An Ontario man is the first to be euthanised due to a condition labelled as “post-vaccine syndrome.”
The man, referred to as “Mr. A,” had multiple mental illnesses and experienced physical decline following three covid mRNA injections. His condition was deemed irremediable by Canada’s MAiD death review panel.
Dr. Wiliam Makis predicted this would happen. “Since the vaccine cult is a death cult, it was always going to go this way for the vaccine injured,” he said. “The next step will be scaling up the MAiD killings, as hundreds of thousands of Canadians are severely covid-19 vaccine injured.”
The case is among several highlighted by an Ontario MAID death review committee involving people who weren’t terminally ill
An Ontario man in his late 40s with a history of mental illness died by euthanasia after his assisted death assessors decided that the most reasonable explanation for his physical decline was a post COVID-19 “vaccination syndrome.”
The same people who once claimed vaccine injuries are just a conspiracy theory are now suggesting that you kill yourself if you are indeed vaccine injured.
- October 24, 2024. Sharon Kirkey. “Ontario Man Granted Euthanasia for Controversial ‘Post COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome.’” National Post.
General Website Link. - October 24, 2024. Dan Dicks. “Canadian Man Granted MAID (Euthanasia) For ‘Post COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome.’” Press For Truth. Runtime of embedded video: 12:01.
General Website Link. - October 25, 2024. John Hayward. “Canada’s MAID Euthanasia Program Kills Man for ‘Post Covid-19 Vaccination Syndrome.’” Breitbart.
News. - October 25, 2024. Clare Marie Merkowsky. “Canadian Man Euthanized after COVID Shot Injuries.” Life Site News.
News. - October 26, 2024. Rhoda Wilson. “Covid Vaccine Death Cult Takes Another Victim: Ontario Vaccine Injured Man Is Killed Using MAiD.” The Exposé.
News. - October 27, 2024. Baxter Dmitry. “Canada To Begin Euthanizing Millions of COVID Vaccine Injured Citizens.” The People’s Voice.
News. - November 1, 2024. Brenda Baletti. “Doctors in Canada Euthanize Man With Disabling COVID Vaccine Injury and Mental Illness.” Children’s Health Defense.
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