The above image is from an internal presentation at the CDC that was widely distributed. Note that as the percentage of vaccinated people who are hospitalized goes up, the death rate among them goes up even more.
The war has changed. … Breakthrough infections may be as transmissible as unvaccinated cases.
The problem is that vaccinated people also appear more likely to be asymptomatic, which means they don’t know they’re infectious. As they continue moving around the world, they are spreading the disease, where non-vaxx are much more likely to be symptomatic when infectious. Symptomatic people usually get tested and stay home, so they don’t spread the virus nearly as much. So.
— ☕️ Coffee & Covid 🦠
Along with vaccination, the CDC recommends the following:
Among strategies to prevent COVID-19, CDC recommends all unvaccinated persons wear masks in public indoor settings. Based on emerging evidence on the Delta variant, CDC also recommends that fully vaccinated persons wear masks in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission. Fully vaccinated persons might consider wearing a mask in public indoor settings, regardless of transmission level, if they or someone in their household is immunocompromised or is at increased risk for severe disease, or if someone in their household is unvaccinated (including children aged <12 years who are currently ineligible for vaccination).
- July 30, 2021. Athalia Christie. “Guidance for Implementing COVID-19 Prevention Strategies in the Context of Varying Community Transmission Levels and Vaccination Coverage.” MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 70.
Research Journal. - July 29, 2021. Yasmeen Abutaleb, Carolyn Y. Johnson, and Joel Achenbach. “‘The War Has Changed’: Internal CDC Document Urges New Messaging, Warns Delta Infections Likely More Severe.” Washington Post.
News. - July 29, 2021. “Improving Communications around Vaccine Breakthrough and Vaccine Effectiveness.” Presentation slides. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Government, Presentation, PDF.
This is the internal document that has been so controversial. It’s a slide presentation. - July 30, 2021. Lindsey Tanner, Mike Stobbe, and Philip Marcelo. “CDC Study Says Vaccinated People Carry Same Amount of COVID as Unvaccinated.” Las Vegas Review-Journal.
News. - August 5, 2021. Jane Ruby. Medical Whistleblower Reveals Hospitals Are Filled By Vaccine Injured. War Room.
Video. - July 30, 2021. Megan Redshaw. “CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed, as Reports of Serious Injuries After Vaccines Surge.” Children’s Health Defense.
Activist. - September 7, 2021. Jeff Childers. “☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Tuesday, September 7, 2021 ☙ Charlie Brown 🦠.” ☕️ Coffee & Covid 🦠.
Law, Blog.
- July 21, 2021. Sara Reardon. “How the Delta Variant Achieves Its Ultrafast Spread.” Nature.
Research Journal.
See also, on this site:
- WHO Chief Scientist charged with causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin.
- Time Magazine: The vaccines don’t prevent infection or spread.
- Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
- Whistleblower Testimony: 45,000 Deaths Caused by the COVID-19 Vaccines
- Report: fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported to the VAERS.
- Most important video in your lifetime? Geert Bosshe urges the world – stop COVID vaccines catastrophe
- Pro-vaccine expert Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP and CSO for Pfizer, warns of COVID vaccine dangers.
- The CDC changes case identification policies for the vaccinated
- Funeral directors tell their stories
As for the next slide, I challenge its veracity and relevance on these counts:
As you might guess, I don’t completely agree with the stated conclusions in the weekly report. It would be a disservice to you, the reader, to not share the information I have; that knowledge could save your life.
India unwittingly provided test and control to show that ivermectin is valuable in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Vaccines are not the only option, and they may not be the safest option, in my opinion. I am not suggesting that you go unprotected. I believe that would be a very bad idea. But your method of protection does not need to be a jab.
Plus, as the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier told us, the vaccines provide environmental pressure to force variation of the original virus. He as well as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Michael Yeadon have stated that vaccinating in the midst of a pandemic is a recipe for disaster for this reason. These three top experts are pro-vaccine, but they are saying that we need to be smart about their use.
As of this writing, OpenVAERS is showing 12,366 deaths following COVID vaccination. This is more than all other recorded deaths in VAERS combined in the entire history of VAERS. And these are just the recorded deaths. Studies into VAERS show an extremely low usage rate for the system. There are indications that some short- and medium-term adverse events are not being properly recognized or recorded, and we have no way of knowing the long-term risks because that testing has not been completed yet in the rush to get the vaccines to market.
How many deaths must we tolerate before we say, “These vaccines are a really bad idea. Let’s halt them immediately!”
However, I do believe that masking and distancing are still good ideas; and in saying so, it is in the hope that these measures are at least somewhat effective. My endorsement of masking and social distancing is due to concerns about shedding. Now that so many people are vaccinated, there are far more vectors for infection. We’ve already been told that vaccination does not reduce infection or spread. However, vaccination does reduce symptoms. So it is now possible that not only are the vaccinated allegedly shedding spike proteins that can harm others, but they may be mildly ill with COVID-19 and not realize it, and thus going about their business as if they are well.