Pandemic Timeline

Pres. Trump addresses vaccine adverse events for the first time

“So will you demand that the vaccine companies, that the pharmaceutical companies release their vaccine data to the public so that we can see what they’re actually seeing about the side effects of this vaccine?” asked Dixon.

In response to Dixon’s concerns, Trump advocated for complete transparency from big pharma and vowed that we are all in this fight together.

Well, they should do that. We’re all in this together, and they should be doing that,” said Trump.

And frankly, anything new, and I hadn’t heard what he [Biden] said yet, but anything new has got to be looked at very carefully. But they should be doing that if they have facts. I mean, the facts are public. They should be made public immediately. People should understand that, and they should know what research is showing and what fact-finding.

Jim Hoft


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