This is my personal To-Do list.
Since I’ve got such a backlog of research to do, I decided to make public my list of links that I want to investigate. This list is my way of keeping track of links without having too many tabs open in my browser.
Some of these links won’t make it to a timeline post. Links will be deleted from this list as they are moved into timeline posts or deemed not useful. Please see the About page for more information about how I choose links.
In a few cases, I have already decided to use links on this list in a post, but I haven’t figured out yet where to put them. You can easily spot these links because they are fully decorated and have icons associated with them. This way, they are more visible to me. When I’m ready to use them, they’ll be ready to insert into a post.
For the most part, I have not yet fully evaluated the links below; therefore, the items on this list may contain bad information. It is up to your discretion whether to check them out at all. I cannot vouch for them in any way.
Links to Investigate
- June 2021. “Deaths in US Nursing Homes Increased 17% in 2020 amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Compared to the Year before, Study Finds.” STATIONGOSSIP. - June 1, 2021. Bret Weinstein with Pierre Kory. COVID, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century – DarkHorse Podcast with Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein. Bret Weinstein. Runtime: 2:32:22. - June 2, 2021. Omar S. Abu Abed. “Gene Therapy Avenues and COVID-19 Vaccines.” Genes and Immunity, June, 1–5. - June 2, 2021. Shane Trejo. “REVEALED: Dr. Fauci Plotted with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Push COVID-19 Fear Porn Before 2020 Election.” Big League Politics. - June 6, 2021. Jim Hoft. “IT’S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT! Fauci and Top US Doctors Caught! They CONSPIRED to Disqualify Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Treatment — MILLIONS DEAD AS A RESULT.” The Gateway Pundit. - June 7, 2021. Anders Anglesey. “Scientist Who Warned Fauci Covid Could Be ‘Engineered’ Deletes Twitter Account.” Newsweek. - June 7, 2021. “Never Before Released Information Revealed about the Coronavirus.” Sound Health. - June 7, 2021. “Crop Circle Architecture May Provide Anti-Viral Information Against International Pandemic?” Sound Health.
Blog. - June 8, 2021. “COVID-19 | A Look At The Origin And Investigation Of Lab Leak Theory.” Moneycontrol. - June 8, 2021. “Shocker!! Cows Are Vaccinated With a Swab in the Nose – Dr. Lorraine Day Confirms That The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Vaccinating You Through Your Nose Like Cattle Or Goyim- Live Nanotechnology Found in the PCR Swabs Test! Must See Videos!” Before It’s News | People Powered News. - June 9, 2021. Bret Weinstein with Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch. How to Save the World, in Three Easy Steps. Bret Weinstein. Runtime: 3:16:53.,-in-three-easy:0. - June 10, 2021. Paul Crespo. “Inside CCP China’s Secretive Biolab in Wuhan – Ground Zero for COVID-19?” American Defense News. - June 13, 2021. Roger Hodkinson. Urgent Message from Dr. Roger Hodkinson Regarding the Vaccine. TruthVideos1984. - June 14, 2021. Vials & Thugs & Spies, Oh My! Amazing Polly. Runtime: 38:22. - June 14, 2021. Tom Fitton. Fauci-Wuhan Cover-Up? –$826k in Tax Dollars Sent to Wuhan Lab in China! Judicial Watch. Runtime: 6:55. - June 14, 2021. Kali S. Thomas, Wenhan Zhang, David M. Dosa, Paula Carder, Philip Sloane, and Sheryl Zimmerman. “Estimation of Excess Mortality Rates Among US Assisted Living Residents During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” JAMA Network Open 4 (6): e2113411. - June 14, 2021. Tyler Durden. “UK Extends COVID Lockdown By 4 Weeks Over Fears About ‘Delta’ Mutant.” ZeroHedge - June 14, 2021. Jim Hoft. “Wuhan Lab Partner Dr. Ralph Baric Reviewed Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019 – After Scheming in 2018 on How to Make Money from Pandemic.” The Gateway Pundit. - June 14, 2021. Vincent Iannelli. “Christian Eriksen’s Cardiac Arrest Was Not Caused by a COVID Vaccine.” VAXOPEDIA. - June 15, 2021. Asiya Kamber Zaidi, and Puya Dehgani-Mobaraki. “The Mechanisms of Action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An Evidence-Based Clinical Review Article.” The Journal of Antibiotics, June, 1–13.
