The claim was that the ancient retroviral LINE1 elements residing inside the human genome would somehow get activated and cause a retrotranscription of the SARS-CoV2 RNA genome, thus allowing its genomic integration. People once infected with the coronavirus would still produce its genes like the spike protein, which would result in positive PCR tests results labelling these former COVID-19 patients as active virus careers. Who knows, maybe they would even produce a functional virus, all their lives? A very worrisome thought.
- December 13, 2020. Liguo Zhang, Alexsia Richards, Andrew Khalil, Emile Wogram, Haiting Ma, Richard A. Young, and Rudolf Jaenisch. “SARS-CoV-2 RNA Reverse-Transcribed and Integrated into the Human Genome.” bioRxiv.
Research Journal. - May 6, 2021. Liguo Zhang, Alexsia Richards, M. Inmaculada Barrasa, Stephen H. Hughes, Richard A. Young, and Rudolf Jaenisch. “Reverse-Transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA Can Integrate into the Genome of Cultured Human Cells and Can Be Expressed in Patient-Derived Tissues.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (21): e2105968118.
Research Journal. - May 10, 2021. Leonid Schneider. “The Unwanted COVID-19 Preprint of Rudolph Jaenisch.” For Better Science.
General Website Link. - May 13, 2021. Derek Staahl with Rudolf Jaenisch and Davey Smith. In-Depth: Study Suggests COVID-19 Can Alter DNA. ABC 10 News. Runtime: 3:09.,
This should not be surprising. It was already known that viruses can alter DNA.