Pandemic Timeline

Pfizer Announces Phase 2/3 Study of Oral Antiviral Candidate

If successful, PF-07321332/ritonavir has the potential to address a significant unmet medical need, providing patients with a novel oral therapy that could be prescribed at the first sign of infection, without requiring hospitalization.

I find it dishonest of them to say that they are “addressing a significant unmet medical need.” They say this as if there are no other treatments out there. That simply is not true. Even their vaccine Emergency Use Authorization recognized that other protocols exist, though the elements of those protocols have not been specifically approved to treat COVID-19. Go check for yourself. Protocols utilizing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been available for a while. If the need is unmet, it is because doctors refuse to prescribe or for some reason cannot prescribe these existing drugs.

So now that PF-07321332/ritonavir has gone into Phase 2/3, will we now find that this experimental drug becomes part of the CDC protocol while the already FDA approved and generally recognized as safe WHO essential medicines, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, continue to be discouraged?  Instead, we will have yet another experimental medication forced on us?  Does anyone else see the pattern here? Are they going after patents at the expense of our health?



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