The decision in this Supreme Court Case established the right of the courts to determine the constitutionality of the actions of the other two branches of government. — National Archives Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137, was a U.S. Supreme Court case that established the precedent of judicial review. This judicial review power allows the…
Category: Judgments
Fraud vitiates everything: UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON
October 1878 Full Definition of fraud 1 a : DECEIT, TRICKERY specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right was accused of credit card fraud b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : TRICK automobile insurance frauds 2 a :…
U.S. Supreme Court rules on Jacobson v. Massachusetts
All I’m saying is that I want people to understand where the law is and so when you hear on mainstream media that under Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Constitution gives the government the right to do this, I want people in their minds to understand, that’s not true. — Attorney Mitch Fine, SGT Report This…
Crimes Against Humanity, Judgments
The ten points of the Nuremberg Code

The Nuremberg Code (German: Nürnberger Kodex) is part of a judicial ruling. The Kodex has not been officially accepted as law by any nation or as official ethics guidelines by any association. In the US, when preparing a legal case, refer to the National Research Act, which is legislation from the US Congress. The National Research…
The US Supreme Court rules against government censorship of the press
The topic at the time was the Vietnam War, but the same principles apply now in the COVID-19 pandemic. Justice Black is often regarded as a leading defender of First Amendment rights such as the freedom of speech and of the press. He refused to accept the doctrine that the freedom of speech could be…
Judgments, Patents
United States Supreme Court decides DIAMOND vs. CHAKRABARTY

This Supreme Court decision allows for the patenting of living organisms, which had been forbidden prior to this decision. From the filing: In 1972, respondent [Ananda M.] Chakrabarty, a microbiologist, filed a patent application, assigned to the General Electric Co. The application asserted 36 claims related to Chakrabarty’s invention of “a bacterium from the genus…
Judgments, Patents
Supreme Court rules that cDNA is patentable
This landmark case pitted cancer survivors and the American Civil Liberties Union against the diagnostic company, Myriad Genetics. Sources: See also, on this site: Attorney updates us on evidence found in a military case Report: mRNA “vaccines” are converted to DNA in the liver
Judgments, Tests
Stipulated Order Showing That NIH And HRSA Have Not Acted In Their Duties Regarding Vaccine Safety

In 1986 as part of the NCVIA, HHS was required to submit bi-annual reports detailing actions taken to ensure vaccine safety. This was not done, forcing 78 million USA children into vaccine programs with no safety provisions. Sources: See also, on this site: National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (USA)
Judgments, Tests, Uncategorized
Portuguese appellate court is first to rule that PCR tests are too unreliable to be the basis of a lockdown order.
Judgments, Tests
Vienna Administrative Court: Corona Policy Without Basis, PCR Test Inappropriate
Judgments, Politics
Florida court rules mask mandate is “presumptively unconstitutional”
Dawn Johnsen issues memo: “Vaccine mandates legal”

If you are feeling pressured to take a vaccine, DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB! Make your boss fire you. Please see the statement from America’s Front Line Doctors about this. Federal law does not prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID-19 vaccines that are under emergency use authorization, the Department of Justice concluded in an opinion. The Department…
Judgments, Uncategorized
A court case is won in Alberta, Canada

This is a huge win. Patrick King was fined $1,200 for violating the Alberta Public Health Act for being in a group larger than 10 on December 5, 2020, in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. This is a ticket violation. Patrick King decided to challenge the fine. Patrick King has figured out how to win against…
Judgments, Uncategorized
Courts block use of vaccine passports at shopping centers
[Spain‘s] Supreme Court considers that the presentation of this certificate in the establishments of drinks is an intense and extensive restriction of the individual rights that it needs of a “substantive justification”; In other words, the High Court believes that in order to order this measure, it must be justified to preserve public health, something…
Ohio judge orders hospital to treat a COVID-19 patient with ivermectin
Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ordered West Chester Hospital, part of the University of Cincinnati network, to treat Jeffrey Smith, 51, with Ivermectin. Everyone seems to be missing the fact that the NIH has made ivermectin an acceptable option for use in COVID-19. In the current climate, that could not have happened without…
Judgments, Uncategorized
A case is won against vaccine mandates in Florida

The case is Friend v. City of Gainesville, Florida Circuit Court, Alachua County, No. 133500511. This case does not help everyone. The argument in this Florida case was based on states rights, which was the real issue in the decision of the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts case presented to the U.S. Supreme Court. If your…
A Rabbinical court in New York City rules against COVID vaccines
This is a religious court. Its rulings have no effect on the legality or lack thereof for anything the government does. According to the Rabbinical court ruling, it is ‘Absolutely forbidden’ to give COVID shots to kids and young men and women. 🔥 In a development unreported in corporate media, A Rabbinical court in New…
Doctor files for right to treat patients as he feels appropriate
This is a new filing. In a press release issued today, the FLCCC announced that its Co-Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Paul Marik filed suit against Sentara Healthcare System for instituting a policy preventing him and other physicians from administering proven, life-saving treatments. “We take an oath as doctors to do no harm,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, Co-Chief…
Judgments, Uncategorized
U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals tells OSHA to stand down on vaccine mandates
This case has not been decided at the time of this writing. Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate, the Mandate is hereby STAYED pending further action by this court. — November 6, 2021, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit On November…
Judgments, Uncategorized
Federal judge rejects DOD claim that Pfizer EUA and Comirnaty vaccines are ‘interchangeable’
There are some important distinctions between the Pfizer-BioNTech EUA jab and the Comirnaty jab, as stated by this ruling. The Pfizer-BioNTech EUA jab comes in packaging that states that informed consent is necessary for administration due to its experimental nature. The packaging of the Comirnaty jab does not have a statement about informed consent or…
Judgments, Uncategorized
Courts issue injunctions against federal CMS vaccine mandate
The Missouri case injunction affects only the ten states that filed the case. They are Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. The Louisiana case injunction affects the remainder of the states. The Louisiana injunction has now been limited to only those states filing that case. So far,…
Judgments, Uncategorized
Court issues injunction against federal contractor vaccine mandate
Initially, this affected only the three plaintiff states: Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee. Now, another ruling has been handed down that affects the remaining states as well. The second ruling was issued nationwide because one of the plaintiffs in the case does business nationwide. 🔥 Also yesterday, a federal district court in Kentucky became the first…
San Diego judge school district vaccine mandate
In explaining his decision, [Superior Court Judge John S. Meyer] cited an amendment to [California state]Senate Bill No. 277 in 2015, at which time there were a total of 10 vaccines that children are required to take in order to attend school in person. But — due to a rise in measles outbreaks and decreasing…
Judgments, Uncategorized
A court in Sicily, Italy declares mandatory vaccination to be unconstitutional

“Who would determine the percentage of disposable citizens? It is indisputable. Otherwise, it results in Nazism.” Sicily’s Court of Administrative Justice has ruled that Italy’s mandatory Covid vaccination obligation is unconstitutional. The court stated that the experimental mRNA treatments intended to protect the public from Covid have been shown to cause “serious or fatal adverse effects.” The…
Appeals court sides with doctors on ivermectin
The FDA isn’t supposed to practice medicine, but the judge found they did erroneously in this case which was brought by three doctors. — Independent Sentinel We conclude that the first path is open: the Doctors can use the APA to assert their ultra vires claims against the defendants. FDA can inform, but it has identified…
South Australia Employment Tribunal holds employer accountable

The Department of Child Protection (DCP) must pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a Covid booster under a workplace vaccination directive, the South Australian Employment Tribunal has ruled. — Rebekah Barnett Daniel Shepherd, who developed pericarditis after his employer required him to take Pfizer’s COVID-19 booster, took…
Supreme Court overrules Chevron
The nation’s top court dramatically clawed back power from federal regulators in a tectonic ruling Friday that KO’d decades of precedent and could affect everything from the environment to AI and healthcare. — New York Post “Chevron is overruled,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in his majority opinion. “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency…