Detox notes from Dr. Ardis:
Step 1: Release the viruses or venoms. Nicotine is the perfect antidote to release them and restore normal function. Dr. Ardis uses a 3.5 mg patch (half of a 7 mg patch). The vegetable highest in nicotine is eggplant.
Step 2: Break apart and change the structure of the protein to keep it from binding to something else. Two things can do this: EDTA and food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Step 3: Bind the remaining proteins. Apple pectin powder and food grade bentonite clay are the best binders. Apple pectin powder can also detox radiation.
- October 11, 2023. Rick Rene with Bryan Ardis. Division: Anti-Semitic or Zionist. Dr. Ardis LIVE. B2T Show Oct 10, 2023. Blessed To Teach. Runtime: 2:04:19.
Video, Expert.
Interview with Dr. Ardis begins at 30:35. - “The Ardis Club Experience.” The Dr. Ardis Show.