deaths – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Sat, 20 Jul 2024 19:36:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 deaths – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 China records its first death linked to the novel coronavirus. Sat, 11 Jan 2020 00:00:08 +0000 Sources:



A person in California dies from the COVID-19, the first known American death. Thu, 06 Feb 2020 00:00:23 +0000 Source:

Source: ]]>
Dr. Li Wenliang dies of COVID-19 at age 33. Fri, 07 Feb 2020 00:00:12 +0000 Sources: Related:




April 27 data show that U.S. COVID-19 death rates are at least eight times higher than in countries with early and prophylactic use of HCQ. Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:00:44 +0000 Prophylactic use means use for the purpose of prevention. Source:


Prophylactic use means use for the purpose of prevention.


Autopsies are performed on COVID-19 patients Mon, 11 May 2020 00:00:50 +0000 Coroners found that the deaths were caused by multiple blood clots, both small and large. Sources: See also, on this site: First case of autopsy in a patient vaccinated against COVID-19

Coroners found that the deaths were caused by multiple blood clots, both small and large.


See also, on this site:

Vaccinations are down. So are infant deaths. Thu, 18 Jun 2020 00:00:12 +0000 Due to the lockdowns, people have not been taking their children in to get vaccinated. And now, we’re finding that the infant death rate is down as well. P.S. During the lockdown we had no “sudden infant death Syndromes”. After the lockdown, baby vaccination started again and we had a dead baby in Turin and…


Due to the lockdowns, people have not been taking their children in to get vaccinated. And now, we’re finding that the infant death rate is down as well.

P.S. During the lockdown we had no “sudden infant death Syndromes”. After the lockdown, baby vaccination started again and we had a dead baby in Turin and another child in two twins died and the girl survived but she is an emergency therapy.

Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti


Statisticians find increase in prescriptions for powerful sedative Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:51 +0000 The number of prescriptions for a powerful sedative that can kill the frail doubled at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, raising fears it was used to control elderly residents in stretched care homes – or even to hasten their deaths. Official figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100 per cent in…


The number of prescriptions for a powerful sedative that can kill the frail doubled at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, raising fears it was used to control elderly residents in stretched care homes – or even to hasten their deaths.

Official figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100 per cent in April compared to previous months.

An anti-euthanasia campaigner last night said he suspected that the spike was evidence that many people had been put on end-of-life protocols or ‘pathways’.

In a comment:

As a Dementia Nurse, we planned ahead and ordered more Midazolam incase there was an outbreak within our hospital; thankfully there wasn’t.

The comment from the comment stream of the article implies that midazolam was being stockpiled by care homes in case an outbreak struck their facility, so there could be a perfectly good explanation for this.  Some kind of sedation is necessary when someone is put on a respirator.  But it is cause for concern when the sedative being used to calm those suffering from respiratory distress also suppresses the respiratory system.

This sedative is used in execution as well.

Were the prescriptions in the statistics written for individuals or facilities?

Is there a way to determine what prescriptions individuals received?

What percentage of these were on ventilators?



See also, on this site:

Nurse faints after getting jab Thu, 17 Dec 2020 00:00:57 +0000 NURSE TIFFANY PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020. She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then “likely” dies during the night while sleeping. She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old. — Geno Nazarenko The mainstream media said…


NURSE TIFFANY PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020. She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then “likely” dies during the night while sleeping. She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old.

Geno Nazarenko

The mainstream media said she was fine afterward, but alternative sources including Tiffany Dover’s own Facebook page tell a different story.


Vaccine results are coming in… Sun, 31 Jan 2021 00:00:07 +0000 The CDC keeps a database: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS is a voluntary system. Only a fraction of actual adverse reactions are reported here. Symptom 2021 2015-2019 per year Rate increase (X Factor) Blue toe syndrome 10 0.0 INFINITE Pulmonary embolism 946 2.0 473.0 Deep vein thrombosis 740 2.8 264.3 Thrombosis 2255…


The CDC keeps a database: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS is a voluntary system. Only a fraction of actual adverse reactions are reported here.

Screen print from Tim Truth: Distribution of VAERS Reports vs. Distribution of Vaccines

