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Tag: propaganda

The Smith–Mundt Act is signed into law

After four-term Democrat President FDR, the popular Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (Public Law 402) prohibited the government from FURTHER propagandizing its own public and controlling the narrative.  The Act originally introduced at the request of the United States State Department as the BLOOM BILL after Rep. Sol Bloom (D-Ill), the chairman of the House of…

Brian Gerrish explains the psychological manipulation of the public

Reiner Fuellmich and the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss team interview Brian Gerrish. Brian Gerrish of – the UK’s long established alternative to BBC propaganda – appeared on the Corona Ausschuss to inform a German and international audience about the sustained attack on the British people throughout the current Corona crisis by its government using techniques of…

Propaganda EXPOSED! premieres

This is the most important docu-series we’ve ever created. In total, over 50 health and freedom experts will be highlighted in this “one of a kind” docu-series, including… Robert F Kennedy Jr., Environmental Attorney & Author John & Alicia Schneider, Natural Health Advocates Dr. Judy Mikovits, Molecular Biologist / Whistleblower Roger Stone, Author, Political Consultant…