Charles Robert Richet (1850-1935)
Phylaxis, a word seldom used, stands in the Greek for protection. Anaphylaxis will thus stand for the opposite. Anaphylaxis, from its Greek etymological source, therefore means that state of an organism in which it is rendered hypersensitive, instead of being protected.
During a cruise on the yacht of Prince Albert of Monaco, the Prince advised me to study Physalia poison, together with our friends Georges Richard and Paul Portier. We found that it is easily dissolved in glycerol and that by injecting this glycerol solution, the symptoms of Physalia poisoning are reproduced.
When I came back to France and had no more Physalia to study, I hit upon the idea of making a comparative study of the tentacles of the Actinia (Actinia eqnina, Anemone sulcata) which can be obtained in large quantities, for Actinia abound on all the rocky shores of Europe.
Now Actinia tentacles, treated with glycerol, give off their poison into the glycerol and the extract is toxic. I therefore set about finding how toxic it was, with Portier. This was quite difficult to do, as it is a slowly acting poison and three or four days must elapse before it can be known if the dose be fatal or not. I was using a solution of one kilo of glycerol to one kilo of tentacles. The lethal dose was of the order of 0.1 liquid per kilo live weight of subject.
But certain of the dogs survived, either because the dose was not strong enough or for some other reason. At the end of two, three or four weeks, as they seemed normal, I made use of them for a new experiment.
An unexpected phenomenon arose, which we thought extraordinary. A dog when injected previously even with the smallest dose, say of 0.005 liquid per kilo, immediately showed serious symptoms : vomiting, blood diarrhoea, syncope, unconsciousness, asphyxia and death. This basic experiment was repeated at various times and by 1902 we were able to state three main factors which are the corner-stone of the history of anaphylaxis: (1) a subject that had a previous injection is far more sensitive than a new subject; (2) that the symptoms characteristic of the second injection, namely swift and total depression of the nervous system, do not in any way resemble the symptoms characterizing the first injection; (3) a three or four week period must elapse before the anaphylactic state results. This is the period of incubation.
Once these first factors in anaphylaxis were well grounded, the field opened right up, thanks to the skilled and fruitful research of many investigators.
In 1903 Arthus, in Lausanne, showed that a first intravenous injection of serum on a rabbit causes anaphylaxis, i.e. three weeks after the first injection the rabbit is hypersensitive to the second injection. The phenomenon of anaphylaxis was becoming of general application. Instead of applying only to toxins and toxalbumins, it held good for all proteins, whether toxic at the first injection or not.
Two years later Rosenau and Anderson, two American physiologists, demonstrated in a noteworthy piece of work that the phenomenon of anaphylaxis occurs after every injection of serum, even when the injection is minute, for example of 0.00001 ml which is an infinitely small amount but nevertheless sufficient to anaphylactize an animal. They quoted examples of anaphylaxis from all organic liquids: milk, serum, egg, muscle extract. They specified the reaction and clearly showed that of all the subjects, the guinea-pig appeared the most sensitive in anaphylactic terms.
But it is a much harder task to state when the anaphylactic period has actually passed. Most writers incline to the view (and I myself would think them correct in their view) that the anaphylactic state never passes. In other words, once a subject has been anaphylactized and consequently modified in his chemical constitution, then the subject can never go back to his former state. Return to normal is not possible. Subjects have been known who even after four years from the date of the first serum injection, were still sensitive to the unleashing reaction.
Let me add in passing that it is an extraordinary phenomenon that so insignificant a quantity of poison can modify the organism to the extent that the succeeding days down long years can not eradicate this indelible modification. Unfortunately minute researches on just this point are still lacking. But it certainly looks as though considerable differences will be found in the duration of anaphylactization.
Anaphylactic symptoms also vary to a great extent, although the differences are marked rather according to the nature of the experimental animal than according to the nature of the poison used. It is indeed worthy of note to find that the phenomena are constant, whatever the poison used.
This phenomenon is similar to the Antibody-Dependent Enhancement that several experts expected when the COVID jabs rolled out and that we are now seeing. This explains why we are seeing more adverse events with the COVID-19 jabs after the second dose than we see with the first dose. Those who have had flu vaccines likewise tend to be more sensitive to the COVID-19 jabs.
Given that we already see an increase in adverse events following a second dose of the jabs, I would expect that each booster will have a progressively worse result.
Is anaphylaxis an intended result of the COVID-19 jabs? Why did most manufacturers choose a two-dose protocol with a period of incubation in between? What is the true purpose of these jabs?
So how do we relate this to now?
The agency revealed in a report Wednesday that there had been 21 anaphylaxis cases out of 1.9 million people who had received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Seventeen of the 21 people had a documented history of allergies or allergic reactions, seven of whom previously experienced anaphylaxis, Messonnier said.
But the rate is higher than among people who have received the flu shot.
Flu vaccines cause anaphylaxis in an estimated 1.3 people per 1 million recipients, while around 11.1 Pfizer recipients out of every million had the reaction, the CDC estimates.
— New York Post
These are first dose statistics.
- December 11, 1913. Charles Richet. “The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1913, Nobel Lecture, Anaphylaxis.” NobelPrize.Org.
Nobel Prize.
- December 29, 2020. Helen Davis. “Managing Anaphylaxis in the COVID-19 Vaccination Setting.” United Kingdom: National Health Service, Specialist Pharmacy Service.
Government. - January 6, 2021. Jackie Salo. “29 COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Had Serious Allergic Reactions: CDC.” New York Post.
News. - December 31, 2020. Steve Goldstein. “U.K. Health Service Pushes Back Interval for Delivering Second Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine to a Duration Company Says Is Untested.” MarketWatch.
News. - October 24, 2021. DANGERS OF THE COVID SWAB PCR TESTS! YHWH GOD HAS WARNED MANY TO NOT EVEN GET TESTED. PLSE SHARE. Angela*Lynne~Messenger*Of*YAH. Runtime: 1:54:48.
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