This site is intended to represent an accurate timeline of events in the timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I use subtle post titles on purpose. Such titles help to avoid censorship when sharing information. The downside is that these titles are not eye-catching, but information sharing fails entirely when it attracts censorship.
Helping people connect the dots is the whole point of this site. The categorization and tagging features of this platform are ideal for this type of work. The value of this project will really shine as the categorizing and tagging becomes more complete. Posts introduce an event. The categorization and tagging relate the topic to other topics.
Within the posts are relevant links to sources. This type of organization of data along with drilling down to original and primary sources is a better solution to an infodemic than the deletion and censorship of information. Clicking on categories and tags will help you see related information together. Searching within the site is also useful since sources are listed with their authors and site names and also because tagging and categorizing are not complete. I avoid using using “et. al.” in an author list because I want all authors to be searchable here.
I have received feedback indicating that people are not sure what to make of the information as presented. For this reason, I have begun adding more links to editorial material that explains source material. Links on this site include icons to help you quickly determine the nature of the information you will find when you browse to the link. I highly encourage exploring the links and doing your own research. It was never my purpose to be your only source for information on this topic; rather, I prefer to guide you to where you might find the most relevant information.
Sharing of information is a necessary part of discussion, but it can also muddy the waters. It is my goal to include links that are as close to primary and original sources as possible. Thus, I include research article links, court documents, government information, and links to where someone of interest actually said something themselves. I may choose to remove links from posts as links to better or more direct sources are found and included instead.
The dates of posts represent the dates that the events actually occurred, as close as I can determine them. Thus, new information can appear anywhere in the timeline as new information is learned. On occasion, dates of posts (and thus, their links) may be subject to change as new information about the date of an event comes in. Functionality has been added to the site to minimize 404 errors where links have changed. As additional information comes in that is related to an event already mentioned on this site, I may choose to add that information to an existing post. The reason for this is to limit the number of posts so that it is easier to look at the list of posts and connect the dots on how the events fit together. If this site were to become overloaded with posts, it would be more difficult to connect the dots.
It turns out that this pandemic was spoken of in predictions and prophecy. I decided to include some of what I found because the messages include what I feel is important information about how to deal with this crisis. Prophecies and predictions are clearly marked with their categories. It is up to you what you will do with those posts.
The domain name was purchased on May 30, 2021. Over Memorial Day weekend, much of the information on this site was copied over from another platform where I had been curating it until then. The other platform had a serious character limit, which often only allowed me to post an extremely brief commentary with a couple of source links. In a way, that was a good thing because it kept the information objective. There was little, if any, room for subjective commentary.
Here, I have no limits on the number of characters I can post. In many cases, I have more information than I was able to post on the other platform. Over time, much of that information will be added here. I feel that the discipline of being forced by the previous platform into nearly pure objectivity is a good one. I will for the most part be continuing the philosophy of objectivity and brevity of commentary on this site, but I will be adding more links as I find them. It is my goal to maintain a distinction between objectivity and subjectivity by clearly marking speculation and commentary when I choose to include them.
In a few cases, I have chosen to “Correct the Record” or advise caution on a topic where I have seen the Truth community get derailed. My purpose in doing so is not to maintain the official narrative as the “fact checkers” do. Clearly, the pattern emerging in this project does not agree with them, either. But, when we choose to present Truth, we must be scrupulous about it.
I am still working on assigning categories and tags to posts from that initial copying from the other site. If the category list at the top of a post includes UNCATEGORIZED, then categorizing and tagging has not been completed yet for that post. The assigning of tags and categories affects the modification dates of posts, which will affect the “Recently Modified Posts” list. Sometimes position in the “Recently Modified Posts” list indicates that new material was added, but sometimes it’s just because tags and categories were added. I apologize for the inconvenience that might create. I am not aware at this time of a way to avoid this.
The site is not taking comments at this time. As you can see, I have a fairly long list of topics that still need to be included. I am busy enough just getting things set up here and catching up with topics that need to be here. There isn’t time to deal with additional input. After I have completed the initial work of this site, perhaps I will open up private commenting that is not directly shared with the posts. If that goes well, I might make commenting public.
Here are some questions I ask when choosing to use a source:
- Is it relevant to SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 in some way? There are some posts in the timeline about prior pandemics. They are there to show patterns and how we dealt with them then.
- Is this as close to original material as I can get? If the story was copied from another source, I prefer to work with the original. In this time of censorship, I support the idea of mirroring because too often the original gets deleted. So I am not opposed to copied material. It’s just that I prefer originals for this work.
- Who is saying it? Is it from the government or another authoritative source? Links from the government help provide accurate information and history about policy and actions. The choice to use government links is not endorsement.
- Is the source an expert giving facts with basis? If the expert cites references. I will use the references as well. If I find someone who is more qualified to say something, I may use the material from the more qualified source to replace another source who was less qualified to say the same thing. After all, I don’t want to overload the readers. The topic is complicated enough already.
- Are there links to additional material that backs up what is being said? If someone is merely editorializing, that isn’t all that useful for this site. It will just add clutter. But if someone is citing facts and connecting dots, I might use it. I might also use the additional material they provide.
- Is the source where I find additional material still valuable on its own? Does it help connect dots in a way that clarifies the story?
- Can this source be used as evidence? Is it the work of key players? Does it feature key players saying something important about their motives?
- Does it add to true science?
- Is it helpful for keeping readers safe in dangerous times?
I want links in the posts on this site to add to the story in a way that is rich in substance so that you aren’t wasting your time here.
Ezekiel 33:2-6 (NKJV)
2 “Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 3 when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.’
- “Bible Gateway Passage: Ezekiel 33:2-6 – New King James Version.” Bible Gateway.