Symptom 2021 2015-2019
per year
Rate increase
(X Factor)
Blue toe syndrome 10 0.0 INFINITE
Pulmonary embolism 946 2.0 473.0
Deep vein thrombosis 740 2.8 264.3
Thrombosis 2255 9.0 250.5
Appendicitis 320 2.2 145.5
Tinnitus 5486 56.4 97.3
Cardiac arrest 210 2.8 75.0
Death 1046 18.0 58.1
Parkinson’s disease 55 1.0 55.0
Slow speech 76 1.4 54.3
Aphasia (inability to talk) 576 11.0 52.3
Fatigue 46617 915.0 50.9
Headache 57787 1246.2 46.4
Chills 43063 945.0 45.6
Pericarditis 440 9.8 44.9
Deafness 1047 23.4 44.7
Myocarditis 631 14.6 43.2
Abortion Spontaneous 811 18.0 41.3
Bell’s Palsy (search used Description field because symptom field unreliable) 975 26.6 36.6
Cough 6417 200.4 32.0
Paraesthesia 14402 488.0 29.5
Blindness 520 17.2 29.1
Dyspnea (difficulty breathing) 1101 38.8 28.4
Myalgia 18242 641.6 28.4
Dysstasia (difficulty standing) 741 26.6 27.8
Seizure 2328 86.2 27.0
Anaphylactic Reaction 857 40.8 21.0
Suicide 11 0.6 18.3
Speech disorder 502 29.2 17.2
Convulsion 39 2.4 16.3
Paralysis 1317 82.2 16.0
Swelling 32299 2250.0 14.3
Diarrhoea 14945 1252.4 11.9
Neuropathy 438 39.0 11.2
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (and checking death) 82 7.4 11.1
Insulin resistance 13 1.2 10.8
Depression 872 97.6 8.9
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) 200 75.6 2.6

“Vaccine Truth,” pp. 44 – 46, sorted by rate of increase


  • Video
    January 31, 2021. Must See for Yourself! Accessing Covid Vaccine Reactions from CDC VAERS Site. worldthelastbattle. Runtime: 5:45.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Statistics
    VAERS COVID Vaccine Data.” OpenVAERS.
    OpenVAERS is an aggregator of VAERS data.
  • Video
    May 15, 2021. SMOKING GUN? 193K VAERS Reports, 3.9K Death Records; 32 People Compare It To Getting Hit By A Bus. Tim Truth. Runtime: 17:02.
  • Research Journal
    June 30, 2021. Scott Mclachlan, Magda Osman, Kudakwashe Dube, Patience Chiketero, Yvonne Choi, and Norman Fenton. Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Death Reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Database Interim: Results and Analysis.
    Research Journal.

    “Despite this, there were only 14% of the cases [in VAERS] for which a vaccine reaction could be ruled out as a contributing factor in their death.”  That leaves 86% of cases in which a vaccine reaction could have caused the death.
  • Video
    July 7, 2021. Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help. HealthImpactNews. Runtime: 3:25.
  • Blog
    No More Silence – Telling Our Stories.
    We want to be heard. Telling our stories, in our own words. We are a fast-growing group who have been affected in many different ways by the Covid-19 Vaccine.
  • Video
    August 18, 2021. CENSORED: COVID Vaccine Injured Who Regret Their Decisions to Get the Shot and Their Message to You. HealthImpactNews. Runtime: 8:53.
    “Every single day, I have new symptoms.”  “I thought it was a conspiracy theory.”  “I have damage in multiple areas of my brain.  I have difficulty walking.  I can’t read.  I can barely write my own name without missing letters.”  “To all you unvaccinated people, I would like to say, ‘Stand your ground.’”
  • Video
    August 23, 2021. COVID VAXX IS CAUSING A NEW SYNDROME IN CHILDREN CALLED MIS-C [2021-08-22] – DR. BRYAN ARDIS (VIDEO). Sergeant Major. Runtime: 6:03.
  • Video
    August 28, 2021. Daughter of Registered Nurse with a Message to All. Banned Youtube Videos. Runtime: 7:41.
    Daughter of an experienced Australian Aged Care Registered Nurse released a video showcasing some shocking insider facts that have been hidden away from the public.  Patients in the home where the nurse works received the Comirnaty inoculation.
  • Video
    August 25, 2021. THE SHOTS ARE KILLING PEOPLE! WE NEED TO STOP THIS! [2021-08-25] – DR. ANNE MCCLOSKEY (VIDEO). Sergeant Major. Runtime: 9:28.
    “This time last year, there was nothing happening.  I mean nothing.  This year, it’s different.  The hospitals are filled. …”  It is difficult to make out her exact words, but it is clear that she is saying that the COVID-19 patients are mostly double-jabbed.  Dr. Anne McCloskey has been suspended from practicing medicine as a result of this video.
  • Video
    August 13, 2021. LorettaJoy222. A Memorial For Those Who Paid the Ultimate Price For the Fake Vaccines. Runtime: 8:16.
  • Blog PDF
    August 24, 2021. Steve Kirsch. “Vaccine Safety FAQ.” Vaccine Truth.
    Blog, PDF.
  • Video
    September 12, 2021. Vaccine Gives The Youth Myocarditis And Death But Also Gives Older People Instant Death (12th Sept). The White Rose Ireland. Runtime: 2:14.
  • Video
    September 16, 2021. Erbakan: Tek Gözlü Kuyruklu Çocuklar Doğdu! Beyaz Haber.
    Vaccinated women are beginning to give birth.  Here are some of the results.
  • Research Journal
    September 22, 2021. Sanjay R. V. Gadi, Patricia A. R. Brunker, Hanny Al-Samkari, David B. Sykes, Rebecca R. Saff, Janet Lo, Pavan Bendapudi, David E. Leaf, and Rebecca Karp Leaf. “Severe Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Following Receipt of SARS-CoV-2 MRNA Vaccine.Transfusion.
    Research Journal.
  • Video
    January 3, 2022. Breast Milk Turns BLUE after Woman Gets COVID Vaccine. XANDREWX.

See also, on this site:

Vaccinated people who die within 14 days of being jabbed are counted as unvaccinated Mon, 08 Mar 2021 00:00:33 +0000 Someone noticed the following when reviewing the August 27, 2021, report from the CDC.  The CDC published some data that had been received from Los Angeles.  The following can be found on page 3 below the spreadsheet data: * Persons were considered fully vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose…

Someone noticed the following when reviewing the August 27, 2021, report from the CDC.  The CDC published some data that had been received from Los Angeles.  The following can be found on page 3 below the spreadsheet data:

* Persons were considered fully vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines) or after 1 dose of the single-dose Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine; partially vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the first dose and <14 days after the second dose in a 2-dose series; and unvaccinated <14 days receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if no vaccination registry data were available.

As it turns out, this had been the policy for a while.  In a March 8, 2021, press release, the CDC said:

A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the last required dose of vaccine.

This is a new policy.

In other words, if a person dies within 14 days of getting jabbed, they are counted as unvaccinated.  So if someone dies on the spot from getting a COVID-19 jab, they will be considered unvaccinated, according to this guideline.  This would explain why hospitals are reporting that they are full of unvaccinated COVID patients while nurses are saying that the patients are mostly vaccinated.

The 14-day policy is a major hiding of data since many who die from the jabs will die in the first week, as seen in the following graph based on VEARS Covid Vax Records.  This is like saying that people don’t die from gunshot wounds within 14 days of being shot.  If anyone told us that, we would know it was a lie.  Can you imagine some thug claiming this defense in court?

After 14 days, the rate of death among the jabbed tapers off.  According to statistician Christine Cotton as of the time of her analysis, the mean days until death from the jabs was about 22 days.  Given the shape of the graph, that would indicate a long tail for the curve.

“It couldn’t have been the bullet that killed him.
It’s been less than 14 days!”

Image by IMG2GO

A related issue is record of the jabs being missing from main medical records, according to one nurse.  Hospitals may see the patients as unvaccinated when they are fully vaccinated.

This is all confirmed in this thread:

1) Thread: ‘A little epiphany about the plannedemic’

So I have mentioned on here multiple times that my wife’s a nurse at a hospital.
Last night she worked an extra shift in the Emergency Room(not her regular department) 

2) She found out, how “they” are getting away with claiming there’s a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”
While dealing with a patient who came in exhibiting symptoms of myocarditis, a FT Emergency Room nurse conveyed some very interesting information to my wife 
3) Apparently all patients are asked whether or not they received the #CV19 vax, no matter what issue it is that brought them into the ER.
If the patient received the vax less than 14 days prior, they are recorded as “Un-Vaxxed” 
4) The story the nurses are being given, is that this is done because the vax takes 14 days to start working. The FT ER nurse my wife talked to last night has a different theory: 
5) It has been her observation that most patients coming in with what appears to be vaccine injuries are coming in within 72 hours of receiving the jab.* By recording these patients as “Un-Vaxxed” they can do a few things: 
– one, they can claim those vax injuries are a result of Covid & not the shot
– two, they can bury the vaccine injury
– three, they get to claim there’s a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” 
7) It also turns out that nurses are being required to sign nondisclosure agreements, promising not to publicly discuss any procedures dealing with #CV19
My wife refused to sign this agreement, and she’s awaiting possible retaliatory response from upper mgmt. 
8) but she says that the ER nurses at her hospital are mostly very closed lipped about all of this. These nurses are in fear for their jobs and have been very effectively intimidated. 
9) We need nurses across the country to start talking about all of this openly, as I’m sure our little hospital is not the only place this is occurring.

More evidence here:

* This correlates well with the screen print “death curve” below.

Screen print from Tim Truth: Deaths by Day Since Vaccination

This change in policy also explains this graph:

Screen print from Tim Truth: Distribution of VAERS Reports vs. Distribution of Vaccines

It is possible that the CDC used information provided by Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche as their excuse to validate the 14-day rule that hides statistics contrary to their narrative, but this would be disingenuous, in my way of thinking.

How might approval of boosters change this policy?  How can we trust anything from the CDC when they are actively manipulating the data in this way?



See also, on this site:
