How to Lie With Statistics is a great introduction to a crucial topic.
- March 14, 2015. Bill Gates. “A Guide to Number Games: How to Lie With Statistics Is a Great Introduction to a Crucial Topic.” GatesNotes: The Blog of Bill Gates.
Local copy. - October 17, 1993. Darrell Huff. How to Lie with Statistics. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
- March 9, 1983. Robert Hooke. How to Tell the Liars from the Statisticians. 1st edition. New York: CRC Press.
Book. - October 10, 2017. “The Disinformation Playbook.” Union of Concerned Scientists.
General Website Link. - September 22, 2020. “COVID-19 Statistics Are a Means of Manipulation.” AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Doctor Organization.
And here is the greatest lie they are telling you now: They tell you that people who take the vaccines are unvaccinated until 14 days after they take them. Why? Because they want to hide the following, as shown on the graph. Do you see how many die in 14 days or less? When they count these as “unvaccinated,” they create the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” But this is a lie. It is a pandemic of the freshly vaccinated. These people have studied how to create the ruse. Bill Gates read How to Lie with Statistics. They are lying to us now. When their true goal is depopulation, they had to find a way to hide what they were doing. They do it by convincing you that the dead should not be counted as vaccinated unless they are “fully vaccinated,” meaning that they have had both vaccines and it has been more than 14 days. But look at the lie they hide by doing that, and they have everyone convinced that this is how it should be done. This is fraud. They commit murder in plain sight, but you won’t know it because they hide the carnage in their manipulation of statistics.

Screen print from Tim Truth: Deaths by Day Since Vaccination