Leviticus 17:11 (ESV)
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.
- “Bible Gateway Passage: Leviticus 17:11 – English Standard Version.” Bible Gateway.
Researchers have found a number of strange anomalies in blood of COVID-19 jab recipients, including spiking of platelets and general deformation, blood in rouleau formation (appearance of being stacked like coins), clotting (thrombosis) and low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia), and inability of blood cells to properly oxygenate. The deformation and rouleau effects seem to be fairly universal. All of these conditions can impact the blood’s ability to deliver oxygen to the body. Dr. Charles Hoffe reported that 62% of his patients show evidence of micro-clots within one week of vaccination. Micro-clots cannot be seen in imaging, but a D-dimer test can detect this condition. The combination of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia is considered to be rare. The CDC published a Health Alert about the combination of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia occurring in recipients of COVID-19 jabs.
I have since learned that this is not just speculation. Dr. Zandré Botha has seen these blood changes in all of her jabbed patients.
- December 6, 2021. Stew Peters with Zandré Botha. Dr. Zandre Botha Joins Stew Peters: Treatment For Vaxx Victims, Sees Major Improvement in Blood. freedomisall. Runtime: 13:48.
The images below show healthy blood and post-vaccine blood as seen under a microscope. Please refer to the caption below each image for descriptions of the images.

Unvaccinated blood – Sarah Westall

Blood 20 minutes after mRNA vaccine – Sarah Westall

Blood one month after mRNA vaccine – Sarah Westall

Blood – The Stew Peters Show

Figure 24 from Robert Young: “The Corona Effect” on red blood cells and the Endogenous Creation of Exosomes Due to Chemical and Radiation Poisoning of the Vascular and the Interstitial fluids of the Interstitium.

Figure 25 from Robert Young: Shows “The Corona Effect” on red blood cells and the the Endogenous Birth of S1 Protein Spikes Caused by Radiation and Chemical Poisoning or What I Call The “Protein Spiking Effect”
For comparison, here are some blood tests done in the 30s. Notice how much the dead and dying blood cells resemble the vaccinated blood in the above images.

These slides show the results of the Reich blood test. The sample on the left is the one that was inside the orgone accumulator box. The rate of cell death and decay is 5%. The sample on the right is the one that was not in the orgone accumulator box. The rate of decay is 50 %. Clearly, the orgone energy is doing something to help preserve the life force and health of the blood. SGT Report.

Blood images from Dr. Axel Bolland, from press conference with Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Dr. Walter Lang, and Dr. Werner Bergholz

Unverified. Posted as a comment on Dr. Jane Ruby’s Telegram. See next photo, which gives some credence to this Telegram comment being true.

The Dr. Richard Fleming video from October 28, 2021, showed that blood from jabbed people may not oxygenate properly. This report give credence to dark blood coming from jabbed donors, as shown above in the blood bank photo.
- June 17, 2021. Sarah Westall – Business Game Changers. Vetted Images – Blood Before and After the MRNA COVID “Vaccine” Shot. Runtime: 5:04.
Video, Photo. - August 13, 2021. Stew Peters with Jane Ruby. Dr Jane Ruby Tells Us about Graphene Contaminated Blood on the Stew Peters Show. PiratePete.
Video, Photo. - August 16, 2021. Vaccine & Blood Analysis Under Microscope Presented By Independent Researches, Lawyers & Doctor. Tim Truth. German with English subtitles. Runtime: 16:58.
Video, Photo. - August 24, 2021. More Vaccine Bloodwork: Blood Cells Reportedly Clotting After Vaccine #ClotShot #Nuremberg2. Tim Truth. Runtime: 2:06.
Video, Photo. - August 25, 2021. Clot Shot: Blood of the Vaccinated “Not Normal.” Millxnnial Channel.
Video, Photo.
WARNING: The final scene of this video is extremely graphic. It shows the dissection of a human brain, revealing massive blood clots several inches long. - September 22, 2021. Arne Burkhardt, Walter Lang, and Werner Bergholz. Cause of Death after COVID-19 Vaccination & Undeclared Components of the COVID-19 Vaccines. @en.
Video, Expert, Photo.
This video has a translator voiceover. - August 20, 2021. Robert O. Young. “Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines.” Dr. Robert Young.
Blog, Photo.
This one also contains photos of blood, shown above. - September 16, 2021. Ki Song. “Telegram: Contact @DrJaneRuby.”
Social Media, Expert, Photo. - September 8, 2021. HopeGirl. “Graphene Oxide, 5G and Covid Presentation and Notes on SGT Report.” FIX THE WORLD PROJECT MOROCCO.
Blog, Video. - May 12, 2021. Tom Shimabukuro. “Update: Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) Following COVID-19 Vaccination.” Presentation slides. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Presentation, PDF. - April 13, 2021. “Cases of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia after Receipt of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine.” Health Alert Network (HAN), CDCHAN-00442. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Health Alert Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“This is an official CDC Health Alert.” This health alert includes special instructions for testing and treating patients with combined thrombosis and thrombocytopenia. - June 3, 2021. Andreas Greinacher, Thomas Thiele, Theodore E. Warkentin, Karin Weisser, Paul A. Kyrle, and Sabine Eichinger. “Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 NCov-19 Vaccination.” New England Journal of Medicine 384 (22): 2092–2101.
Research Journal.
This is about an AstraZeneca vaccine. - June 3, 2021. Nina H. Schultz, Ingvild H. Sørvoll, Annika E. Michelsen, Ludvig A. Munthe, Fridtjof Lund-Johansen, Maria T. Ahlen, Markus Wiedmann, Anne-Hege Aamodt, Thor H. Skattør, Geir E. Tjønnfjord, and Pål A. Holme. “Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 NCoV-19 Vaccination.” New England Journal of Medicine 384 (22): 2124–30.
Research Journal. - April 6, 2021. “AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine: EMA Finds Possible Link to Very Rare Cases of Unusual Blood Clots with Low Platelets.” European Medicines Agency.
European Medicines Agency. - June 22, 2021. Isaac See, John R. Su, Allison Lale, Emily Jane Woo, Alice Y. Guh, Tom T. Shimabukuro, Michael B. Streiff, Agam K. Rao, Allison P. Wheeler, Suzanne F. Beavers, Anna P. Durbin, Kathryn Edwards, Elaine Miller, Theresa A. Harrington, Adamma Mba-Jonas, Narayan Nair, Duong T. Nguyen, Kawsar R. Talaat, Victor C. Urrutia, Shannon C. Walker, C. Buddy Creech, Thomas A. Clark, Frank DeStefano, and Karen R. Broder. “US Case Reports of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia After Ad26.COV2.S Vaccination, March 2 to April 21, 2021.” JAMA 325 (24): 2448–56.
Research Journal. - May 7, 2021. David K. Shay, Julianne Gee, John R. Su, Tanya R. Myers, Paige Marquez, Ruiling Liu, Bicheng Zhang, Charles Licata, Thomas A. Clark, and Tom T. Shimabukuro. “Safety Monitoring of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, March–April 2021.” MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 70 (May).
Research Journal, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. - October 28, 2021. Owen Shroyer with Richard Fleming. WARNING: Doctor Describes What He Found In Covid Vaccines. War Room With Owen Shroyer. Runtime: 19:50.
News, Video, Expert.
In this video, Dr. Richard Fleming shows what happens when a drop of “vaccine” is added directly to a sample of blood under the microscope. The blood loses its oxygen carrying capacity and starts clotting.
- February 15, 2022. Orwellito. “Dr. Andreas Kalcker on How CDS Helps Reverse Vaccine-Triggered Blood Clotting.” ORWELL CITY.
At this time, experts barely know what the clots are; thus, no one could possibly have a definitive peer-reviewed solution for vaccine-induced clots. Consider this to be a hint toward a possible solution with no guarantees for success.
See also, on this site:
- Doctor confirms micro-clots In the vaccinated
- Doctor shares a treatment protocol for the vaxxed
- Tag: blood clots
The following is not fully vetted. I have yet to find a patent associated with the person mentioned. Interestingly, this story mentions the effect of the vaccines on blood, and the description of effect is consistent with that the above researchers found.
- July 22, 2021. Henry Makow. “How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?” HenryMakow.Com.
After seeing all of the following, it seems to me that blood changes like these are virtually universal. If someone gets a jab, it is almost certain that they will experience some change to the blood.