This is potential proof of danger from shedding of spike proteins from jabbed people.
The Pfizer study protocol for the COVID-19 inoculations recognizes the shedding risk.
For the unvaccinated age group 0-14, most associations between mortality and vaccination in adults are positive (among 39 r values with unadjusted two-tailed P < 0.05, 32 are positive and 7 are negative r’s). This tendency for positive correlations increases from the week of vaccination until week 18 after vaccination, then disappears. It indicates indirect adverse effects of adult vaccination on mortality of children of ages 0-14 during the first 18 weeks after vaccination.
In other words, it would appear that jabbed people are a danger to those around them for about 18 weeks.
Data for this study came from VAERS and similar European databases. The authors of the study estimate that the VAERS data is underreported by a factor of 20.
- October 26, 2021. Spiro Pantazatos, and Herve Seligmann. COVID Vaccination and Age-Stratified All-Cause Mortality Risk.
Research Journal.
Karen Kingston mentioned a later date for this study, but I was not able to find the study from a later date. The later version might be peer-reviewed, but I do not know that for sure. - December 21, 2021. Stew Peters with Karen Kingston. “CDC Admits Vaxxed Parents Killing Unvaxxed Kids! The Danger Is Real!” Red Voice Media. Runtime of embedded video: 11:18.
- August 2015. “Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products – Guidance for Industry.” US Food & Drug Administration.
Food & Drug Administration, PDF.
This document applies because the COVID-19 inoculations are gene therapies. - September 7, 2021. Abdul Alim Muhammad and others. Dr Abdul Alim Muhammad on Spike Proteins (Prions). FreeAustralia. Runtime: 11:34.
General Website Link.
This risk may apply to dogs as well. I know of a 2-year-old dog that was diagnosed with the thrombosis/thrombocytopenia combination. This combination is considered to be rare, but it is being found in recipients of the inoculations. Everyone in the dog’s family is vaxxed. Coincidence? Fortunately, the dog appears to be recovering.