Pandemic Timeline

Tag: PCR test

Kary Mullis is awarded the The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993 was awarded “for contributions to the developments of methods within DNA-based chemistry” jointly with one half to Kary B. Mullis “for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method” and with one half to Michael Smith “for his fundamental contributions to the establishment of oligonucleotide-based, site-directed mutagenesis and…

PCR test results create false alarm at a hospital

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center thought it had an outbreak of whooping cough.  Nearly 1,000 staff members were given a PCR test.  142 of them came back positive. Later, more definitive testing was done.  Not a single case of whooping cough was confirmed with the definitive test. Instead, it appears that the staff probably had ordinary respiratory…

Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee Foundation): Conclusions

Reiner Fuellmich is the leader of Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee Foundation). The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020. Their conclusions are the following:  The corona crisis must be renamed the “Corona Scandal” It is: The biggest tort case ever The…

PCR tests

I am still working on setting up these links as events on the timeline.  But since some of you really need this information now, I’m making it available now.  There is going to be considerable shifting of information as I work on setting up the timeline.  All of the fully decorated links will be kept,…