This is a key post full of actionable intel. Specifically, Dr. David Martin is asking that state attorneys general file lawsuits based on a list of criminal charges.
This is Part 1 of the series, presented on November 5, 2021, at the Weston A. Price Foundation Wise Traditions Conference 2021. The Privateer slide was used in this video. This is not the video with the wider who’s who information. An interesting strategy is mentioned at 51:50 that is not stated here. In addition, Dr. David Martin believes that it will take multiple state AGs filing suit to end this. Dr. David Martin also says that documents of Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, and Peter Daszak need to be seized for the investigation.
This is Part 2 of the series, presented on November 6, 2021, at the Red Pill Expo 2021. This is the one in which he provides the wider who’s who information.

Dr. David Martin: The COVID Conspiring States

Dr. David Martin: The COVID Privateers
According to Dr. David Martin, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Gilead are subcontractors of ANSER. ANSER is the primary contractor for the entire scam.

Dr. David Martin: The COVID Pirates

Dr. David Martin: The COVID Orchestra

Dr. David Martin: The COVID Treasonous Acts
According to Dr. David Martin, the COVID crimes are prima facie cases. The conspirators have admitted the crimes in public. Public statements can be used to justify proceeding with criminal court cases. The crimes in the left column “do not have an exoneration button that you can hit and say, ‘Well, in the case of emergency. you can commit these crimes.’ Because felonies actually are the silver bullet both to the 1986 Act and to the 2005 Prep Act.” In other words, when these cases are done, the corporate protections of neither of these acts will apply to the COVID situation due to the crimes committed in setting up the COVID situation.
Dr. David Martin says that we need to be very precise about how these crimes are discussed. Please listen to at least that section of the Part 1 video beginning where the above slide is displayed at 32:25. Dr. David Martin believes that as soon as a lawsuit is filed based on the charges on the left side of the chart, the vaccine companies will halt the sale of all vaccines. The result of filing charges based on the laws on the left side of the chart is expected to be the removal of all liability protections for vaccines.
Remember: Fraud vitiates everything.

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) published its first annual report the day before Pres. Trump signed Executive Order 13887.

