United Kingdom – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 07 Mar 2023 09:33:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://pandemictimeline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Covid-150x150.ico United Kingdom – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com 32 32 MHRA buyer requests software package and information systems https://pandemictimeline.com/2020/09/mhra-buyer-requests-software-package-and-information-systems/ Sun, 20 Sep 2020 00:00:52 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=7037 This is a request for proposals. Description of the procurement: The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed. … For reasons of extreme urgency under Regulation 32(2)(c) related…

This is a request for proposals.

Description of the procurement:

The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.

For reasons of extreme urgency under Regulation 32(2)(c) related to the release of a Covid-19 vaccine MHRA have accelerated the sourcing and implementation of a vaccine specific AI tool.

Strictly necessary — it is not possible to retrofit the MHRA’s legacy systems to handle the volume of ADRs that will be generated by a Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, if the MHRA does not implement the AI tool, it will be unable to process these ADRs effectively. This will hinder its ability to rapidly identify any potential safety issues with the Covid-19 vaccine and represents a direct threat to patient life and public health.

Reasons of extreme urgency — the MHRA recognises that its planned procurement process for the SafetyConnect programme, including the AI tool, would not have concluded by vaccine launch. Leading to a inability to effectively monitor adverse reactions to a Covid-19 vaccine.

Events unforeseeable — the Covid-19 crisis is novel and developments in the search of a Covid-19 vaccine have not followed any predictable pattern so far.

— Ted-Tenders

In other words, MHRA wants to enhance or replace the Yellow Card system to help them keep up with the expected high volume of reports. They seem certain already that there will be adverse events.

How did the MHRA know at this point that there would be a high volume of reports? And if they knew, why were the jabs allowed to proceed?

To their credit, I suppose, the MHRA seems to have been genuinely caught off guard by the COVID situation.  The request came quite late.  Had they been part of the planning of the COVID-19 event, this would have been done long ago.

I agree with Janet Menage on The BMJ:

And would it not be more sensible to determine the safety profile of a Covid-19 vaccine while the stable door is shut, rather than monitor the galloping horse once it has bolted?

But I think perhaps that the agenda goes well beyond trying to control a disease. Otherwise, the jab rollouts would have been halted in February 2021, if not sooner, after results of the initial jabs came in.  Instead, with each bad report, we saw the health agencies doubling down on their urgency to get the jabs out as if there was some hidden imperative to do so no matter the consequences.  I am beginning to think that when “they” say that the benefits still outweigh the risks, they are not talking about health benefits, but rather “they” are considering the benefits of hidden purposes.  I am not sure I have fully identified “they” yet, and so I hesitate to point out any particular individuals.  It is possible that identities of “they” could be determined from some of the patents.

This is the regulation that was referred to in the Ted-Tenders request:

Regulation 32(2) sets out the following:

The negotiated procedure without prior publication may be used for public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts in any of the following cases: …

(c) insofar as is strictly necessary where, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authority, the time limits for the open or restricted procedures or competitive procedures with negotiation cannot be complied with.

… the circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency must not in any event be attributable to the contracting authority.

— Cabinet Office




Michael O’Bernicia files suit against Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson for Covid fraud https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/03/michael-obernicia-files-suit-against-matt-hancock-chris-whitty-patrick-vallance-and-neil-ferguson-for-covid-fraud/ Fri, 19 Mar 2021 00:00:49 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=6889 About The Bernician Critically Acclaimed Comedian, Playwright & Filmmaker | Blacklisted ‘Potential Subversive’  Revisionist Historian | Recalcitrant Philosopher  Bankster-Busting Nemesis of the Rigged System Well, now they have a veritable boatload of the stuff heading their way, so prepare yourselves for the inevitable shitstorm on the near horizon, after the defendants’ QC’s tell them that…


About The Bernician

Critically Acclaimed Comedian, Playwright & Filmmaker | Blacklisted ‘Potential Subversive’  Revisionist Historian | Recalcitrant Philosopher  Bankster-Busting Nemesis of the Rigged System

Well, now they have a veritable boatload of the stuff heading their way, so prepare yourselves for the inevitable shitstorm on the near horizon, after the defendants’ QC’s tell them that their only defence is to plead gross negligence. However, the evidence is so emphatic that they knew exactly what they were doing that the jury will almost certainly convict them as charged.


“COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans” https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/06/covid-19-vaccines-unsafe-for-use-in-humans/ Wed, 09 Jun 2021 00:00:08 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=668 The following was stated in an open letter posted on medisolve.org: From: Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD), Director, Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC To: Dr. Raine, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Statement on page 7 of letter: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to…


The following was stated in an open letter posted on medisolve.org:

From: Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD), Director, Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC

To: Dr. Raine, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

Statement on page 7 of letter: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”

For reference, the population of UK is currently reported as 68,228,699.



  • Social Media Expert
    June 14, 2021. Steve Kirsch. “CMS Database Proves VAERS Is at Least 5x under Reported. So at Least 25,000 Excess Deaths That Are Linked to Vaccine Administration. Does Not Look Good. Why Isn’t CDC Providing Analysis in Plain Sight??… Https://T.Co/9640hcCdCc.” Twitter.
    Social Media, Expert.
    Post includes chart showing statistics.

See also, on this site:

UK government officials are put on notice that they are being investigated https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/08/uk-government-officials-are-put-on-notice-that-they-are-being-investigated/ Mon, 16 Aug 2021 00:00:13 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=6897 Here’s a quick run-down of some of the evidence – Midazolam is a commonly used drug in palliative care, think of it as diazepam on steroids. Midazolam is also a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA. UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s…


The Bernician

Here’s a quick run-down of some of the evidence 

  • Midazolam is a commonly used drug in palliative care, think of it as diazepam on steroids.
  • Midazolam is also a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA.
  • UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.
  • This is because Midazolam can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.
  • At the start of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic Matt Hancock ordered a two year supply of Midazolam and then went back to France for more.
  • This was confirmed in a parliamentary committee meeting which included Hancock, Professor Van Tam, and Tory MP; Dr Luke Evans, who said a “good death” needs three things, one of those things being Midazolam.
  • At the same time Hancock and the Government changed the law on the certification of deaths under the guise of the coronavirus act.
  • And the law on cremations; removing the need for a confirmatory medical certificate.
  • And the law on indemnity for health service activity.
  • And the law on visiting loved ones in care homes; which was banned.
  • April and May 2020 saw a huge spike in deaths occurring in care homes, many were attributed to Covid-19.
  • In late 2020 the Care Quality Commission found 34% of Health and Social Care workers said they had felt pressured to place ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders on care home residents without informing the resident or their loved ones.
  • An Amnesty report also found the blanket use of DNR orders in Care homes.
  • The two-year supply of Midazolam purchased at the beginning of the alleged pandemic was gone by October.
  • What happened to all of the Midazolam?

The promise is that if the questions are not adequately answered, this group of lawyers will begin private prosecutions.


See also, on this site:

All-cause deaths are up among vaccinated in England https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/11/all-cause-deaths-are-up-among-vaccinated-in-england/ Mon, 01 Nov 2021 00:00:26 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=7535 Sources: See also, on this site: The Exposé finds all-cause deaths to be higher among vaccinated Life insurance company CEO says deaths are up 40% since vaccines introduced



See also, on this site:

A UK team files a complaint with the International Criminal Court https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/12/a-uk-team-files-a-complaint-with-the-international-criminal-court/ Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:29 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8958 Subject of complaint: Violations of the Nuremberg Code Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute Violation of Article 8 of the Rome Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute Perpetrators listed on the case include: Boris Johnson, Prime Minister for the United Kingdom Christopher…

Subject of complaint:

  • Violations of the Nuremberg Code
  • Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 8 of the Rome
  • Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute

Perpetrators listed on the case include:


See also, on this site:

Official statistics and statements by UK politician do not match https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/12/official-statistics-and-statements-by-uk-politician-do-not-match/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 00:00:29 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8474 The population of England is about 55.,98 million as of 2018.  In a public statement, Boris Johnson said that about 5 million in the UK were unvaccinated. Sources:

The population of England is about 55.,98 million as of 2018.  In a public statement, Boris Johnson said that about 5 million in the UK were unvaccinated.


Criminal complaint regarding COVID vaccines filed in London https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/12/criminal-complaint-regarding-covid-vaccines-filed-in-london/ Mon, 20 Dec 2021 00:00:50 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8967 This could potentially be the world’s largest criminal investigation. It is now underway. It is just beginning, and it is also taking place in numerous countries around the world, the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. — UK Lawyer Anna de Buisseret The Crime Report number with the Hammersmith [London] CID is: #6029679/21 [International Criminal Court (ICC)…


This could potentially be the world’s largest criminal investigation. It is now underway. It is just beginning, and it is also taking place in numerous countries around the world, the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.

— UK Lawyer Anna de Buisseret

The Crime Report number with the Hammersmith [London] CID is: #6029679/21 [International Criminal Court (ICC) #OTP-CR-473/21]

The crimes cited in the complaint are as follows:

  1. misfeasance in public office
  2. misconduct in public office
  3. conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm
  4. conspiracy to administer a poisonous and noxious substance to cause serious harm and death
  5. gross negligence manslaughter
  6. corporate manslaughter
  7. corruption
  8. fraud
  9. blackmail
  10. murder
  11. conspiracy to commit murder
  12. terrorism
  13. genocide
  14. torture
  15. crimes against humanity
  16. false imprisonment
  17. multiple breaches of our human rights
  18. war crimes
  19. multiple breaches of The Nuremberg Code 1947
  20. multiple breaches of The Human Rights Act 1998
  21. (Treason will also be added).

Letter presented to UK constables


See also, on this site:

News of Hammersmith, London case 6029679/21 lands in The Irish Sentinel https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/01/news-of-hammersmith-london-case-6029679-21-lands-in-the-irish-sentinel/ Tue, 18 Jan 2022 00:00:40 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8981 The Irish Sentinel appears to be a relatively mainstream publication.  It took nearly a month after the Hammersmith, London case 6029679/21 was filed for it to be picked up in this type of publication.  The next day, Boris Johnson announced the easing of COVID restrictions in the UK. This had to be its own post…

The Irish Sentinel appears to be a relatively mainstream publication.  It took nearly a month after the Hammersmith, London case 6029679/21 was filed for it to be picked up in this type of publication.  The next day, Boris Johnson announced the easing of COVID restrictions in the UK.

This had to be its own post because I believe it is important to the timing of subsequent events. When the media do not want news of a thing to get out, it can sometimes take some time for the news to get out, as seems to have happened here. If the media were truly independent, this case would have been top news.


See also, on this site:

Boris Johnson eases UK COVID restrictions https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/01/boris-johnson-eases-uk-covid-restrictions/ Wed, 19 Jan 2022 00:00:07 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8969 A criminal investigation case regarding COVID was published on a relatively mainstream Irish news site.  The next day, Boris Johnson made this announcement. Sources: See also, on this site: A UK team files a complaint with the International Criminal Court Criminal complaint regarding COVID vaccines filed in London News of Hammersmith, London case 6029679/21 lands…

A criminal investigation case regarding COVID was published on a relatively mainstream Irish news site.  The next day, Boris Johnson made this announcement.


See also, on this site:
