Later, some would try to claim that the COVID-19 outbreak was caused by introduction of 5G frequencies and not a virus. Sources:
This article explores chloroquine use for prophylactic prevention of SARS as well as for treatment and prevention of spread. The testing was done with chloroquine (CQ) on cell cultures. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a variant of CQ. COVID-19 is a SARS-like illness. This article is in the NIH database. Thus we see that a potential treatment…
Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber has created a transistor so small it can be used to penetrate cell membranes and probe their interiors, without disrupting function. The transistor (yellow) sits near the bend in a hairpin-shaped, lipid-coated silicon nanowire. Its scale is similar to that of intra-cellular structures such as organelles (pink and blue…
Austen Heinz of Cambrian Genomics developed a method for laser-printing DNA. The original website had DARPA insignia on it. The company also worked with pharmaceutical companies. Sources: Related: See also, on this site: Austen Heinz files patent 9121825: Methods and apparatuses for MEMs based recovery of sequence verified DNA Austen Heinz found dead of apparent…
December 2020 From the first page: EVIDENCE SUMMARY There are no specific guidelines for use of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines or contraindications to mRNA vaccines. No large trials of any mRNA vaccine have been completed yet.1 The only evidence on safety of mRNA vaccines comes from small phase I and phase II trials of SARS-CoV-2…
More is not always better. The normal dose of HCQ is 200 to 400 mg a day. For purposes of preventing malaria, it may be taken just once a week. Study participants in a study sponsored by the WHO were given more than 2,000 mg to 4,000 mg of HCQ a day. That’s up to…
As of April 2021, four adenovirus vector vaccines for COVID-19 have been authorized in at least one country: The Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine uses the modified chimpanzee adenovirus ChAdOx1 Sputnik V uses human adenovirus serotype 26 for the first shot and serotype 5 for the second. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses serotype 26. Convidecia uses serotype 5. Research article excerpt: During the last months many countries have…
Dr. Richard Fleming presents ‘Event 2021’, a science-based presentation on the COVID-19 pandemic, from the virus, to vaccines, treatments, and the Public Health response. Virtually everything in this presentation is backed by documentation. If you have time for it, this is probably the best information out there on COVID-19. Perhaps you can view it in…