Research Journal. - June 16, 2021. Bingwen Eugene Fan, Jia Yi Shen, Xin Rong Lim, Tian Ming Tu, Cheng Chieh Ray Chang, Hnin Su Wai Khin, Jasmine Shimin Koh, Jai Prashanth Rao, Soon Lee Lau, Guat Bee Tan, Yew Woon Chia, Kay Yaw Tay, Shahul Hameed, Thirugnanam Umapathi, Kiat Hoe Ong, and Banumukala Madhava Rao Vishnu Prasadl. “Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Post BNT162b2 MRNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Black Swan Event.” American Journal of Hematology 96 (9): E357–61. - June 17, 2021. ian. “A Quote from a Speech by Henry Kissinger. 2009 Courtesy of Danceaway.” Tap News. - June 18, 2021. Joe Martino with Byram Bridle. The Censorship Of Scientists & Doctors Has Gone Too Far | Dr Byram Bridle. Collective Evolution. Runtime: 13:51. - June 18, 2021. “How Many Lives Are Expendable for a 100% Boost in Vaccine Revenue?” TrialSiteNews. - June 18, 2021. Matt Taibbi. “Why Has ‘Ivermectin’ Become a Dirty Word?” Substack newsletter. TK News by Matt Taibbi. - June 18, 2021. Joseph Mercola. “Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ll Never Guess.” Children’s Health Defense.
Activist. - June 18, 2021. Dr. Carrie Madej Goes Full Truth On Jab, “There’s No Off Button” by Stew Peters. Runtime: 22:07. - June 21, 2021. Robert Malone. “MRNA PROOF IN PRINCIPLE VACCINATION EXPERIMENTS FROM THE 1989 PATENTS… LET THAT SINK IN.” Linked In. - June 21, 2021. “MRNA TECH INVENTOR ROBERT MALONE BACKS UP PROF. BYRAM BRIDLE.” Trish Wood Is Critical. Runtime of audio: 2:36:15. - June 21, 2021. Andrew Bryant, Theresa A. Lawrie, Therese Dowswell, Edmund J. Fordham, Scott Mitchell, Sarah R. Hill, and Tony C. Tham. “Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines.” American Journal of Therapeutics 28 (4): e434–60., - June 24, 2021. Kirill Kurevlev. “Congress Calls for Probing Wuhan’s 2019 Military World Games as Alleged COVID-19 ‘Superspreader.’” Sputnik International. - June 22, 2021. Michaéla C. Schippers, and Diana C. Rus. “Optimizing Decision-Making Processes in Times of COVID-19: Using Reflexivity to Counteract Information-Processing Failures.” Frontiers in Psychology 12 (June): 2261. - June 23, 2021. Robert O. Young. “University of Western Australia – NO Record of Isolation or Purification of CoV By Anyone Ever!” Dr. Robert Young. - June 24, 2021. Sakshi Piplani, Puneet Kumar Singh, David A. Winkler, and Nikolai Petrovsky. “In Silico Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein-ACE2 Binding Affinities across Species and Implications for Virus Origin.” Scientific Reports 11 (1): 13063. - June 25, 2021. Del Bigtree with Robert Malone. “MRNA PIONEER RAISES COVID VACCINE CONCERNS.” The HighWire. - June 25, 2021. Stew Peters Show. “Internal Airline Documents Illustrate Risk Of Air Travel With “Vaccinated“ Pilots.” Red Voice Media. Runtime of embedded video: 22:08. - June 25, 2021. “Crimes Against Humanity: UK Government Released 21st Report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines.” Humans Are Free. - June 25, 2021. Mike Adams with Lee Merritt. Dr. Lee Merritt Joins the Health Ranger to Discuss Vaccine MIND CONTROL and Medical MADNESS. Health Ranger Report. Runtime: 1:01:28. - June 26, 2021. Stephen Malthouse with Carrie Madej, Larry Palevsky, Andy Kaufman, Thomas Cowan, and Patrick Phillips. DOCTOR’S PANEL – VACCINE SHEDDING, TRANSMISSION & SOLUTIONS. Vaccine Choice Canada. Runtime: 1:45:54. - June 28, 2021. Nadya Swart. “Natural Immunity vs Covid-19 Vaccine-Induced Immunity – Marc Girardot of PANDA.” Biz News.