I am still working on setting up these links as events on the timeline. But since some of you really need this information now, I’m making it available now. There is going to be considerable shifting of information as I work on setting up the timeline. All of the fully decorated links will be kept, but they may be moved to other posts. The easiest way to find them will be to click the “PCR test” tag at the bottom of the post. So far, this is the most important information that has been moved into its own post: PCR test results create false alarm at a hospital.
Proverbs 20:10 (CEV)
Two things the Lord hates
are dishonest scales
and dishonest measures.
- “Bible Gateway Passage: Proverbs 20:10 – Contemporary English Version.” Bible Gateway.
- February 26, 2022. THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL – PART 21 The Untold Truth about Nose Swabs. FallCabal.
According to the video, probing into that red danger zone can result in serious injury or even death.How many test administrators know how to aim the swab properly?
- The Fall of the Cabal.
General Website Link. - February 2002. Kary Mullis. Play! Experiment! Discover! TED. Runtime: 29:13.
Presentation, Video. - October 25, 2020. Kary Mullis. Kary Mullis Discusses the PCR Test. J Wilderness.
Video. - “Kary Mullis.” In Wikipedia.
Reference. - January 23, 2020. Victor M. Corman, Olfert Landt, Marco Kaiser, Richard Molenkamp, Adam Meijer, Daniel KW Chu, Tobias Bleicker, Sebastian Brünink, Julia Schneider, Marie Luisa Schmidt, Daphne G. J. C. Mulders, Bart L. Haagmans, Bas van der Veer, Sharon van den Brink, Lisa Wijsman, Gabriel Goderski, Jean-Louis Romette, Joanna Ellis, Maria Zambon, Malik Peiris, Herman Goossens, Chantal Reusken, Marion P. G. Koopmans, and Christian Drosten. “Detection of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-NCoV) by Real-Time RT-PCR.” Eurosurveillance 25 (3): 2000045.
Research Journal. - February 11, 2020. “Research Use Only: 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-NCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Primers and Probes.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. - February 11, 2020. “Interim Guidance for Use of Pooling Procedures in SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic and Screening Testing.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Pooled testing means that they get to combine your test sample in with several others before they test it. So the positive from this test on which legal decisions could be based might actually be from Joe down the street. - August 24, 2020. “Pooled Sample Testing and Screening Testing for COVID-19.” Center for Devices and Radiological Health, US Food & Drug Administration.
Food & Drug Administration. - September 21, 2020. Kristin S Held. “COVID-19 Statistics and Facts: Meaningful or a Means of Manipulation?” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 25 (3): 3.
Research Journal, PDF. - September 22, 2020. Wouter De Heij. What Kary Mullis Says about PCR Testing – Some Take Away Lessons for #COVID19? Runtime: 3:56.
Video. - September 28, 2020. Andrew N. Cohen, Bruce Kessel, and Michael G. Milgroom. “Diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 Infection: The Danger of over-Reliance on Positive Test Results.”
Research Journal. - October 7, 2020. “COVID-19: Do We Have a Coronavirus Pandemic, or a PCR Test Pandemic?” AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Doctor Organization. - December 1, 2020. Jennifer Abrams. “What Is This ‘CT’ (Cycle Threshold) Count in COVID Testing, and Why Is It Important?” The Village Doctor.
Blog. - August 20, 2021. Corona Ausschuss – Ausweichkanal. Sitzung 66: Kettenreaktion. Runtime: 6:31:35.
Video, Expert.
Reiner Fuellmich conducted an English-language interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon beginning at 4:40:45. The gist of what was said is that: 1) The PCR testing was a complete fraud. 2) The vast majority of those who allegedly died of COVID-19 in 2020 actually died of something else. 3) There are indications that this whole thing was planned for a nefarious purpose. 4) The lipid technology used to wrap the mRNA in the inoculations is not fit for use in the general population.
Note: When a clip video of this interview becomes available, I will replace this link with the link for the clip. - March 21, 2020. Jason Hommel. “Scientists Say the COVID19 Test Kits Do Not Work, Are Worthless, and Give Impossible Results.” RevealingFraud.Com — Telling Truth Ends up Revealing Fraud.
Blog. - https://davidicke.com/2021/01/25/secret-file-on-christian-drosten-the-german-virologist-who-is-responsible-for-the-pcr-test-covid-protocol-that-has-been-producing-fake-positives-fake-cases-across-the-world-since-janua/
- https://seemorerocks.is/christian-drosten-the-fraud-behind-covid-19-pcr-testing/
- https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/inventor-of-covid-test-calls-fauci-a-liar-says-it-doesnt-tell-you-that-youre-sick/
- https://truthinplainsight.com/coronavirus-the-truth-about-pcr-test-kit-from-the-inventor-and-other-experts/
- https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/blog/coronavirus-hoax-jan-2020
- https://uncoverdc.com/2020/04/07/was-the-covid-19-test-meant-to-detect-a-virus/
- “Polymerase Chain Reaction: Making DNA Accessible.” Dr. Kary Banks Mullis.
Blog. - June 6, 2021. Pascal Sacré. “The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a ‘Test’ To Lock Down Society.” Global Research.
News. - September 6, 2021. Michel Chossudovsky. “The WHO Confirms That the Covid-19 PCR Test Is Flawed: Estimates of ‘Positive Cases’ Are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis.” Global Research.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/nucleic-acid-testing-technologies-use-polymerase-chain-reaction-pcr-detection-sars-cov-2/5739959. - June 17, 2021. Peter Koenig. “Does the PCR Test Affect the Pineal Gland? Humans and ‘Transhumans’. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.” Global Research.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/does-the-pcr-test-affect-the-pineal-gland-humans-and-transhumans-dr-astrid-stuckelberger/5747390. - December 21, 2021. Stew Peters with Karen Kingston. “CDC Admits Vaxxed Parents Killing Unvaxxed Kids! The Danger Is Real!” Red Voice Media. Runtime of embedded video: 11:18.
A report about PCR tests begins at 7:30. - October 28, 2021. Kary B. Mullis and Gary Null. “Video: Dr. Kary B. Mullis. ‘No Infection or Illness Can Be Accurately Diagnosed with the PCR Test.’” Global Research. Runtime of embedded video: 1:56:49.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/kary-b-mullis-no-infection-illness-can-accurately-diagnosed-pcr/5757224. - January 4, 2022. Ethan Huff. “CDC Admits PCR Tests Are a Fraud… so What about the Last Two Years, Then?” Natural News.
https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-01-04-cdc-admits-pcr-tests-fraud.html. - October 1, 2020. Rebecca Ann Hughes. “Nose Injuries And Trauma: Should Italy’s Schoolchildren Undergo Regular COVID Swab Tests?” Forbes.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/rebeccahughes/2020/10/01/nose-injuries-and-trauma-should-schoolchildren-undergo-regular-covid-swab-tests/. - June 19, 2021. Stew Peters Show. “Medical Doctor Uncovers Connection Between Companies Making Magnetic Injection Particles and PCR Tests.” Red Voice Media. Runtime of embedded video: 45:50.
https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/06/medical-doctor-uncovers-connection-between-companies-making-magnetic-injection-particles-and-pcr-tests/. - January 24, 2021. Jefferey Jaxen. “Lower Cases Imminent As WHO Drops The Charade Of Erroneous PCR Test Protocol.” The HighWire.
https://thehighwire.com/editorial/lower-cases-imminent-as-who-drops-the-charade-of-erroneous-pcr-test-protocol/. - January 12, 2021. Sam Bailey. The Truth About PCR Tests. Dr. Sam Bailey.
https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/the-truth-about-pcr-tests:6. - https://aapsonline.org/covid-19-do-we-have-a-coronavirus-pandemic-or-a-pcr-test-pandemic/
- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/lab/rt-pcr-panel-primer-probes.html
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/xc82zNl4aoLd/
They talk about pooled testing in this video. - https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-rt-pcr-how-to-mislead-all-humanity-using-a-test-to-lock-down-society/5728483
- https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/stacey-lennox/2020/08/27/finally-the-cdc-publishes-covid-19-testing-guidance-that-makes-sense-n853342
- https://wearechange.org/right-on-cue-for-biden-who-admits-high-cycle-pcr-tests-produce-covid-false-positives/
- https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2021/01/27/who-lowers-cycle-thresholds-for-pcr-tests/
- https://thevaccinereaction.org/2020/09/coronavirus-cases-plummet-when-pcr-tests-are-adjusted/
- https://thecoloradoherald.com/2021/who-lowers-pcr-cycle-count-causing-less-positives-on-the-day-biden-becomes-president/
- https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/pcr-testing-scam-technique-cannot-be-used-to-detect-viruses.html
- https://humansarefree.com/2021/05/sweden-pcr-tests-determine-contagious.html
- https://truthinplainsight.com/coronavirus-the-truth-about-pcr-test-kit-from-the-inventor-and-other-experts/
- http://virusmyth.com/aids/hiv/cfmullis.htm
- https://patrickherbert.org/2020/12/31/kary-mullis-anthony-fauci-and-the-pcr-testing-fraud/
- https://www.karymullis.com/pcr.shtml
- April 6, 2020. Fauxlex. “BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence Is Found in All Human DNA.” Piece of Mindful.
General Website Link.
Cited in video 3YCgmyu6eK0U. - July 21, 2021. “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-NCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel: Instructions for Use.” CDC-006-00019, Revision: 07. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Food & Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. - https://www.nutritruth.org/single-post/covid-pcr-test-swabs-are-as-dangerous-as-inhaling-asbestos
- August 14, 2022. Tim Brown. “Now They Tell You! Mockingbird Media Confirms PCR Tests Were Laced with Poisonous Chemical Sodium Azide (Video).” Sons of Liberty Media.
General Website Link. - August 14, 2022. Mockingbird Media Confirmed PCR Tests Were Laced with Poisonous Chemical Sodium Azide. SettingBrushfires. Runtime: 2:06.
Video. - https://www.ournewearthnews.com/patent-pcr-test-linked-to-human-cloning-proof-on-nih-web-site/