


Grant Final Report: Review of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) determines that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Even if we assume that the COVID-19 situation has created increased awareness of VAERS, we can assume that adverse reactions are still grossly underreported. If nothing has changed, this means that statistics derived from VAERS can be multiplied by 100.

In addition to being grossly underreported, it appears that the data in VAERS may not be entirely up to date.  It appears that the CDC is behind in their reporting of adverse reactions.

According to Dr. David Martin, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 requires that the VAERS database be maintained accurately.  This is a statutory requirement for maintaining immunity.

The following shows how VAERS data compares with the Pfizer clinical trial data.

Page 35 of CCCA report: Roll Out Surveillance: You Don’t Find What You Don’t Look For
Left side chart is the Pfizer clinical trials. Right side chart is the passive surveillance of the general population post-rollout.



See also, on this site:



Pfizer publishes its study protocol. Sun, 01 Nov 2020 00:01:27 +0000 Note especially the bottom of page 69 where it talks about Occupational Exposures–encounters between vaccinated and non-vaccinated. These are references to potential shedding issues. Sources: Related: See also, on this site: Study finds increased death rate for children of jabbed parents


Note especially the bottom of page 69 where it talks about Occupational Exposures–encounters between vaccinated and non-vaccinated. These are references to potential shedding issues.



  • Food & Drug Administration PDF
    August 2015. “Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products – Guidance for Industry.” US Food & Drug Administration.
    Food & Drug Administration, PDF.
  • Research Journal
    Research Journal.

See also, on this site:

Emergency use authorization is issued for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Fri, 11 Dec 2020 00:00:57 +0000 The study presented in the Emergency Use Authorization based its efficacy assessment on the results of PCR tests, which we now know are unreliable and prone to errors.  Page 41 includes additional data about people who actually got sick after the inoculation.  Significantly more people got sick in the test group after vaccination than in…


The study presented in the Emergency Use Authorization based its efficacy assessment on the results of PCR tests, which we now know are unreliable and prone to errors.  Page 41 includes additional data about people who actually got sick after the inoculation.  Significantly more people got sick in the test group after vaccination than in the control group.  This information was charted by Karen Kingston and is presented toward the end of this post.

Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), when the Secretary of HHS declares that an emergency use authorization is appropriate, FDA may authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. — FDA statement on EAUs

In other words, if there is a viable option, an EAU should not be granted.

From page 4 of the Letter of Authorization, August 12, 2021

Effective treatment protocols using approved drugs existed prior to the first issuance of an EUA for vaccines. Doctors testified of this in the Senate.

Safety and efficacy testing is still ongoing for this product.  Details are in the Review Memorandum found in the FDA’s main page for this product.  Therefore, no advertising for this product may legally use the terms “safe and effective”.

Pfizer is required to report to VAERS any adverse reaction, whether or not is is attributed to the vaccine.

From page 8 of the Letter of Authorization, August 12, 2021

Was this reporting to VAERS done as required?

Statement about available therapies

The EUA acknowledges in the clip above that other therapies are available, but they have not been FDA approved specifically for the treatment of COVID-19.  In saying this, they are admitting that they are relying on a technicality to qualify the vaccine for the EUA.  An EUA should only be issued if there are no other options.  Other options existed, but they had not been specifically approved for COVID-19 and thus were disregarded.

How long would it have taken for the other options to have been relabeled as treatment for COVID-19?  Was it possible in the timeframe available up until this point?  Should these other options have been disregarded in this way, given the clinical results being reported by those using these other options?  Was there intent by the FDA to disregard?  What was the motivation?

Charted by Karen Kingston: This is the efficacy that is being claimed.

Note that the follow-up period in the chart above is only 7 days.  Karen Kingston found additional data in the report beyond 7 days, and the following chart shows those results.  Also note that they were using PCR tests to determine who had been infected without regard for whether the person had symptoms.

How many cycles were used in evaluating the PCR tests?  Were the same number of cycles used for both groups?

Charted by Karen Kingston: These are the results when all data is charted.

Text on page 41 from which chart of unconfirmed illness was derived

The above chart shows how many got sick as evidenced by symptoms.  More unvaccinated people in the study may have tested positive on a PCR test, but this data shows that more vaccinated people actually had symptoms of being sick.  And isn’t that really what matters?

I’m going to go out on a limb here. I am not a medical expert.

If more unvaccinated test subjects tested positive on a PCR test, but more vaccinated test subjects had symptoms, might this be early evidence of the ADE dangers of the vaccines predicted by industry experts?


See also, on this site:

Nurse faints after getting jab Thu, 17 Dec 2020 00:00:57 +0000 NURSE TIFFANY PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020. She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then “likely” dies during the night while sleeping. She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old. — Geno Nazarenko The mainstream media said…


NURSE TIFFANY PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020. She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then “likely” dies during the night while sleeping. She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old.

Geno Nazarenko

The mainstream media said she was fine afterward, but alternative sources including Tiffany Dover’s own Facebook page tell a different story.


Pro-vaccine expert Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP and CSO for Pfizer, warns of COVID vaccine dangers. Wed, 24 Mar 2021 00:00:28 +0000 Sources:



Japan shares biodistribution study of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine Thu, 27 May 2021 00:00:26 +0000 The designers of the COVID-19 vaccines expected the contents of a jab to remain in the muscular tissue where they were injected, usually an arm.  This assumption was wrong.  A study document obtained from the Japanese regulatory agency shows that the vaccine contents enter the bloodstream and travel to the various organs.  Lab animals injected with…

The designers of the COVID-19 vaccines expected the contents of a jab to remain in the muscular tissue where they were injected, usually an arm.  This assumption was wrong.  A study document obtained from the Japanese regulatory agency shows that the vaccine contents enter the bloodstream and travel to the various organs.  Lab animals injected with purified spike protein into their bloodstream developed cardiovascular problems, and the spike protein was also demonstrated to cross the blood brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.

It is important to pay attention to what is going on here.  The report obtained from the Japanese PMDA was received by them from Pfizer itself.  And yet Dr. Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone are being castigated by the media for having talked about it in a way that is negative toward the vaccines.  Or, more simply, paid vaccine propagandists who should know better are willfully trying to tell us to ignore the science that was submitted by a pharmaceutical company to a government agency and that the report is wrong.  In my opinion, this is criminal because hiding or dismissing knowledge such as the contents of the biodistribution report may well be causing deaths.  Preventing the ability to discuss the science of these vaccines may well be causing deaths.  Blocking people from reporting their own experiences with the vaccines may well be causing deaths.  Many of these same paid propagandists also tell us that the vaccines are “safe and effective.”  This actually is a crime.  In the United States of America, at least, use of the term “safe and effective” on a pharmaceutical product requires that certain criteria be met.  Those criteria have not been met for any of the COVID-19 vaccines.  All of the COVID-19 vaccines are still undergoing testing.  Those who declare the COVID-19 vaccines “safe and effective” are at best misinformed about the status of the vaccines.  At worst, they are outright lying to us.

As of August 23, 2021, the Pfizer-BioNTech inoculation is now approved under the brand name Comirnaty. The Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine clearly states that pre-authorization Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the Comirnaty vaccine are equivalent. Any objections based on the experimental status of this vaccine are now moot. The argument now becomes whether that approval was legal. Dr. Jane Ruby and Karen Kingston both have concerns about the legality of the approval. See the post about the approval for details.

  • Food & Drug Administration
    October 20, 2021. “Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech].” US Food & Drug Administration.
    Food & Drug Administration.
    This document has instructions for healthcare providers who are administering the vaccines.


  • Research Journal Pfizer PDF
    SARS-CoV-2 MRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-0 7302048)2.6.4 薬物動態試験の概要文.” Pfizer-BioNTech, reported to Japan’s Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA).
    Local copy.
    Research Journal, Pfizer, PDF.
    This is the original report in Japanese.  This is also known as the Biodistribution Report. Dr. Byram Bridle together with other international scientists obtained this report by information request from Japan’s Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA). This report was produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and submitted to Japan’s PMDA, In other words, this is the report submitted by the manufacturer to Japan’s government regulatory agency. If the provenance is correct, “fact checkers” cannot debunk this report. Assuming that the provenance is correct, this report is the fact by which “fact checkers” should be checking other statements. Where “fact checkers” have tried to challenge this report, it shows the desperation of some parties to make this report go away, and this exposes them. If you see a “fact checker” trying to debunk this report without proof of bad provenance, you now know that you can no longer trust that “fact checker,” and that probably should extend to the company he works for as well.
  • Research Journal Pfizer PDF
    SARS-CoV-2 MRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) 2.6.4 Summary of Pharmacokinetic Study.
    Local copy.
    Research Journal, Pfizer, PDF.
    This is the same report translated into English, likely by running it through Google Translate without fixing the in-paragraph forced line breaks.  This is likely why the language in the report is a bit rough.  To get a better translation, copy the paragraphs into an editor and change the forced line breaks into spaces.  Then run that text through Google Translate.  If the line breaks are not fixed, Google Translate will consider the line breaks to be the ends of the sentences when the sentences actually cross into the next line.  The line breaks create some strange context for the automatic translator that can seriously impact the results.  Perhaps at some point, I’ll prepare a new translation that way.  That will take some time to do.  But for now, this one at least provides an idea of what was said in the original report.
  • Research Journal PDF
    2021. Alana F. Ogata, Chi-An Cheng, Michaël Desjardins, Yasmeen Senussi, Amy C. Sherman, Megan Powell, Lewis Novack, Salena Von, , Xiaofang Li, Lindsey R. Baden, and David R. Walt. “Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of MRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients.
    Research Journal, PDF.
  • Audio
    May 27, 2021. Alex Pierson. “New Peer Reviewed Study on COVID-19 Vaccines Suggests Why Heart Inflammation, Blood Clots and Other Dangerous Side Effects Occur.” ON Point with Alex Pierson – Omny.Fm. Runtime of embedded audio: 9:11.
  • News
    May 31, 2021. “Vaccine Researcher Admits ‘Big Mistake,’ Says Spike Protein Is Dangerous ‘Toxin.’Life Site News.
  • News
    May 28, 2021. “Did Pfizer Fail to Perform Industry Standard Animal Testing Prior to Initiation of MRNA Clinical Trials?” TrialSiteNews.
  • Video Expert
    June 13, 2021. [DarkHorse Podcast Clips]. “Spike Protein Is Very Dangerous, It’s Cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein).” Runtime: 15:29.
    Video, Expert.


See also, on this site:

Graphene found in COVID-19 vaccine Mon, 14 Jun 2021 00:00:51 +0000 A Pfizer document mentioning graphene oxide was included in the February 2023 document dump. Whether the jabs contain graphene oxide is no longer speculation. We are no longer depending on laboratory science to show us that the jabs contain graphene oxide. This is now documented by Pfizer. Graphene oxide in the jabs is now an…


Crystals seen in Comirnaty vaccine, from Jonathan Kleck video

A Pfizer document mentioning graphene oxide was included in the February 2023 document dump. Whether the jabs contain graphene oxide is no longer speculation. We are no longer depending on laboratory science to show us that the jabs contain graphene oxide. This is now documented by Pfizer. Graphene oxide in the jabs is now an indisputable fact.

Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna sent a vial of the Comirnaty™ COVID-19 vaccine, which is the Pfizer brand in Europe, to Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid of Universidad de Almería, Spain, for analysis.

The findings showed that the detectable RNA is 6ng/ul and graphene oxide is  747 ng/ul. That makes the graphene oxide 99.2% and the RNA to be 0.8% of the vaccine by weight.

Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the organism. This is the explanation for the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world have already experienced after various routes of administration of graphene oxide. Among them the vaccine.

Graphene is an important material in the development of transhumanist technologies.

Robert Young and his team found some other elements in the vaccines as well.

There are plenty of studies of graphene as a vaccine adjuvant.  I have linked in several of them below in the “Related” section. However, when a material such as graphene has multiple uses, it is necessary to consider that an implementation may surreptitiously take advantage of another of the multiple uses or perhaps expose the product to be used in various ways, even when those uses are not explicitly cited as the reason for the use of the material in the product. Or, the other uses may not have been in the plan of the original implementers, but other parties may choose to take advantage of them. One link I found would make it seem to be the ideal material for transhumanism.



  • Patent
    April 12, 2012. Ian Kinloch, Robert Young, Jonathan P. Rourke, and Neil R. Wilson. Graphene oxide. World Intellectual Property Organization WO2012046069A1, filed October 6, 2011, and issued April 12, 2012.
  • Research Journal
    October 15, 2013. Chul Chung, Young-Kwan Kim, Dolly Shin, Soo-Ryoon Ryoo, Byung Hee Hong, and Dal-Hee Min. “Biomedical Applications of Graphene and Graphene Oxide.Accounts of Chemical Research 46 (10): 2211–24.
    Research Journal.
    “Graphene has unique mechanical, electronic, and optical properties, which researchers have used to develop novel electronic materials including transparent conductors and ultrafast transistors.”
  • Blog
    July 14, 2021. “La Quinta Columna: Zinc Helps Raise Glutathione Levels and Glutathione Helps Degrade Graphene Oxide.ORWELL CITY.
  • Research Journal
    May 11, 2021. Chunhong Dong, Ye Wang, Gilbert X. Gonzalez, Yao Ma, Yufeng Song, Shelly Wang, Sang-Moo Kang, Richard W. Compans, and Bao-Zhong Wang. “Intranasal Vaccination with Influenza HA/GO-PEI Nanoparticles Provides Immune Protection against Homo- and Heterologous Strains.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (19).
    Research Journal.
  • Video University
    April 14, 2016. Rice University. Nanotubes Assemble! Rice Introduces Teslaphoresis. Runtime: 2:54.
    Video, University.
    They are using graphene in these experiments.
  • Research Journal
    December 2020. A.K. Srivastava, N. Dwivedi, C. Dhand, R. Khan, N. Sathish, M.K. Gupta, R. Kumar, and S. Kumar. “Potential of Graphene-Based Materials to Combat COVID-19: Properties, Perspectives, and Prospects.Materials Today. Chemistry 18 (December): 100385.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    February 14, 2016. Ligeng Xu, Jian Xiang, Ye Liu, Jun Xu, Yinchan Luo, Liangzhu Feng, Zhuang Liu, and Rui Peng. “Functionalized Graphene Oxide Serves as a Novel Vaccine Nano-Adjuvant for Robust Stimulation of Cellular Immunity.Nanoscale 8 (6): 3785–95.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    August 2020. Wanjun Cao, Lin He, Weidong Cao, Xiaobing Huang, Kun Jia, and Jingying Dai. “Recent Progress of Graphene Oxide as a Potential Vaccine Carrier and Adjuvant.Acta Biomaterialia 112 (August): 14–28.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    March 1, 2014. Xiaoqing Guo, and Nan Mei. “Assessment of the Toxic Potential of Graphene Family Nanomaterials.Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Nanomaterials – Toxicology and Medical Applications, 22 (1): 105–15.
    Research Journal.
  • Patent
    January 15, 2021. 崔大祥, 高昂, 梁辉, 田静, 李雪玲, and 沈琦. 以氧化石墨烯为载体的纳米冠状病毒重组疫苗 (Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier). China CN112220919A, filed September 27, 2020, and issued January 15, 2021.
  • Magazine Video
    July/August 2018. “Graphene Biointerface Optically Controls Heart Cells.” Photonics Media. Runtime of embedded video: 0:13.
    Magazine, Video.
  • Research Journal
    May 1, 2018. Alex Savchenko, Volodymyr Cherkas, Chao Liu, Gary B. Braun, Alexander Kleschevnikov, Yury I. Miller, and Elena Molokanova. “Graphene Biointerfaces for Optical Stimulation of Cells.Science Advances 4 (5): eaat0351.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    April 7, 2016. Samad Ahadian, Yuanshu Zhou, Shukuyo Yamada, Mehdi Estili, Xiaobin Liang, Ken Nakajima, Hitoshi Shiku, and Tomokazu Matsue. “Graphene Induces Spontaneous Cardiac Differentiation in Embryoid Bodies.Nanoscale 8 (13): 7075–84.
    Research Journal.
  • Reference
    Hollywood/Predictive Programming.” Wikispooks.
  • Research Journal Blog
    August 1, 2012. Rajni Singh. “Fungi as Builders For Nanomaterials.” Biotech Articles.
    Research Journal, Blog.

See also, on this site:

FDA issues black box warning on Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines regarding heart risks Fri, 25 Jun 2021 00:00:57 +0000 FDA revises fact sheets for Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines regarding heart risks. Excerpt: Today, the FDA is announcing revisions to the patient and provider fact sheets for the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines regarding the suggested increased risks of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart) following vaccination. For each…

FDA revises fact sheets for Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines regarding heart risks.


Today, the FDA is announcing revisions to the patient and provider fact sheets for the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines regarding the suggested increased risks of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart) following vaccination. For each vaccine, the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine (Vaccination Providers) has been revised to include a warning about myocarditis and pericarditis and the Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers has been revised to include information about myocarditis and pericarditis.

