Warning: It’s going to get “adult” in here, possibly NSFW.
My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles became swollen. His friend was weeks away from getting married, now the girl called off the wedding. So just pray on it & make sure you’re comfortable with ur decision, not bullied
As a result of the tweet, Nicki Minaj fans went to CDC headquarters in Atlanta to protest the vaccine mandates. The Atlanta protesters were claiming that the CDC is lying about vaccine efficacy and that Minaj is spreading the truth. “We are here because the CDC has been lying to us for so long,” a Minaj fan said. “We should all question this vaccine!” The fans were chanting, “Nicki Minaj told me the truth. Fauci lied to me.”
The friend’s adverse event should not be such a surprising reaction. The biodistribution report out of Japan did tell us that the artificial mRNA was going throughout the body and had a preference for reproductive tissue. The media tried to tell us that the doctor who shared that information with us was just a conspiracy theorist, but this was information given by the manufacturer to a government health agency.
”We know that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and they don’t affect men or women’s fertility,” CDC Scientist and Misinformation expert Dr. Neetu said.
The CDC should also have received the same report that was provided to Japan. The CDC should know that the artificial mRNA travels to fertility organs. Further, the CDC should have heard about menstrual complaints from women who had been exposed to jab recipients. And if Dr. Neetu knew about these, then his statement is a LIE. In this statement, the CDC exposes its willingness to lie about these jabs.
And now Nicki Minaj has put together a music video about the event.

This is the tweet that woke up a LOT of people.

Oh, please. It’s Twitter! Nothing is private.

This is a reply to a reaction to the original tweet. Brian Jimenez got it wrong. It was the cousin’s friend, not the cousin, but the pic was too funny to pass up. The pic is from an episode of South Park.
Guardian Media Limited released a statement denouncing the “intimidation of journalists” after a CNC3 reporter was “subjected to a range of attacks via social media, including death threats.”
It looks to me like the reporter intimidated Nicki Minaj first, and the response was deserved.
- September 13, 2021. Nicki Minaj. “My Cousin in Trinidad Won’t Get the Vaccine Cuz His Friend Got It & Became Impotent. His Testicles Became Swollen. His Friend Was Weeks Away from Getting Married, Now the Girl Called off the Wedding. So Just Pray on It & Make Sure You’re Comfortable with Ur Decision, Not Bullied.” Tweet. @NICKIMINAJ.
Social Media. - September 14, 2021. Nicki Minaj. “Omfg. My #cousin Who Has #TheFriend Just Texted Me Telling Me to Call Him. *Bites Nails* Ugh! You Idiots!!! If He Saw This on the News It’s All Your Fault!!! It Was Supposed to Be a Secret 🤐🥴😫. If Either of Them Ask, u Ain’t Heard It from Me. Okay? *stares @ Text 😭😂.” Tweet. @NICKIMINAJ.
Social Media. - September 14, 2021. Nicki Minaj. “PLSSSS 🥴.” Tweet. @NICKIMINAJ.
Social Media. - September 15, 2021. Nicki Minaj. “I Never Cited That as a Reason I Didn’t Get Vaccinated. The Lie Is so Funny/Entertaining Tho. I’d Say Smthng Mean to This Lady but I Rlly like Stephen Colbert. 😅 #SuperBalls.” Tweet. @NICKIMINAJ.
Social Media.
This is the one with the music video on it. - September 15, 2021. Stew Peters with DeAnna Lorraine. “Nicki Minaj EXPLODES Internet, Reveals Vaccine Injury!” Red Voice Media, The Stew Peters Show. Runtime of embedded video: 8:51.
News, Video. - September 15, 2021. “Nicki Minaj Tweet Sparks Local Vaccine Protest.” CBS 46. Runtime of embedded video: 3:09.
News, Video. - September 15, 2021. Cassandra Fairbanks. “Nicki Minaj Says She Was Locked Out of Twitter Shortly After Sharing Tucker Carlson Clip (VIDEO).” Gateway Pundit. Runtime of embedded video: 0:35.
News, Video. - September 16, 2021. Stew Peters with DeAnna Lorraine. “Nicki Minaj DOUBLES DOWN, Fights Off Communist Attacks.” Red Voice Media, The Stew Peters Show. Runtime of embedded video: 11:38.
News, Video. - September 16, 2021. Jim Hoft. “White House Offers Nicki Minaj ‘Educational’ Phone Call to Set Her Straight on Appropriate Thinking under the Regime.” Gateway Pundit.
News. - September 17, 2021. Wayne Dupree. “‘It’s a Sad Day in America’ – Randy Jackson Joins Nicki Minaj in Condemning Vaccine Bullies.” Red Voice Media.
News. - September 17, 2021. David Ng. “Rap Star Nicki Minaj Rebels Against Democrat Party Control of Black People: ‘Don’t Tell Me I Can’t Agree with a Republican.’” Breitbart.
News. - September 17, 2021. Cassandra Fairbanks. “WOW: Nicki Minaj Fans Protest Outside CDC HQ in Atlanta, Chant ‘Fauci Lied to Me!’ (VIDEO).” The Gateway Pundit. Multiple videos embedded.
News. - September 17, 2021. Blake Montgomery. “Nicki Minaj Sics Her Fans on Reporters.” The Daily Beast.
News. - September 24, 2021. Stew Peters with DeAnna Lorraine. “Nicki Minaj Fans Invite Trump Supporters to Join CDC Protests!” Red Voice Media, The Stew Peters Show. Runtime of embedded video: 7:48.
News, Video.

See also, on this site:
Japan shares biodistribution study of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
Reports came in. Let’s crunch some numbers!
Vaccinated people who die within 14 days of being jabbed are counted as unvaccinated
Did people wake up when a few people got severe shakes? No. Did people wake up when young healthy people began having heart attacks? Somewhat. Did people wake up when someone became impotent, with swollen balls? YES! Well, now we know what people care about. At least they are waking up!