This statement proves criminal conspiracy.
For information about Dr. David Martin’s credentials, please refer to his interview with Reiner Fuellmich.
- November 12, 2021. Dr David Martin at Redpill Expo 6th Nov 2021 – Names Corporations and Nations Behind the Scamdemic. A_Walk_To_The_Beach. Runtime: 50:41.
Video, Expert. - December 2021. David E. Martin. “Follow the Patents… …It Will Take You to the Money.”
Blog, Expert, Presentation, PDF. - “21 CFR § 50.24 – Exception from Informed Consent Requirements for Emergency Research.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “15 U.S. Code § 1 – Trusts, Etc., in Restraint of Trade Illegal; Penalty.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “15 U.S. Code § 2 – Monopolizing Trade a Felony; Penalty.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “15 U.S. Code § 3 – Trusts in Territories or District of Columbia Illegal; Combination a Felony.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “15 U.S. Code § 8 – Trusts in Restraint of Import Trade Illegal; Penalty.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “15 U.S. Code § 19 – Interlocking Directorates and Officers.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “15 U.S. Code § 45 – Unfair Methods of Competition Unlawful; Prevention by Commission.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “18 U.S. Code § 175 – Prohibitions with Respect to Biological Weapons.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “18 U.S. Code § 1001 – Statements or Entries Generally.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “35 U.S. Code § 101 – Inventions Patentable.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “35 U.S. Code § 206 – Uniform Clauses and Regulations.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - October 26, 2001. Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. “Text – H.R.3162 – 107th Congress (2001-2002): Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001.” Congress.Gov. 2001/2002.
Government, Law.
To find the definition cited at 18 U.S.C. § 2331 §§ 802, look for second occurrence of “802” in the text. - “Definition: Domestic Terrorism from 18 USC § 2331(5).” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “18 U.S. Code § 2339 – Harboring or Concealing Terrorists.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - “18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious Conspiracy.” LII / Legal Information Institute.
University, Law. - November 6, 2021. Weaponization of Coronavirus: When Nature Is Conscripted to Harm. westonaprice.
This is the “Part 1” presentation that occurred the day before. - November 11, 2021. Forbidden Knowledge TV. “MIND-BLOWING! Dr David Martin Exposes the ‘The Grehis is at Reset and COVID19 Vaccines’ Agenda,” Friday, October 22, 2021, session.
Blog, Expert.
This speech includes some of the same material. I am including it because it comes with a transcript. - David Martin. “POSSIBLE COVID-19 ANTITRUST VIOLATIONS: PREPARED FOR: ATTORNEY GENERALS, DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, DOJ, FTC, HHS OIG & MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, et Al.”,
Local copy.
Expert, PDF.
Look here for the laws cited in the “The COVID Treasonous Acts” slide shown at 42:20 in the above video. - Activate Humanity.
Activist. - “Home (2021 Lafayette).” Red Pill Expo.
Conference. - February 12, 2016. Developing MCMs for Coronaviruses. Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities Through Ongoing Public- and Private-Sector Partnerships: Workshop Summary. National Academies Press (US).
National Institutes of Health. - September 19, 2019. “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health.” Executive Order 13887. Executive Office of the President, Donald J. Trump.
Government. - December 4, 2019. Anthony S Fauci. “The Role of the National Institutes of Health in Research Addressing Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza.” House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Government, PDF. - December 14, 2021. Stew Peters with David Martin. A COVID DEATH CULT! Stew Peters & Dr David Martin! They Want To Be GODS, Secret Military Death Jabs! James Red Pills America. Runtime: 47:25.
- August 10, 2020. Barbara Loe Fisher and Rishma Parpia. “2005 PREP Act and 1986 Act Shield Vaccine Manufacturers from Liability.” The Vaccine Reaction.
Activist, Organization. - January 8, 1934. HOME BUILDING & LOAN ASS’N v. BLAISDELL et ux. LII / Legal Information Institute. U.S Supreme Court.
University. - October 13, 2020. Whitney Webb. “Operation Warp Speed Using CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep COVID-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret.” Children’s Health Defense.
Activist. - “ANSER – Public Service Public Trust. Informing Decisions That Shape the Nation’s Future.” ANSER.
Business. - “Advanced Technology International.” ATI | Advanced Technology International.
Business. - “Market & Consumer Research and Strategy.” Fors Marsh Group.
Business. - Palantir.
Business. - “Gotham: The Operating System for Global Decision Making.” Palantir.
Business. - “Digital-First, Customer-Centered Business Transformation.” Publicis Sapient.
Business. - Fully Live Academy.
Presentation. - October 1, 2021. Emily Moyer with David Martin. Closing The Loop w/ David Martin. Emily Moyer.
This video has notes and links in the description. - December 6, 2021. Sarah Westall with Dave Janda. Time to Call It What It Is: Mass Murder – with Dr. Dave Janda. Sarah Westall – Business Game Changers. Runtime: 24:24.
Video. - February 4, 2022. Craig Schulze with David Martin. Dr. David Martin Exposes The Entire Plandemic, A Criminal Conspiracy To Harm, Maim & Kill Humans. Step out The Matrix. Runtime: 49:02.
See also, on this site:
- Fraud vitiates everything: UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON
- Dr. David Martin publishes document to send to your state attorney general
- Dr. David Martin suggests laws to use in your defense
- No liability shield, no jabs
- “Request for Investigation” submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC)
- Poland begins criminal investigation of the COVID crisis
- Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Dr David Martin – CDC Patent Fraud
- National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (USA)
- Pres. George W. Bush signs the PREP Act
I feel like I’ve just kicked over an ant hill with this one. There is so much here. The information found in this video will be further expanded over the next several days. I am hoping to find a transcript as well. Some of the source links may be moved to their own event posts. If that happens, the new posts will be listed in the “See also, on this site” section.