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Dr. Plotkin admits vaccines not adequately tested

Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s leading vaccinologist, and his disciples, have just capitulated. After decades of claiming vaccine safety is robustly studied, they just admitted it is not, neither before nor after licensure. But don’t be fooled – read my stack or this long tweet for details!

Aaron Siri, highlight by curator

However, the widespread vaccine hesitancy observed during Covid-19 pandemic suggests that the public is no longer satisfied with the traditional safety goal of simply detecting and quantifying the associated risks after a vaccine has been authorized for use.  The public also wants public health authorities to mitigate and prevent rare by serious adverse reactions — which no longer seem rare when vaccines are given to millions or billions of people.

Salmon et. al.

You cannot give a product that hurts some people some of the time to billions of people and not start watching absolute carnage taking place.

Del Bigtree

Postauthorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow up durations, and population heterogeneity.

Salmon et. al.

… meaning, “Since we never had a placebo group, since it never lasted more than a couple of months long, we have no ability to tell you they’re safe.”  Stanley Plotkin is now admitting it to the world.

Del Bigtree

Progress in vaccine-safety science has understandably been slow — often depending on epidemiologic evidence that is delayed or is inadequate to support causal conclusions and on an understanding of biologic mechanisms that is incomplete — which has adversely affected vaccine acceptance.

Salmon et. al.

No, it’s adversely affected the results of the vaccine.  People that are anti-vaccine aren’t anti-vaccine, especially not the ones that are injured, as Aaron so clearly pointed out.  They’re anti having been injured by a product they once believed in.

Del Bigtree

Identifying the biologic mechanisms of adverse reactions — how and in whom they occur — is critical for developing safer vaccines, preventing adverse reactions by expanding contraindications, and equitably compensating vaccinees for true adverse reactions.

Salmon et. al.

… meaning, “We have never done it.” That is all that we have ever tried to get across here on The Highwire.  Vaccine injury is real, and they’re doing no science looking into it.  As I’ve shown you before, Bernadine Healy, former head of the NIH, said, “I was shocked to find that when I looked through all of our archives, we never studied a group of autistic children who had received the vaccines.  Never!  That study was never done.  We just assumed it couldn’t possibly be happening because of vaccines.”

Really, this article is asking for more money.  His solution is this: “It’s true.  We didn’t do the proper clinical trials prior to licensure, so we don’t know if it’s safe.  And when we do all the postlicensure you thought we were doing, we really weren’t doing it because you didn’t give us enough money.  So now that everyone’s getting injured by Covid, maybe even the president of the United States, and now that you’re all getting really pesky about asking all these damned questions, maybe you should give us some money so we will finally do the science we told you has been done for decades.”

This is where we’re at in the United States of America.  This is where our vaccine program that we have pushed on the entire world is at.  It is crashing down right now as we speak.  And every scientist that has come on this show, and you’ve watched them start with, “Well, it’s just the Covid vaccine.”  “Well, maybe it’s a few more.”  All the way to McCullough saying, “I would not give a vaccine to my kids any longer,” because once you go down this rabbit hole, what Stanley Plotkin is admitting, there is no science whatsoever.

Del Bigtree

So much for “Trust the science.”



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