Pandemic Timeline

Dangers of dictatorial medicine exposed



See also, on this site:

As I ponder stories like those above, I am struck by the dictatorial style of medicine that has invaded our medical system.  Corporate doctors especially seem to be devoid of any intuitive process in their practice of medicine.  This is in stark contrast to the scientific processes of brilliant doctors such as Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and Dr. Didier Raoult as they sought a way to help their patients.

The dictatorial style of medicine is resulting in what appears to be malpractice of medicine as doctors adhere rigidly to dictates coming from distant and local bureaucracies.  These doctors are seemingly controlled by dubious incentives and threats behind the scenes.  These dictates are not science.  This is socialized medicine at its worst.

Anyone thinking that socialized medicine is the way forward needs to carefully consider the stories shared in the videos below.  In a world where people are motivated by the best of altruistic intent, perhaps it could work; but in this world of corruption and greed, socialized medicine fails us miserably.

As Kate Dalley points out, the COVID-19 treatment guidelines appear to be driven by a profit motive for promotion of the vaccines.  Likewise, the experimental drug Remdesivir was reportedly the only drug allowed to be given to hospitalized COVID-19 patients in spite of the danger of kidney failure from the drug.  Dr. Bryan Ardis explains that situation well in his interview with Reiner Fuellmich.  The profit motive is not about saving money for society; rather, it is about filling the coffers of pharmaceutical companies.  When such a profit motive is being driven by government organizations such as the NIH and CDC, this is a serious problem.

Corporate medical systems are also now putting their faith in Epic medical software and saying that their doctors must follow its dictates.  In doing so, the experience, wisdom, and knowledge of these doctors is eliminated from the system.  The patient population does not mind if you consult such a system as this, but they will be greatly disappointed if you dogmatically follow its suggestions without considering whether those suggestions are correct for the patient.  Doctors, remember: Saying “I was just following orders” will not save you when you are held to account.

Meanwhile, brilliant caring doctors have developed effective and inexpensive protocols that have saved many lives.  And yet, the media is vilifying them with incessant “fact checking,” and regulating organizations are threatening their livelihoods.  As Kate Dalley points out, a common excuse for not using the protocols developed by doctors is, “We don’t have enough evidence.”  “That’s just anecdotal evidence; that isn’t science” is a common refrain as they push aside what we see right in front of us.  Never mind that an anecdote is data.  As a member of the AAPS said, “AMA Prefers Death to Treating without Data.”  They may say that they do this to prevent quackery, but at times it seems that they are merely trading one form of quackery for another.  Our medical system is in dire straits.

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