Pandemic Timeline

Tag: vaccine safety

Dr. Plotkin testifies in a case

In January of 2018, ICAN Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., deposed Dr. Stanley Plotkin, in a family custody case in Michigan. Dr. Plotkin is considered the preeminent global expert on vaccines, having authored the authoritative textbook on the subject, Plotkin’s Vaccines. Watch the full deposition of the man Bill Gates called ‘the last remaining giant…

Dr. Plotkin admits vaccines not adequately tested

Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s leading vaccinologist, and his disciples, have just capitulated. After decades of claiming vaccine safety is robustly studied, they just admitted it is not, neither before nor after licensure. But don’t be fooled – read my stack or this long tweet for details! — Aaron Siri, highlight by curator However, the…