Remdesivir – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 15 Oct 2024 05:01:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Remdesivir – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for Remdesivir Fri, 01 May 2020 00:01:18 +0000 It’s not COVID-19 that’s killing Americans.  It is Remdesivir poisoning causing acute kidney failure, pulmonary edema, flooding their lungs with water and they’re drowning them to death, which is why they’re requiring, supposedly, to vent these people.  And that’s what’s killing these people, is Remdesivir poisoning, not COVID-19.  Now, how do I know this?  Amazingly,…


It’s not COVID-19 that’s killing Americans.  It is Remdesivir poisoning causing acute kidney failure, pulmonary edema, flooding their lungs with water and they’re drowning them to death, which is why they’re requiring, supposedly, to vent these people.  And that’s what’s killing these people, is Remdesivir poisoning, not COVID-19.  Now, how do I know this?  Amazingly, 2.2 million people in 2020 died worldwide from COVID-19.  America and all of its population, including immigrants, illegals — it doesn’t matter — citizens. The total is 4.5% of the entire world’s population is in America, yet, in the entire world where COVID went wild across the globe, there were 550,000 dead Americans.  That’s almost a quarter of entire world’s deaths.  Do you want to know why people in America had the highest death rates from COVID-19, supposedly?  It’s because in May 2020, in the same memo, Anthony Fauci asked our federal government, in May 2020, to buy up the entire stock from Gilead Sciences, of all of their Remdesivir and only treat Americans with it until the end of 2020.  And then he said, at the end of 2020, you can share it with other countries.  We were the only country treating people in ICUs with Remdesivir.  It was already proven to cause acute kidney failure in a combined 31% of all people in that cohort study.  The 23% experienced serious adverse events of multiple organ failure and acute kidney failure.  Another 8% had to be taken off the drug for the same things, but it was just worse, by day 5.  That’s 31% total.  So 550,000 people, a quarter of all the deaths of COVID-19 was achieved by using Remdesivir, a proven deadly treatment.  If I asked you, where did 99% of everybody who died from COVID-19 in America, where did they die?  In ICUs.  What were they doing in ICUs?  They were only [giving] Remdesivir.  That’s the only thing they were allowed to use.  You were actually firing doctors in hospitals using hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, budesonide, whatever else they were using.  So this is how they achieved their agenda.

— Dr. Bryan Ardis

The study performed before the COVID-19 pandemic cited by Dr. Ardis shows that Remdesivir is dangerous.  And yet, Anthony Fauci said that Remdesivir was “safe and effective” when the EUA was issued.  In October 2020, the FDA approved Remdesivir.  From the time Remdesivir was given its EUA until its approval, 400,000 people died.  The other two studies had been completed by then.

Dr. Ardis has been receiving letters from patients who have left the ICU against medical advice, thanks to information about Remdesivir shared by Dr. Ardis.

Given that Anthony Fauci uses the words “safe and effective” to describe Remdesivir, can he be trusted when he uses those words to describe anything else?  Given that the FDA approved this obviously dangerous drug, can we trust any of their other recent drug approvals?  How is “safe and effective” defined by the FDA?



  • Video Expert
    September 19, 2021. David Whited and Stacy Whited with Bryan Ardis. What Is More Dangerous? (COVID-19 or the COVID-19 Hospital Protocols?). Thrivetime Show: Business School without the BS. Runtime: 1:42:57.
    Video, Expert.
  • Expert
    Bryan Ardis. “The Dr. Ardis Show :: A Voice for Truth in the Modern Day.” The Dr. Ardis Show.
  • Research Journal
    December 12, 2019. Sabue Mulangu, Lori E. Dodd, Richard T. Davey, Olivier Tshiani Mbaya, Michael Proschan, Daniel Mukadi, Mariano Lusakibanza Manzo, Didier Nzolo, Antoine Tshomba Oloma, Augustin Ibanda, Rosine Ali, Sinaré Coulibaly, Adam C. Levine, Rebecca Grais, Janet Diaz, H. Clifford Lane, Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, PALM Writing Group; Billy Sivahera, Modet Camara, Richard Kojan, Robert Walker, Bonnie Dighero-Kemp, Huyen Cao, Philippe Mukumbayi, Placide Mbala-Kingebeni, Steve Ahuka, Sarah Albert, Tyler Bonnett, Ian Crozier, Michael Duvenhage, Calvin Proffitt, Marc Teitelbaum, Thomas Moench, Jamila Aboulhab, Kevin Barrett, Kelly Cahill, Katherine Cone, Risa Eckes, Lisa Hensley, Betsey Herpin, Elizabeth Higgs, Julie Ledgerwood, Jerome Pierson, Mary Smolskis, Ydrissa Sow, John Tierney, Sumathi Sivapalasingam, Wendy Holman, Nikki Gettinger, David Vallée, Jacqueline Nordwall, and PALM Consortium Study Team. “A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics.The New England Journal of Medicine 381 (24): 2293–2303.
    Research Journal.
    ZMapp and Remdesivir were eliminated from the study following an interim analysis during the trial for mortality reasons.  Remdesivir was the most dangerous drug in that trial.  This trial did not include a control.  This trial was funded by NIAID.
  • Research Journal
    June 11, 2020. Jonathan Grein, Norio Ohmagari, Daniel Shin, George Diaz, Erika Asperges, Antonella Castagna, Torsten Feldt, Gary Green, Margaret L. Green, François-Xavier Lescure, Emanuele Nicastri, Rentaro Oda, Kikuo Yo, Eugenia Quiros-Roldan, Alex Studemeister, John Redinski, Seema Ahmed, Jorge Bernett, Daniel Chelliah, Danny Chen, Shingo Chihara, Stuart H. Cohen, Jennifer Cunningham, Antonella D’Arminio Monforte, Saad Ismail, Hideaki Kato, Giuseppe Lapadula, Erwan L’Her, Toshitaka Maeno, Sumit Majumder, Marco Massari, Marta Mora-Rillo, Yoshikazu Mutoh, Duc Nguyen, Ewa Verweij, Alexander Zoufaly, Anu O. Osinusi, Adam DeZure, Yang Zhao, Lijie Zhong, Anand Chokkalingam, Emon Elboudwarej, Laura Telep, Leighann Timbs, Ilana Henne, Scott Sellers, Huyen Cao, Susanna K. Tan, Lucinda Winterbourne, Polly Desai, Robertino Mera, Anuj Gaggar, Robert P. Myers, Diana M. Brainard, Richard Childs, Timothy Flanigan. “Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19.The New England Journal of Medicine 382 (24): 2327–36.
    Research Journal.
    31% of patients had serious adverse events.  (23% + 8%)  The most common serious adverse events — multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension — were reported in patients who were receiving invasive ventilation at baseline.
  • Research Journal
    September 2020. Marie Dubert, Benoit Visseaux, Valentina Isernia, Lila Bouadma, Laurène Deconinck, Juliette Patrier, Paul-Henri Wicky, Diane Le Pluart, Laura Kramer, Christophe Rioux, Quentin Le Hingrat, Nadhira Houhou-Fidouh, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Jade Ghosn, Francois-Xavier Lescure. “Case Report Study of the First Five COVID-19 Patients Treated with Remdesivir in France.International Journal of Infectious Diseases: IJID: Official Publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 98 (September): 290–93.
    Research Journal.
    Four of the trial patients had to be removed from the trial early: two because they were heading toward liver failure, and two because they had such severe kidney failure they they required transplants.  Two of the trial patients ultimately died.  France decided that Remdesivir was too dangerous to use in their country.
  • Research Journal
    April 2021. Alexandre O. Gérard, Audrey Laurain, Audrey Fresse, Nadège Parassol, Marine Muzzone, Fanny Rocher, Vincent L. M. Esnault, and Milou-Daniel Drici. “Remdesivir and Acute Renal Failure: A Potential Safety Signal From Disproportionality Analysis of the WHO Safety Database.Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 109 (4): 1021–24.
    Research Journal.


Dangers of dictatorial medicine exposed Mon, 02 Aug 2021 00:00:34 +0000 Sources: Related: See also, on this site: Reiner Fuellmich interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis Dr. Vladimir Zelenko publishes his COVID-19 treatment protocol. French Peer-Reviewed Study: Our Treatment Cured 100% Of Coronavirus Patients Amazing Polly elucidates the difference between “patient based” and “evidence based” health care As I ponder stories like those above, I am struck by…



See also, on this site:

As I ponder stories like those above, I am struck by the dictatorial style of medicine that has invaded our medical system.  Corporate doctors especially seem to be devoid of any intuitive process in their practice of medicine.  This is in stark contrast to the scientific processes of brilliant doctors such as Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and Dr. Didier Raoult as they sought a way to help their patients.

The dictatorial style of medicine is resulting in what appears to be malpractice of medicine as doctors adhere rigidly to dictates coming from distant and local bureaucracies.  These doctors are seemingly controlled by dubious incentives and threats behind the scenes.  These dictates are not science.  This is socialized medicine at its worst.

Anyone thinking that socialized medicine is the way forward needs to carefully consider the stories shared in the videos below.  In a world where people are motivated by the best of altruistic intent, perhaps it could work; but in this world of corruption and greed, socialized medicine fails us miserably.

As Kate Dalley points out, the COVID-19 treatment guidelines appear to be driven by a profit motive for promotion of the vaccines.  Likewise, the experimental drug Remdesivir was reportedly the only drug allowed to be given to hospitalized COVID-19 patients in spite of the danger of kidney failure from the drug.  Dr. Bryan Ardis explains that situation well in his interview with Reiner Fuellmich.  The profit motive is not about saving money for society; rather, it is about filling the coffers of pharmaceutical companies.  When such a profit motive is being driven by government organizations such as the NIH and CDC, this is a serious problem.

Corporate medical systems are also now putting their faith in Epic medical software and saying that their doctors must follow its dictates.  In doing so, the experience, wisdom, and knowledge of these doctors is eliminated from the system.  The patient population does not mind if you consult such a system as this, but they will be greatly disappointed if you dogmatically follow its suggestions without considering whether those suggestions are correct for the patient.  Doctors, remember: Saying “I was just following orders” will not save you when you are held to account.

Meanwhile, brilliant caring doctors have developed effective and inexpensive protocols that have saved many lives.  And yet, the media is vilifying them with incessant “fact checking,” and regulating organizations are threatening their livelihoods.  As Kate Dalley points out, a common excuse for not using the protocols developed by doctors is, “We don’t have enough evidence.”  “That’s just anecdotal evidence; that isn’t science” is a common refrain as they push aside what we see right in front of us.  Never mind that an anecdote is data.  As a member of the AAPS said, “AMA Prefers Death to Treating without Data.”  They may say that they do this to prevent quackery, but at times it seems that they are merely trading one form of quackery for another.  Our medical system is in dire straits.

Ohio judge orders hospital to treat a COVID-19 patient with ivermectin Mon, 23 Aug 2021 00:00:46 +0000 Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ordered West Chester Hospital, part of the University of Cincinnati network, to treat Jeffrey Smith, 51, with Ivermectin. Everyone seems to be missing the fact that the NIH has made ivermectin an acceptable option for use in COVID-19.  In the current climate, that could not have happened without…

Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ordered West Chester Hospital, part of the University of Cincinnati network, to treat Jeffrey Smith, 51, with Ivermectin.

Everyone seems to be missing the fact that the NIH has made ivermectin an acceptable option for use in COVID-19.  In the current climate, that could not have happened without compelling evidence in favor of doing so.  Ivermectin was approved for human use in 1996.  It is not just a veterinary drug, as some seem to want us to believe.  Ivermectin is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines.  Prior to the COVID-19 narrative, ivermectin was considered to be one of the safest drugs available.  Ivermectin is used for prevention as well as treatment in some protocols.

On September 6, Jeffrey Smith was still alive.  The original order was for 14 days and needed to be renewed.  Butler County Judge Michael Oster refused to renew the order.  He is not the same judge as the one who made the original order.

From the renewal case:

Attorneys for the Smiths argued Ivermectin appears to be working on Jeffrey Smith.

“Over the last three days, his vent setting has dropped. Before Ivermectin, his vent setting was at 100%. His vent setting has now dropped to 50%,” said Ralph Lorigo, Smiths’ attorney.

Judge Oster said Jeffrey Smith can be safely moved to a hospital where prescribing physician Dr. Fred Wagshul has privileges if continued use of Ivermectin is desired.  Dr. Fred Wagshul is a pulmonologist in Centerville, Ohio.  Dr. Wagshul practices about half an hour away from the West Chester hospital, so this is a seemingly viable option for the Smiths.

Remdesivir, the only drug currently being used in most hospitals for COVID-19, is NOT FDA approved.  It is available by Emergency Use Authorization only.  Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are both FDA approved and have long track records of safety.

Perhaps it is notable that a “Wrap Up” Smear attempt against Ivermectin took place at about the same time that the renewal case was in process?

The inflammatory nature of the negative reporting in articles about this case goes far to prove an agenda to discredit anything that is not a vaccine in spite of evidence that other options exist.  Pfizer’s Emergency Use Authorization acknowledged that other options existed, but they had not been specifically approved for the treatment of COVID-19.  They used this technicality to push through the approval of the EUA anyway.  It takes time to complete such approvals.  Given the timeframe and apparent motivations, would such approvals have been possible?



See also, on this site:

In memory of Veronica Wolski Mon, 13 Sep 2021 00:00:10 +0000 When Veronica Wolski was admitted to the hospital, she thought she would be taking ivermectin.  She thought she had the agreement of her doctor, but the doctor changed his mind after she was admitted to the hospital.  According to the doctor who would have treated Veronica Wolski had she been released from the hospital, Veronica…


When Veronica Wolski was admitted to the hospital, she thought she would be taking ivermectin.  She thought she had the agreement of her doctor, but the doctor changed his mind after she was admitted to the hospital.  According to the doctor who would have treated Veronica Wolski had she been released from the hospital, Veronica Wolski was denied an IV that would have helped keep her hydrated.

Over the weekend, some of Wolski’s supporters tried to get the hospital to discharge her. A video posted Sunday night to the Telegram channel of right-wing attorney Lin Wood shows him demanding over the phone that the hospital release Wolski to a person holding her medical power of attorney.

“There’s an ambulance waiting for her outside, there’s a medical doctor waiting for her to treat her,” he said. “If you do not release her, you’re going to be guilty of murder. Do you understand what murder is?”

The hospital refused to release her.  Veronica Wolski died in the morning.

Had Veronica Wolski been allowed the treatment she was expecting when she entered the hospital, she might have lived.  Did the hospital administrators prefer to rack up yet another “unvaccinated” COVID-19 death than to actually help their patient?  If so, then the charge of murder is fitting and should be sought.

On a legal note, Dr. Jane Ruby says anyone is allowed to leave a hospital against medical advice upon providing appropriate paperwork.  This case illustrates why it is important to appoint a representative to make your medical and legal decisions for you while you are in a hospital.  (COVID-19 patients on ventilators are sedated and not conscious, and thus cannot make these decisions for themselves.)

Meanwhile, hospitals are closing services due to nurses refusing mandated jabs.



  • News Video
    September 17, 2021. Stew Peters with Steve. “Hospital Administrator: Lots of People Will Die – Doctors BANNED From HCQ/IVM.” Red Voice Media, The Stew Peters Show. Runtime of embedded video: 14:52.
    News, Video.
    We now have some idea where doctors are getting their orders.  Doctors are being threatened.
  • Video
    September 3, 2021. HOW NOT TO BE MURDERED BY THE PROTOCOLS — Robert Beadles. SGT Report. Runtime: 50:35.
  • News Video
    September 17, 2021. Stew Peters with Jane Ruby. “Feds Seize Monoclonal Antibodies! Life-Saving Treatments BANNED!” Red Voice Media, The Stew Peters Show. Runtime of embedded video: 10:25.
    News, Video.
    Dr. Jane Ruby: “A number of federal agencies are really acting like an organized crime syndicate.” … Stew Peters: “Just think about what you are saying.  I mean, really take a minute to digest this.  Everything that is working is being criminalized.  And the things that are killing people are being mandated.  The shots.  The remdesivir.  The ventilators.  These are the protocols that…  Everybody is being funneled into a death chamber.”

See also, on this site:

Amazing Polly elucidates the difference between “patient based” and “evidence based” health care Fri, 17 Sep 2021 00:00:24 +0000 This was enough of a revelation to warrant its own post, plus I include another factor in the limitation of health care we are seeing with COVID-19. Probably the most important thing to know is that in many cases, your general practitioner does not write the orders for your care while you are in ICU. …

This was enough of a revelation to warrant its own post, plus I include another factor in the limitation of health care we are seeing with COVID-19.

Probably the most important thing to know is that in many cases, your general practitioner does not write the orders for your care while you are in ICU.  Orders are written by the “intensivist” who runs that ICU.  And so it is noteworthy that COVID wards in the hospitals are designated as ICU wards.  Your general practitioner likely has no control over what happens to you in a COVID ward.  ICU wards are governed by computer statistical models.  There is seemingly no allowance for intuition in the process.

Slide from Dr. Jay Doucet’s presentation

Dr. Jay Doucet claims that closed ICUs have decreased mortality rates, fewer low severity illness admissions, and less frequent complications.

We have come to a place where patients, not their illnesses, are seen as the problem to be solved.

“Patient care” has been replaced by “patient management.”

For critically ill or injured people, the Doctor-patient relationship no longer exists.  Individual specialists and surgeons no longer have the final say in patient care, now they are subordinate to a rotating team of critical care ‘doctors’ whose training is mainly in administration, equipment use and statistics.

These teams do not see each person as a unique patient, rather they see an amorphous group of sick people who are draining resources.  Their main objective is not to return patients to health, but to ration resources.

These frontline workers are today’s “Trusted Voices” and their stars (and side businesses) keep rising as long as they go along with the approved narratives.

It wasn’t always this way.

— Amazing Polly

A weakness in the intensivist system could exist when the computerized models contain faulty protocols, as we are seeing in COVID-19, and does not allow doctors to stray from that protocol.  As they say in computer programming, “Garbage in, garbage out,” often shortened to “GIGO.”  This also includes patient data which might be entered incorrectly or not entered at all, such as whether someone has been vaccinated.  The current COVID-19 protocol handed down from NIH allows for the use of only Remdesivir and ventilators.  No early treatment is recommended.  Not only are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin not on the ICU protocol, but corporate policy often does not allow hospital doctors to prescribe them.  This protocol is adhered to so tightly that nutraceuticals are not used, either.  That is how we end up with stories such as that of Veronica Wolski and the father of an unknown South Carolina resident who was threatened with arrest when he tried to advocate for his father.

But there may be another issue that is causing these hospitals and intensivists to fail to look at alternative therapies.

At the time of this writing, the Public Health Emergency policy text has already changed.  At the time Dr. Robert Malone did the screen print, it said this:

Section VI. Covered Countermeasures

The Secretary amends Section VI to make explicit that Section VI covers all qualified pandemic and epidemic products under the PREP Act.

Section VII. Limitations on Distribution

The Secretary may specify that liability protections are in effect only for Covered Countermeasures obtained through a particular means of distribution.  The Declaration previously stated that liability immunity is afforded to Covered Persons only for Recommended Activities related to (a) present or future federal contracts, cooperative agreements, grants, other transactions, interagency agreements, or memoranda of understanding or other federal agreements; or (b) activities authorized in accordance with the public health and medical response of the Authority Having Jurisdiction to prescribe, administer, deliver, distribute, or dispense the Covered Countermeasures following a declaration of an emergency.

COVID-19 is an unprecedented global challenge that requires a whole-of-nation response that utilizes federal-, state-, and local- distribution channels as well as private-distribution channels.  Given the broad scale of this pandemic, the Secretary amends the Declaration to extend PREP Act coverage to additional private-distribution channels, as set forth below.

The amended Section VII adds that PREP Act liability protections also extend to Covered Persons for Recommended Activities that are related to any Covered Countermeasure that is:

    1. licensed, approved, cleared, or authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (or that is permitted to be used under an Investigational New Drug Application or an Investigational Device Exemption) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act or Public Health Service (PHS) Act to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, mitigate or limit the harm from COVID–19, or the transmission of SARS–CoV–2 or a virus mutating therefrom; or
    2. a respiratory protective device approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) under 42 CFR part 84, or any successor regulations, that the Secretary determines to be a priority for use during a public health emergency declared under section 319 of the PHS Act to prevent, mitigate, or limit the harm from, COVID–19, or the transmission of SARS–CoV–2 or a virus mutating therefrom.

Public Heath Emergency, August 13, 2021

In other words, practitioners are protected from liability as long as they follow the published protocols, and possibly they won’t get paid if they don’t.

In the cases of Veronica Wolski and the father of an unknown South Carolina resident, they were both in the hospital long enough that it should have been clear that these patients were not thriving on the care that was being given.  And yet there was no flexibility in the policies followed in the hospitals to allow them to try alternative treatments such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin in spite of the efforts of advocates for the patients for something else to be tried.

The computerized systems cut God out of the equation.  In fact, they force God out.  There is no room for doctors who are caring for failing patients to pray and receive an answer about what the patients need.  Those doctors would not be free to implement the answers they had received unless the computer model already included them. This was the crime, even if not necessarily a crime of this earth — the forcing of God out. Doctors in these systems are no longer allowed to act on their intuition. There is no point in praying when working within these computerized systems.  Doctors cannot be creative when working within these systems.  The computerized systems and those who work within them assume that all is known.  Survival rates can only falter in a pessimistic computerized system based entirely on statistics.  Without an allowance for new methods, experience, and knowledge that has been normal in medicine, cases that do not fit existing models are more likely to fail, dragging down the statistics as these intensivists do not offer hope for a solution.  These computerized systems can suck the hope out of people, just as Satan and his minions do.  I wonder what those with spiritual sight would see in one of these computerized ICUs…

Furthermore, policies specific to COVID-19 have blocked avenues normally available to doctors, such as the off-label use of medicines.  God needs to be restored to His place in medicine, and doctors need to be restored to their role as creative problem solver without hinderances that interfere in their intuitive processes.

When a patient’s health continues to decline on the standard protocol, is it not the responsibility of the doctor to try a different protocol when asked, especially when others have reported great success with that protocol?  Does the protection of the PREP Act shield doctors and hospitals from murder charges when hospital administrators willfully refuse to discharge a patient to the care of another provider upon request from the patient or someone holding power of attorney?

Remember:  “I was just following orders” did not help those on trial at Nuremburg.



See also, on this site:

Stop the Shot: Caught on Tape! Hospital CEOs collude to deny medical care Wed, 27 Oct 2021 00:00:27 +0000 This is critical information needed to survive a hospital visit for any reason.  Be sure to watch the embedded video in the LifeSite article.  Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet hosts various presenters in this Truth for Health Foundation press conference.  This press conference reports that attorneys are working hard to get people out of hospitals in…

This is critical information needed to survive a hospital visit for any reason.  Be sure to watch the embedded video in the LifeSite article.  Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet hosts various presenters in this Truth for Health Foundation press conference.  This press conference reports that attorneys are working hard to get people out of hospitals in order to save their lives.  Guests include LifeSite co-founder John-Henry Westen, attorney and patient advocate Ali Shultz, constitutional and civil rights attorney Lauren Martel, attorney Thomas Renz, and Dr. Peter McCullough.

Ali Shultz relates the challenges she faced in trying to advocate for her parents, even as a lawyer.  It is crucial that certain legal documents be drawn up before any hospitalization including a medical power of attorney giving the most bad-ass member of your family the right to make decisions regarding your medical care.  (You will NOT be able to make those decisions for yourself if you end up sedated and on a ventilator.)

Thomas Renz has promised criminal prosecution of those who have used the Remdesivir/ventilator protocol while excluding effective treatments.

Dr. Peter McCullough says that treatments exist that can keep just about any COVID patient out of the hospital.  The key is prevention and early treatment.  Everyone needs to be aware of methods for prevention and early treatment.  Supplies need to be on hand at the time symptoms begin.  Obtaining supplies can take time, so this is something to do right away, whether sick or not.


Remdesivir studies:

  • Research Journal
    December 12, 2019. Sabue Mulangu, Lori E. Dodd, Richard T. Davey, Olivier Tshiani Mbaya, Michael Proschan, Daniel Mukadi, Mariano Lusakibanza Manzo, Didier Nzolo, Antoine Tshomba Oloma, Augustin Ibanda, Rosine Ali, Sinaré Coulibaly, Adam C. Levine, Rebecca Grais, Janet Diaz, H. Clifford Lane, Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, PALM Writing Group; Billy Sivahera, Modet Camara, Richard Kojan, Robert Walker, Bonnie Dighero-Kemp, Huyen Cao, Philippe Mukumbayi, Placide Mbala-Kingebeni, Steve Ahuka, Sarah Albert, Tyler Bonnett, Ian Crozier, Michael Duvenhage, Calvin Proffitt, Marc Teitelbaum, Thomas Moench, Jamila Aboulhab, Kevin Barrett, Kelly Cahill, Katherine Cone, Risa Eckes, Lisa Hensley, Betsey Herpin, Elizabeth Higgs, Julie Ledgerwood, Jerome Pierson, Mary Smolskis, Ydrissa Sow, John Tierney, Sumathi Sivapalasingam, Wendy Holman, Nikki Gettinger, David Vallée, Jacqueline Nordwall, and PALM Consortium Study Team. “A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics.The New England Journal of Medicine 381 (24): 2293–2303.
    Research Journal.
    ZMapp and Remdesivir were eliminated from the study following an interim analysis during the trial for mortality reasons.  Remdesivir was the most dangerous drug in that trial.  This trial did not include a control.  This trial was funded by NIAID.
  • Research Journal
    June 11, 2020. Jonathan Grein, Norio Ohmagari, Daniel Shin, George Diaz, Erika Asperges, Antonella Castagna, Torsten Feldt, Gary Green, Margaret L. Green, François-Xavier Lescure, Emanuele Nicastri, Rentaro Oda, Kikuo Yo, Eugenia Quiros-Roldan, Alex Studemeister, John Redinski, Seema Ahmed, Jorge Bernett, Daniel Chelliah, Danny Chen, Shingo Chihara, Stuart H. Cohen, Jennifer Cunningham, Antonella D’Arminio Monforte, Saad Ismail, Hideaki Kato, Giuseppe Lapadula, Erwan L’Her, Toshitaka Maeno, Sumit Majumder, Marco Massari, Marta Mora-Rillo, Yoshikazu Mutoh, Duc Nguyen, Ewa Verweij, Alexander Zoufaly, Anu O. Osinusi, Adam DeZure, Yang Zhao, Lijie Zhong, Anand Chokkalingam, Emon Elboudwarej, Laura Telep, Leighann Timbs, Ilana Henne, Scott Sellers, Huyen Cao, Susanna K. Tan, Lucinda Winterbourne, Polly Desai, Robertino Mera, Anuj Gaggar, Robert P. Myers, Diana M. Brainard, Richard Childs, Timothy Flanigan. “Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19.The New England Journal of Medicine 382 (24): 2327–36.
    Research Journal.
    31% of patients had serious adverse events.  (23% + 8%)  The most common serious adverse events — multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension — were reported in patients who were receiving invasive ventilation at baseline.
  • Research Journal
    September 2020. Marie Dubert, Benoit Visseaux, Valentina Isernia, Lila Bouadma, Laurène Deconinck, Juliette Patrier, Paul-Henri Wicky, Diane Le Pluart, Laura Kramer, Christophe Rioux, Quentin Le Hingrat, Nadhira Houhou-Fidouh, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Jade Ghosn, Francois-Xavier Lescure. “Case Report Study of the First Five COVID-19 Patients Treated with Remdesivir in France.International Journal of Infectious Diseases: IJID: Official Publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 98 (September): 290–93.
    Research Journal.
    Four of the trial patients had to be removed from the trial early: two because they were heading toward liver failure, and two because they had such severe kidney failure they they required transplants.  Two of the trial patients ultimately died.  France decided that Remdesivir was too dangerous to use in their country.
  • Research Journal
    April 2021. Alexandre O. Gérard, Audrey Laurain, Audrey Fresse, Nadège Parassol, Marine Muzzone, Fanny Rocher, Vincent L. M. Esnault, and Milou-Daniel Drici. “Remdesivir and Acute Renal Failure: A Potential Safety Signal From Disproportionality Analysis of the WHO Safety Database.Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 109 (4): 1021–24.
    Research Journal.

See also, on this site:

Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:05 +0000 Gilead is accused of ‘downplaying or omitting altogether the clinical dangers experienced by patients from remdesivir use.’ ⋮ Deborah Fust, the surviving spouse of Michael Fust, and Edward Pimentel, who says he was injured after receiving remdesivir, are accusing California-based Gilead of failing to mention documented side effects in its promotion of remdesivir. ⋮ The…


Gilead is accused of ‘downplaying or omitting altogether the clinical dangers experienced by patients from remdesivir use.’

Deborah Fust, the surviving spouse of Michael Fust, and Edward Pimentel, who says he was injured after receiving remdesivir, are accusing California-based Gilead of failing to mention documented side effects in its promotion of remdesivir.

The new suit comes after a court in Michigan ruled that remdesivir was not protected under federal law against an action brought by a man who needed his leg amputated after receiving remdesivir.

Zachary Stieber


1. Violations of the Consumers Legal Remedies Act Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1750 et seq.

2. Violations of the False Advertising Law Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 17500 et seq

3. Violations of the Unfair Competition Law Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 17200 et seq

4. Money Had and Received.

5. Negligent Misrepresentation.

6. Unjust Enrichment

Fust vs. Gilead Sciences, Inc.

My name is Jamie Scher, and I am one of the lawyers who filed the Class Action In Shasta County California against Gilead Sciences, Inc., maker of the lethal drug known as Remdesivir and/or Veklury. In case you don’t get through this entire Substack article, let me emphasize the most important point that I would like to make to everyone: DO NOT EVER TAKE THESE DRUGS, EVER!

Jamie Scher via 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

There are links in the article cited above for participating in this case and for contributing to the costs.

A critically important fact about remdesivir is that this drug was studied for Ebola, and the results were so abysmal that the attempted “treatment” was cancelled; remdesivir had zero benefits, and greatly increased mortality just like the other “Safe and Effective” offerings. Dr. Fauci and his partners-in-crime knew about remdesivir’s safety profile, or lack thereof, and they absolutely knew that it would do nothing against PSYOP-19, but would result in renal failure which would then look a lot like C19 pneumonia, especially when combined with intubation; in other words, they always knew that they were murdering people.

All of these sociopaths must be rounded up, and given speedy trials.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

— 2nd Smartest Guy in the World



  • Research Journal
    December 12, 2019. Sabue Mulangu, Lori E. Dodd, Richard T. Davey, Olivier Tshiani Mbaya, Michael Proschan, Daniel Mukadi, Mariano Lusakibanza Manzo, Didier Nzolo, Antoine Tshomba Oloma, Augustin Ibanda, Rosine Ali, Sinaré Coulibaly, Adam C. Levine, Rebecca Grais, Janet Diaz, H. Clifford Lane, Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, PALM Writing Group; Billy Sivahera, Modet Camara, Richard Kojan, Robert Walker, Bonnie Dighero-Kemp, Huyen Cao, Philippe Mukumbayi, Placide Mbala-Kingebeni, Steve Ahuka, Sarah Albert, Tyler Bonnett, Ian Crozier, Michael Duvenhage, Calvin Proffitt, Marc Teitelbaum, Thomas Moench, Jamila Aboulhab, Kevin Barrett, Kelly Cahill, Katherine Cone, Risa Eckes, Lisa Hensley, Betsey Herpin, Elizabeth Higgs, Julie Ledgerwood, Jerome Pierson, Mary Smolskis, Ydrissa Sow, John Tierney, Sumathi Sivapalasingam, Wendy Holman, Nikki Gettinger, David Vallée, Jacqueline Nordwall, and PALM Consortium Study Team. “A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics.The New England Journal of Medicine 381 (24): 2293–2303.
    Research Journal.
    ZMapp and Remdesivir were eliminated from the study following an interim analysis during the trial for mortality reasons.  Remdesivir was the most dangerous drug in that trial.  This trial did not include a control.  This trial was funded by NIAID.
  • Research Journal
    June 11, 2020. Jonathan Grein, Norio Ohmagari, Daniel Shin, George Diaz, Erika Asperges, Antonella Castagna, Torsten Feldt, Gary Green, Margaret L. Green, François-Xavier Lescure, Emanuele Nicastri, Rentaro Oda, Kikuo Yo, Eugenia Quiros-Roldan, Alex Studemeister, John Redinski, Seema Ahmed, Jorge Bernett, Daniel Chelliah, Danny Chen, Shingo Chihara, Stuart H. Cohen, Jennifer Cunningham, Antonella D’Arminio Monforte, Saad Ismail, Hideaki Kato, Giuseppe Lapadula, Erwan L’Her, Toshitaka Maeno, Sumit Majumder, Marco Massari, Marta Mora-Rillo, Yoshikazu Mutoh, Duc Nguyen, Ewa Verweij, Alexander Zoufaly, Anu O. Osinusi, Adam DeZure, Yang Zhao, Lijie Zhong, Anand Chokkalingam, Emon Elboudwarej, Laura Telep, Leighann Timbs, Ilana Henne, Scott Sellers, Huyen Cao, Susanna K. Tan, Lucinda Winterbourne, Polly Desai, Robertino Mera, Anuj Gaggar, Robert P. Myers, Diana M. Brainard, Richard Childs, Timothy Flanigan. “Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19.The New England Journal of Medicine 382 (24): 2327–36.
    Research Journal.
    31% of patients had serious adverse events.  (23% + 8%)  The most common serious adverse events — multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension — were reported in patients who were receiving invasive ventilation at baseline.
  • Research Journal
    September 2020. Marie Dubert, Benoit Visseaux, Valentina Isernia, Lila Bouadma, Laurène Deconinck, Juliette Patrier, Paul-Henri Wicky, Diane Le Pluart, Laura Kramer, Christophe Rioux, Quentin Le Hingrat, Nadhira Houhou-Fidouh, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Jade Ghosn, Francois-Xavier Lescure. “Case Report Study of the First Five COVID-19 Patients Treated with Remdesivir in France.International Journal of Infectious Diseases: IJID: Official Publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 98 (September): 290–93.
    Research Journal.
    Four of the trial patients had to be removed from the trial early: two because they were heading toward liver failure, and two because they had such severe kidney failure they they required transplants.  Two of the trial patients ultimately died.  France decided that Remdesivir was too dangerous to use in their country.
  • Research Journal
    April 2021. Alexandre O. Gérard, Audrey Laurain, Audrey Fresse, Nadège Parassol, Marine Muzzone, Fanny Rocher, Vincent L. M. Esnault, and Milou-Daniel Drici. “Remdesivir and Acute Renal Failure: A Potential Safety Signal From Disproportionality Analysis of the WHO Safety Database.Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 109 (4): 1021–24.
    Research Journal.

See also, on this site:












