Pandemic Timeline

17 search results for "3YCgmyu6eK0U"

AT&T files patent US10163055: Routing policies for biological hosts

Methods, systems, and products provide interfaces between intrahost networks and interhost networks within biological hosts. Neuroregional translations are performed to route communications to and from the biological hosts. Bioregional translations may also be performed to route communications to and from the biological hosts. — Patent US10163055B2 Source: Local copy. Related: Additional posts citing this video.…

Johns Hopkins researchers introduce “Theragrippers”

Inspired by a parasitic worm, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine and Johns Hopkins Engineering team up to design “theragrippers” to deliver medicine to GI tract. Problem: extended-release drugs pass too quickly thru GI tract. Solution: Johns Hopkins Medicine and Johns Hopkins Engineering design dust-sized machines that snap to colonic walls and release medicine gradually. Once…

Injectable chips

Note on date:  I saw a similar image last year, but I can no longer find that information.  The date reflects what I have been able to find that is published.  The date may change if I find the earlier information. But it appears that the technology is much more advanced than even what is…

PCR tests

I am still working on setting up these links as events on the timeline.  But since some of you really need this information now, I’m making it available now.  There is going to be considerable shifting of information as I work on setting up the timeline.  All of the fully decorated links will be kept,…