legal options – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 07 Mar 2023 00:08:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 legal options – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 No liability shield, no jabs Sat, 04 Dec 2021 00:00:21 +0000 💉 World Bank President David Malpass said in a Zoom presentation this week that “Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of these countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield.” Um, I have a question. If the injections are completely safe and effective, why does Pfizer NEED a liability…


💉 World Bank President David Malpass said in a Zoom presentation this week that “Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of these countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield.”

Um, I have a question. If the injections are completely safe and effective, why does Pfizer NEED a liability shield? Liability for WHAT?

It almost seems like Pfizer knows something that we don’t know. Weird.

Jeff Childers

This would appear to confirm what Dr. David Martin has said about filing a criminal case against those who have perpetrated the COVID crisis.  He believes that as soon as a criminal case is filed, Pfizer and the other jab producers will halt distribution of the jabs because their participation in it depends on liability shields.  Those shields were provided in the EUA agreements.  The perpetrators of the COVID crisis know that fraud vitiates everything.  If the vaccine manufacturers or any of the other perpetrators of the COVID crisis lose a criminal case, their liability shield goes away.  Several federal courts have shown a willingness to rule against the mandates.  It is beginning to appear more possible to succeed in a criminal case.  Perhaps the time has come.  If we want the COVID crisis to end, criminal cases must be filed.  Otherwise, the perpetrators will come up with reason after reason to perpetuate the crisis.  It is their plan to create such a major scare event that they will have permanent funding for vaccine research.

There has been a request for investigation filed at the ICC, but I am not aware of that case moving to trial yet.  Perhaps they are still in discovery.  With all of the depositions taken by Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the ICC should have plenty to go on already.

So.  Who will be filing those criminal cases?  Who has the standing to move forward on a case?


See also, on this site:

Dr. David Martin publishes document to send to your state attorney general Fri, 10 Dec 2021 00:00:27 +0000 Patrick:  You know, like I mentioned earlier, I think our last line of defense of, one of our last lines of defense are going to be the courts.  You know, we’ve got to get away from the executive brank.  You know, we’re very dysfunctional in our legislative branch.  But the courts, you know, shooting down…


Patrick:  You know, like I mentioned earlier, I think our last line of defense of, one of our last lines of defense are going to be the courts.  You know, we’ve got to get away from the executive brank.  You know, we’re very dysfunctional in our legislative branch.  But the courts, you know, shooting down the mandate.  The Biden mandates, etcetera.  They think they are the last line of defense.  I’m always, you see the smile or chuckle as you’re quoting line and verse on these statutes.  You know, it’s like how you have all the stuff in your brain is amazing to me.  Is there a way that people can get access to the documents you described?

Dr. Martin:  Well, there you go.  I feel like I just entrapped you because I told you there is a thing.  It turns out if you go to either of my websites,, that’s Fully Live Academy, all one word. or  If you go to either of those two and click on the attorney general link, what you will get is actually the criminal indictment template, which has all eight felony counts that are actually listed right there.  And you can download those as I encourage people to do yesterday.  You can print them off.  You can send them certified mail to your U.S. Attorneys, to attorneys general in your state, to your elected officials in your state, to school boards, to anybody who’s doing a mandate and say you are now on notice of felony violations.  And guess what?  Like you just said, the courts are in fact going to ultimately deal with this issue.  And if you have gathered evidence in your own coercion, in your own manipulation of the things that have been foisted upon you, you will actually be part of the class that one day recovers those damages.  So I say, stand firm, inform yourself, get evidence, and take action.

Patrick:  I love it.

— Banned Video Archive

The document for your state attorney general is a request for prosecution.

These are the crimes that he claims have been committed:

These are the defendants suggested in the document:


See also, on this site:

Dr. David Martin suggests laws to use in your defense Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:24 +0000 Dr. Martin:  You will actually be part of the class that one day recovers those damages.  So I say, stand firm, inform yourself, get evidence, and take action. Under 21 Code of Federal Regulations section 50.23 and 24, [21 CFR § 50.23, 21 CFR § 50.24] it is illegal to make anybody participate in an…


Dr. Martin:  You will actually be part of the class that one day recovers those damages.  So I say, stand firm, inform yourself, get evidence, and take action.

Under 21 Code of Federal Regulations section 50.23 and 24, [21 CFR § 50.23, 21 CFR § 50.24] it is illegal to make anybody participate in an experimental program using coercion.  That is, in fact, how in U.S. Law we actually embraced in U.S. Law the Nuremberg Code.  So coercion is illegal and we need to call it coercion.  We don’t want to call it leverage.  We don’t want to call it pressure.  We want to call it the illegal act that it is.  It’s coercion.

And that becomes important because under 18 U.S. Code section 2331, and then subsection 802 [USA PATRIOT ACT, search to second occurrence of “802”], inside of the definition of domestic terrorism is, any time a U.S. citizen or a government in the U.S. is forced to do something that it would not otherwise do, that’s also not only coercion but domestic terrorism.

Now this conversation and every other conversation, I encourage people to, in fact, take those two laws; and when they are met with somebody telling them they’re supposed to get the shot, actually ask the person and record this.  Use your phone, use a recording device, record the conversation and ask, if they are in fact violating 20 Code of Regulations, section 50.23 and 24.  Are you interested in doing a civil violation of the law?  And if they say, yes, they’re cool with that, then say, Are you willing to violate 18 U.S. Code section 2331, which says that it is illegal to coerce the population and that is a felony, and the felony has a 99 year prison term.

And so here’s the problem.  We need to arm ourselves as a big community to not only do what we’ve done, and by the way, kudos to everyone who has done the resistance up until now.  But now we have to arm ourselves with the very weapons they’re using and throw them back.  I always say the metaphor for me is if somebody throws a hand grenade at you, pick it up, pull the pin out, and throw it back.  Give me a hand grenade.  Use it.  What we need to be doing is we need to be informing ourselves and most recently, Patrick, and this will be a punch line I get to at the end, but I just put all of the felony statutes and all of the felony evidence into a single document that everybody can use, everybody can reference and just go to your employer, to your local grocery store, to your local theater, to your local school board, whatever it is.

Just say, Hey, which one of these felonies do you want to be implicated in, because all of them carry 99 year prison terms and up to $100,000,000 fine.  So, and that’s $100,000,000 for an institution.  So, it’s actually a big deterrent.

And as we have been manipulated and coerced as a population, we now need to actually take the offensive position and say, stand up, be informed, and provide the eight felony counts that you can ask any employer, any business, anybody who’s trying to push the mandate, which one of these felonies do you want to now be liable for?

Patrick:  That’s brilliant.  And I like the idea of going on the offensive.

Banned Video Archive

In the video addressed to Canada, David Martin tells us that lawsuits should focus on criminal allegations such as bioweapons, racketeering, and at least reckless homicide if not willful murder.  These types of federal crimes would invalidate any liability protections that the pharmaceutical companies enjoy.

What makes a felony violation more important than a civil crime is that a felony violation actually pierces the veil of corporate liability.  And this is a very important point.  People need to understand the reason why I’m so obsessed with going after felonies and not going after civil cases is because a felony violation of antitrust laws, which is prima facia established in this pandemic would in fact mean that the manufacturers would not have the protections provided here in the United States in the 1986 Act, under the Prep Act, and in Canada, under those acts equivalent.  In other words, no corporation gets civil liability immunity if they are complicit in a felony crime.  And once we establish that is in fact the case, which by the way, does not require legal expertise—this is a prima facia case, meaning the facts present themselves.  There is no question that this was an act of racketeering and collusion.  There is no question that this is an act of willful manipulation of the market forces in violation of statutes both sides of the border.  And the fact of the matter is, the minute this becomes a felony, all of the liability flows back.  Civil and criminal liability flows back to the manufacturer.  And I can guarantee you that the day Pfizer and Moderna have to be on the hook for the lives they’re harming and the lives that they’re taking, there is no question that the entire terror campaign would shut down the next day.

David Martin



  • Video
    January 6, 2022. Nurse Keeps Her Job after Being Suspended – Unlawfully Coerced – Reinstated. pureblood. Runtime: 2:12.
    This nurse was able to get her job back by claiming coercion.

See also, on this site:

How a mom used surety bonds to lift the mask mandate in her district Wed, 19 Jan 2022 00:00:45 +0000 Surety Bonds are required for every elected and appointed official throughout the United States – including, but not limited to State School Boards, Districts, Mayors, Sheriffs, and County Officials. This case was pursued in Illinois. Health officials may be subject to the surety bond system as well.  Anyone who oversteps the bounds of their office…


Surety Bonds are required for every elected and appointed official throughout the United States – including, but not limited to State School Boards, Districts, Mayors, Sheriffs, and County Officials.

This case was pursued in Illinois.

Health officials may be subject to the surety bond system as well.  Anyone who oversteps the bounds of their office are potentially liable.


See also, on this site:

A conversation about potential “Cease and Desist” letters Fri, 28 Jan 2022 00:00:39 +0000 The following was said by a person during a discussion about the strange white rubbery blood clots that embalmers had found.  Please go to that post to see the scientific side of the following dialog.  After laying out his theory for what the clots are, he then went on to engage in discussion about using…

The following was said by a person during a discussion about the strange white rubbery blood clots that embalmers had found.  Please go to that post to see the scientific side of the following dialog.  After laying out his theory for what the clots are, he then went on to engage in discussion about using that evidence in “Cease and Desist” letters.  I am reporting here that part of the conversation, with minor edits to better fit the format of this site as well as spelling.

You know what we have here?

A way to stop the mandates.

We just did not know how to find the evidence we needed to PROVE the shots were murdering people. Now, we have it confirmed tonight, IMHO.


Poisoning. Like Ricin, Cyanide, etc?

Takes a while to find the test to prove the death was a poisoning if you have never seen the poisoning before.

This is the first case of genetic poisoning the world has ever seen IMHO.

We now have scientific examples of Proof of the causative agent of death and great bodily harm from two separate observations.


I am lowly bio lawyer. Don’t even practice. Retired.

But, what is going on here can be easily understood by ANY JURY of LAY PEOPLE. Almost everyone knows a person who gets an organ transplant MUST be put on immune suppressors for life, or guess what?

The most incredible power point slides on this proof, using 15 recently dead recently vaxxed, is located here in the first 48 minutes:

Doctors for Covid Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium II – Sounding the Call

We just did not know how to find the evidence we needed to PROVE the shots were murdering people. Now, we have it confirmed tonight, IMHO.


Poisoning. Like Ricin, Cyanide, etc?

Takes a while to find the test to prove the death was a poisoning if you have never seen the poisoning before.

This is the first case of genetic poisoning the world has ever seen IMHO.

I think the term is “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Death and great bodily harm.

We have the proof of Genetic Poisoning.

All you need now is [knowingly]

How do we force mandate makers into the [knowingly] corner, so that they are way more scared of being prosecuted for MURDER, than they are scared of (((them))). (Or COVID for that matter).

Here is how….

I think we can use this to do a cease and desist certified letter to mandate makers that includes all the evidence of the murder the vax is causing. Once they sign for the letter, they are legally CHARGED with the knowledge of the murderous Genetic Poisoning.

The Idea is to use a certified cease and desist letter, to force [knowingly] and threaten murder charges (individually, person by person) if the mandate is not rescinded.

We have to be careful about how we write the cease and desist.

Don’t want mass suicide when good people figure out what they have done. Gotta give em a chance to fight the good fight, once they actually understand. Lots of them were terrorized.

Many were on boards and outvoted, did not want the mandates, and need to be given a chance to act accordingly, help get us more evidence, if there were threats made, bribes made, evil doers around.

Both of these kinds of people would have been caught up in what they would view as ugly. Were after the criminals. And these will rear their ugly heads by refusing to rescind mandates even though they are now legally aware PERSONALLY NOTIFIED of the murder weapon they wield with the mandates.

If they do not rescind, we sue the hell out of em in civil, to get deposition, then, to grand jury, to state prosecution.

I am more thinking of gathering all the evidence we have, putting it in a cease and desist letter that people can print down, send out to their favorite local MANDATE maker, so as to force our way around the science censorship, and put the evidence of their crimes in their hot little hands, creating this situation of [knowingly].


Here is what we will be showing the jury at your murder trial. UNLESS. YOU. RESCIND. THE. MANDATE.

Cease and Desist.


  • The evidence (we now have) [See embalmers post.]
  • The relevant law: Negligent homicide, murder, etc, and the sections for what ever state the mandate maker lives in.
  • Then you have to list the CONSEQUENCES (What will happen to them if the law figures they have this evidence now, legally, they KNOW what the vax is doing)

And I am thinking of how to word it so we do not get unnecessary suicides (some won’t be able to live with themselves). And others voted for no mandate, but, were outvoted, if the mandate came from a board, like a school board.

Cease and Desist Letter Templates – with Sample

People do not need a lawyer to do a cease and desist. I’m going to spend a couple days putting some of this evidence together. Will try to create something people anywhere can print out, send off, certified, return receipt requested.

I think we have enough with the T-cell slides, Sudden 40% rise in working age deaths, Sudden rise in auto accidents.

They want to call it a pandemic of the unvaccinated, but, that can be fixed with deposition, if we go after a hospital administration or two, or three or ten. Find the mandate jerks imposing these poisons on our Doctors and Nurses. Then, sue for the “redacted” patient information about how many are vaxxed vs unvaxxed right now.

One thing is for sure.

We do need someone to take a look at those clots, and do EXACTLY as was done in the first video, where the pathologist used a specially stained biopsy of the slides, to make the T cells show up.

If those clots are more white because the veins are loaded with T-cells, we have an evidence match.

On [knowingly]

I guess we’d need to find out what these people knew about the clotting issue.

Also, from way back on April 5, 2021, Canadian Dr. Charles Hoffe reported that half his jabbed patients had positive D-Dimer tests, indicating clotting. And yet the media squelched him, too.

— Someone else in the conversation

EXACTLY. NOW you are getting my drift. So far everyone has been depending on the MSM and have had good science blocked and censored.


THERE IS a way to DO AN END RUN, around the news, and force the legal condition of [knowingly] upon any person, regardless of the news. It is done in the law all the time, and smart business people know how to do it.

It is called legal notice.

IF you tell someone anything by certified letter, return receipt requested, and you GET THEM to sign for the evidence in that letter, the court will take that signature as proof, that the person was AWARE of the FACTS, no matter WHAT the media hides or refuses to report.

In short, you FORCE them into a legal state of KNOWING the facts, because they SIGNED to RECEIVE the facts sent by a court recognized certified letter.

Do you all get my drift?

We can stop the mandates, by gathering our evidence of the facts – that the mRNA shots are murdering people, and causing organ damage, and we can FORCE that evidence into their hands, legally.

Have you seen what was done in the UK? A criminal case got filed in London. Crimes against humanity, charging politicians and the usual health crowd.

Yes. I collected that to use as part of the “consequences” section of the Cease and Desist I am writing. I have an MD spouse, and the Admins at the hospital could use a warning about where things are going to go for them if they do not quit their crap. Then, will be heading out to the nearest big city, to send some [knowingly] packages in the form of Cease and Desist to their BIG city hospital administrators.

I am so proud of the people of the UK.

Keep up the good fight.

Here, in the US, we don’t have to wait for the government. We can do civil suits for wrongful death, the first moment someone dies after their mandate maker was served with a certified letter, evidence that the shot is causative agent of death enclosed?

From that moment on, they either rescind the mandate, or, take the consequence of KNOWING the mandates will kill. Am also thinking of including the 5% deadly vax lot number evidence, because this is proof of Russian Roulette. The chamber is 20/1 instead of 5 empty to one bullet, but, it is certain that one of those lot numbers out there will kill.

We really have a ton of evidence, that, when shown to a jury, is going to send them to the electric chair in many states, life in prison in others.

I would rather be nice and warn them up front, give them a chance to rescind the mandates.

When they DO kill, and they will, the family can call a lawyer, and offer to split proceeds for a civil wrongful death case against every mandate maker who forced the clot shot.

Then, discovery is done during the civil suit. THAT information can be given to a grand jury that can be called by ANY prosecutor in the state. It is the citizen grand jury that decides whether to indict a person for murder, which is a prosecution by the state, not a citizen.

Juries decide whether to prosecute so long as a prosecutor will set a grand jury up. I am certain there are a few good prosecutors in every state.

[The cease and desist letters are] a forceful, legal end run around censorship into the hands of exactly the right people.

If we can get enough people on the ground to take the evidence to the mandate makers with signature, then, [the perpetrators] are up for murder charges if they do not pull the mandates.

News of this will no doubt spread.


There is no office that protects a politician from murder charges. Maybe the president, and only for a while.

Any cease and desist should be notarized. Anything not notarized is simply hearsay.

Also use registered mail and not certified.

Notarizing documents a witness to the letter.

Ok, Got it,

I was also thinking I should fax it to them first, also, and keep a time/date copy of the fax.

I am going to hang this page up, and collect everything people have said to me. Then, Tomorrow, with a fresh start, I will start to assemble the evidence, I will need help from good Medical experts, Lawyers, and personal experience of people. I do not mind the hours. Can do the heavy lifting on the letter. But I want it to be vetted by the talent here. We want this thing perfect, and able to back these mandate makers into [KNOWINGLY] so these damn stupid sheep get scared off the other direction and stop killing people with their empty politicized heads.

They were terrorized into this.

Lets terrorize them out of it, and out of jail time for doing the right thing, while we are at it.

You should send them to the big hollywood studios.

Would be a big blow to shut down mandates for celebrities.

They wouldn’t stop talking about it.

Shut the mandates down at the news networks also.

Would send a powerful message.

Shut down the people that will blab about it then that will frighten everyone else.

Not a bad idea at all.

We will get there.

First, Im going to start. Small steps.

I’ll take the slides [from the video], and start translating the German parts on google translate tomorrow. Who knows, might even get a German to help me clean them up.

Evidence Exhibit A has to be those slides of the T-cell invasions. Adding the string clots [from the embalmers] will help a lot.

Then, was thinking of Exhibit B

The outrageous numbers of deaths going up 40% here, 60% there, auto accidents, 18-65 year olds, children, pilots, etc etc

Exhibit C, is more detail

The 5% of shot lot numbers that are causing the majority of the damage, and how they are trying to sneak murder under the rug, 5% of the population at a time.

Those are the big ones, Then, Exhibit D is going to be all the Government admissions of fraud “OOPS PCR is bad test”

“Oops, forgot to tell you, the shot destroys the immune system”

“Oops, the more shots you take, the more boosters you need”

This is where I am going to ask people here to show me the best evidence they know of, that proves the shots are killing people, because I have not been on the board, and I may have missed some big ones.

I’m not going to miss a thing.

The people have everything.

I am going to put my ear to the board, and gather everything every person here has in the way of proof.

This is big project, but I have two weeks, 16 hour days. I am up for it.

So there you have it.  The clots found by the embalmers are potential evidence that could be used to end this whole thing.  If this person’s theory is correct, the jabs are altering cells of recipients so much that the immune system now considers them foreign, and T-cells go on the attack throughout the body.  We just need to get an expert to examine the clots and determine officially what these clots are.


See also, on this site:
