Slide from presentation by Dr. Phillip Buckhaults
Unfortunately, the government must sue first. It is thought that this administration will not do so.
Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It’s considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this.
Michigan remdesivir case is very important precedent here proving liability shield falls when there is undisclosed contamination of active ingredients.
I’m doing a video interview with Byram and with Kevin tomorrow on this topic.
The FDA is now at a crossroads. Either they admit that they knew about the plasma contamination, and failed to disclose that to the public and to the outside committees, or they can claim that they didn’t know about it in which case Pfizer is liable. But we have the Pfizer documents that were given to the FDA so we know what the FDA got. And I seriously doubt there’s any disclosure of SV40 contamination. That means we have an adulterated vaccine and the FDA has to remove it from the market until the adulteration is fixed. If the FDA doesn’t do that, they should face criminal prosecution for endangering the public, and not following the law.
Here’s the Michigan story for those who asked showing when there is contamination, there is no immunity. It makes sense. Otherwise, they can add arsenic into the vaccines and not be liable.
https://wwmt.com/news/local/michigan-judge-denies-drug-manufacturers-immunity-in-case-of-contaminated-covid-19-medicationAll the COVID production vials are contaminated AFAIK. From both Moderna and Pfizer.
I just message Dr. Naomi Wolf re: Pfizer docs. She wasn’t aware of any mention of SV40 in the Pfizer docs they gave the FDA (but she will check further).
So Pfizer has a VERY BIG problem.
I just got off the phone with attorney Warner Mendenhall. He confirmed I wrote is accurate and the litigation floodgates are now open. Here is a list of 90 lawyers that you can contact if you want to sue the vaccine manufacturers: https://airtable.com/appGIUGnttjzscdJF/shrAqtpTOTkoOgrbx/tblfVuObLpclbtF0W
The SV40 promoter is found in all the vials and it was in the gene sequence that was provided to the regulators. There is no mistake. The problem was that neither drug company ever pointed it out to the regulators. It’s an unapproved contaminant that doesn’t meet the standards set. So the regulators are off the hook. But if the regulators don’t take action, then they dig themselves into a very deep hole. The law requires the FDA to stop the vaccine.
Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD just messaged me: “Yes I think that this DNA adulteration issue could be the wedge we have been looking for. Use of a plasmid with SV40 sequences as the template for manufacturing the pseudo-mRNA is, at a minimum, reckless and I can see no logical justification”
It does appear that Biden and most all of the US lawmakers are supporting the drug companies. That’s what they’re paid to do.
Why do I say that? The adulteration has been known since April 2023 and nobody has called for an investigation. Not even after Health Canada confirmed it. They didn’t even ask for an investigation!!
Also, not a single mainstream doctor, who was promoting the vaccine has called for the proper testing to be done as far as I know. The brainwashing and intimidation here is stunning. Everyone should be calling for this to be taken extremely seriously.
I can tell you that all of MY scientific friends want to see this work done ASAP.
If it is discovered that this integrates into your DNA, no one will want to take it willingly.
Our government will then need to mandate it to get people to comply, just like they did before.
If people in government were interested in science and your health, they would have been hammering the CDC and the FDA asking why this was never investigated when it was first discovered.
It will be interesting to see what they do now, won’t it?
Learn more here. It includes a link to the original April 10 paper:
https://kirschsubstack.com/p/ok-you-were-right-we-admit-vaccineDr. Naomi Wolf reports that SV40 does not appear in any of the regulatory documents that Pfizer gave the FDA. So it’s an active ingredient that was not disclosed. That makes it adulteration. This means that the FDA is required to take it off the market. NOW.
Thanks to Amy Kelly and the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysts
A writ of mandamus can be used to force the FDA to follow the law.
Also, a court injunction could halt both mRNA vaccines in the US immediately. But this would require a showing of “irreparable harm” (among other criteria).
If we can prove that the plasmid contamination is causing “irreparable harm” (i.e., integrating into your DNA), the vaccine is TOAST.
So can you guess what we are working on now?
Isn’t it stunning that the FDA hasn’t even issued a Warning Letter to either manufacturer? That neither manufacturer has taken any voluntary actions to investigate this? That the FDA and CDC haven’t even alerted the public that there might be a MAJOR problem here?
“By using qPCR to detect DNA but fluorometry to measure RNA, manufacturers had managed to mislead the regulators regarding the presence of DNA in the vials” For details, read this short article and watch the 2 minute “Bait & Switch” video on the page:
https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/kevin-mckernan-plasmid-mrna-vaccines/Here’s the 2 hour interview with Kevin McKernan, Byram Bridle, and Chris Martenson where you can hear first hand the evidence that they KNEW the SV40 promoter was in the vaccine, but they DELIBERATELY decided to conceal it from the regulators. Bombshell.
https://rumble.com/v3r1pqf-vaccine-adulteration-wkevin-mckernan-byram-bridle-chris-martenson-steve-kir.htmlAnd in parallel, there are other efforts to hold the drug companies accountable for the harms they have inflicted:
https://icandecide.org/press-release/icans-attorneys-file-major-lawsuit-to-strike-down-portions-of-the-prep-act/There are so many vaccine injured. These people were normal healthy people, they took the vax, and shortly thereafter, they are a shell of their former selves. This was a dramatic change. This is not coincidence. This is not “bad luck.” These people’s lives have been ruined by these vaccines. This is not going to end well for the authorities. There are simply way too many injured and dead people for them to keep pretending that “there is nothing to see here.”
While this is going on, the “mysterious deaths” of “unknown causes” will continue such as this 16 year old athlete who died suddenly:
This is happening every day. You just aren’t seeing the stories. And of course the vaccination status is NEVER mentioned in these stories so people will never realize the pattern of “why are these events almost always ONLY happening to vaccinated kids“?
https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2023/10/22/16-year-old-texas-high-school-runner-collapses-and-dies-at-cross-country-meet/Legal opinions will vary of course, but I just got off the phone with a very high profile attorney in the COVID litigation space (who asked not to be quoted since he hasn’t extensively researched this yet) and asked the key question: “Do you have to tie your harm to the adulteration specifically, or does the adulteration remove the liability protection on the base product?” He said, as expected, the case is stronger if you can link the adulteration as causing your injuries, but there is still liability because you didn’t give informed consent to having an adulterated product injected and the PREP act only protects the unadulterated product that you thought you were getting. Bottom line: if you can tie the vaccine with your injury you have a case. You have an even better case if you can tie the adulteration to your injury, but that is NOT necessary.
I wanted to respond to comments by Berenson and Renz. The tl;dr is that I never said this was a cakewalk to get damages. This new revelation simply opens the door to a new litigation pathway that lawyers I’ve talked to believe is legitimate, and it will open even wider if there is irreparable harm from the SV40 promoter that can be proven. In addition, this discovery could lead to a DOJ suing the FDA which will then enable people to also sue them for willful misconduct.
Alex Berenson has claimed you can’t sue and they are protected by the PREP act. The lawyers I talked to disagree. Certainly, there is no question that the PREP act provides very strong immunity: even if you can prove there is willful negligence, it does NOT mean they are liable because the DOJ has to sue them before you can sue them (which under the current President is unlikely). That’s how strong the protection is; it’s nearly ironclad. But there are a number of very strong ways to attack this immunity. For example, the case Aaron Siri just announced is very strong and can topple their immunity. Siri would never have filed this case if he didn’t think he could win it. The Chicago decision was about glass contamination and the court ruled the vaccine manufacturers are NOT immune. So if there is SV40 contamination causing irreparable injury such as permanent DNA modification, should the public be able to sue? The FDA didn’t know about it, but Pfizer will argue that the regulators didn’t mind because when the information was revealed the FDA considered it a non-event. But once the paper is published showing irreparable harm, it is hard to believe the FDA will just sit back and tell people to take the drug. This changes the whole dynamic.
In the end, assuming the plaintiffs request a jury trial and the judge grants it, a jury will decide what happens. Otherwise, a judge will rule. Ultimately it will likely end up in the Supreme Court. Predicting how they will rule is something that nobody can forecast with any accuracy in any case. So just because you have a good case, it does not mean you will win.
As for Tom Renz and his comments about costs, yes, this is expensive and you need to have access to millions of dollars to fund this, but this will ULTIMATELY be a class action so even if it costs $7M, there are potentially millions in the class, so the damages will be much higher than the costs. Certainly, nobody is going to risk $7M on a single court case, but we are talking a class action case and there are people who will fund this to see justice done.
At the end of the day, the courts will have to determine whether it is OK for a drug company to sneak in a potentially lethal active ingredients without telling the FDA or the public about it. Did Congress intend to give the drug companies the ability to do this and escape liability? Suppose the SV40 promoter kills everyone in 10 years. Would the courts give the drug companies a pass on that one? I don’t see the intent anywhere in the PREP Act that would expressly protect such unethical behavior. So you have to ask yourself “why would a court, whose job it is to interpret the intent of Congress, see it differently?”
Also, just to clarify, the FDA is not required to withdraw an adulterated vaccine. They can chose to do nothing. It’s their discretion. They have a variety of remedies available including recall, warning letters, letting the public know, etc. This FDA will do nothing. They are simply going to ignore it. Even if the SV40 promoter is shown to irreparably modify your DNA, the FDA is not required to do anything about it. They can simply leave it on the market.
And that’s what they will likely do because they work for the drug companies and their job is to protect drug company products, not your health.
Do you think I’m joking about that? I’m not. Look, if they were concerned about your health, they would be warning people immediately of the potential harm of an active ingredient they were not aware of. And they would be immediately be ORDERING the drug companies to do all the genetic testing to find out how dangerous the adulteration is.
They are not doing this. The FDA is simply sitting on their hands and doing absolutely nothing. They didn’t even call Kevin McKernan up on the phone to find out more about what he found. They simply don’t care.
The so-called “fact checkers” are not going to point this out in their fact checks either that the FDA is not investigating.
Politifact is doing a fact check on this tweet. For the record, I asked them to ask the FDA these questions:
1. Why aren’t they acknowledging the adulteration and alerting the public?
2. Why was this NOT disclosed to the FDA by the drug companies?
3. There is evidence that the drug companies deliberately hid this information from the FDA. Why did they do that?
4. What testing was done to show that this active ingredient in THIS vaccine does NOT cause DNA modification in the host?
5. Why should the public not be worried if no testing was done and will not be done?
And for those “experts” who claim that there is “nothing to see here” should look at this tweet and the tweet that is contained within it that goes through the paper.
Short story: this is not something that can be safely ignored.
Be sure to click through to the contained tweet:
https://twitter.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1716647799742194149Let’s be clear. I am hardly alone in calling for the Pfizer vaccine, at a minimum, to be pulled from the market. I am in good company with other truthtellers (Malone, Cole, Wolf, …)
https://rescue.substack.com/p/contaminated-and-adulerated-covidHere’s a Russell Brand short clip that explains the predicament Pfizer is in. The silence from Pfizer is DEAFENING!
Twitter now has a hashtag on this topic: #PlasmidGate
This article has been divided into separate posts. You can find the other parts at #PlasmidGate.
- October 18, 2023. David J. Speicher, Jessica Rose, L. Maria Gutschi, David M. Wiseman PhD, and Kevin McKernan. “DNA Fragments Detected in Monovalent and Bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 Vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory Dose Response Relationship with Serious Adverse Events.” OSF Preprints.
Research Journal. - October 19, 2023. Matthew Horwood. “EXCLUSIVE: Health Canada Confirms Undisclosed Presence of DNA Sequence in Pfizer Shot.” The Epoch Times, October 19, 2023, sec. Canada.
News. - October 19, 2023. Noé Chartier [@NChartierET]. “🚨EXCLUSIVE: Health Canada Confirms Undisclosed Presence of DNA Sequence in Pfizer Shot Simian Virus 40 Enhancer Was Not Disclosed by Pfizer, but Health Canada Located It after @Kevin_McKernan and @P_J_Buckhaults Made Their Findings of DNA Contamination Public. By….” Tweet. Twitter.
Social Media. - October 21, 2023. Steve Kirsch [@stkirsch]. “Breaking: You Can Now Sue the mRNA COVID Vaccine Manufacturers for Damages and the FDA Is Required to Take the COVID Vaccines off the Market. Why? Adulteration. The Plasmid Bioactive Contaminant Sequences Were NOT Pointed out to the Regulatory Authorities. It’s Considered….” Tweet. Twitter.
Social Media, Expert. - October 21, 2023. Steve Kirsch. “The Vaccines Are Adulterated. The FDA Should Take Them off the Market. New Court Ruling Shows How Vax Manufacturers Are Liable.” Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter.
Blog. - October 22, 2023. Kevin McKernan, Byram Bridle, Chris Martenson, and Steve Kirsch. COVID Vaccine Adulteration w/Kevin McKernan, Byram Bridle, Chris Martenson, Steve Kirsch. stkirsch. Runtime: 1:52:09.
Video. - October 22, 2023. Steve Kirsch. “Exclusive: Video Interview with 3 Experts Reveals Evidence That the Drug Companies Knew about the SV40 Promoter, yet Decided to Conceal It from the Regulators.” Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter.
Blog. - October 22, 2023. Kevin McKernan. “Intent to Deceive.” Substack newsletter. Nepetalactone Newsletter.
Blog. - October 23, 2023. Noé Chartier [@NChartierET]. “🚨Here Are the Four Emails from Health Canada Which Underpin Our Work on DNA Plasmid Contamination and the Undisclosed Presence of Simian Virus 40 Enhancer-Promoter. We Are Making This Public to Inform the Current Discussion on the Matter. Hopefully Scientists Can Dig into This… Https://T.Co/DshzPFd5jJ.” Tweet. Twitter.
Social Media. - October 24, 2023. Kevin McKernan [@Kevin_McKernan]. “This Very Relevant to Discussions on This Topic. 200B DNA Frags/Dose. 10^3 Integration Events per Molecule. 200M Integrations. Their Plasmid Doesn’t Have a Nuclear Targeting Sequence. Cell Lines Buts It’s All Well to Go from.” Tweet. Twitter.
Social Media. - October 24, 2023. Mary Beth Pfeiffer. “‘Contaminated and Adulerated’ COVID-19 Vaccines Should Be Pulled from the Market.” Substack newsletter. RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo.
Blog. - October 24, 2023. Russell Brand with Bob Gill. “Wait, They Did WHAT?!” Did Pfizer Give People A Different Vaccine?! – Stay Free #230. Russell Brand. Runtime: 1:34:54.
Relevant clip begins at 1:01:58. - October 24, 2023. Russell Brand [@rustyrockets]. “‘Pfizer Didn’t Declare This to the Regulator…’ @drbobgill Https://T.Co/vFoBTIjIwW.” Tweet. Twitter.
Social Media. - October 25, 2023. Stew Peters with Steve Kirsch. Pfizer Liable For SV40 In Shots: SV40 A Red Herring To Prevent Accountability For. Stew Peters.
Video. - October 25, 2023. Kevin McKernan. “PlasmidGate.” Substack newsletter. Nepetalactone Newsletter.
Blog. - October 26, 2023. Steve Kirsch with Jeff Childers and Tricia Lindsay. VSRF Live #100: Pfizer Vaccine Adulteration, A Time to Sue? Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. Runtime: 1:36:11.
Video. - October 27, 2023. Charlie Kirk with Robert Malone. Dr. Robert Malone Explains Risks of Adulterated Psudo-mRNA COVID Vaccines. Real America’s Voice News: The Charlie Kirk Show. Runtime: 5:25.
News. - October 30, 2023. Ben Armstrong. Dr. Malone: Vaccine Delivers Short Fragments of DNA That Cause Genetic Changes! The New American. Runtime: 24:15.
Video. - November 7, 2023. Marina Zhang. “Billions of Copies of Residual DNA in a Single Dose of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: Preprint.” The Epoch Times.
News. - “#PlasmidGate – Search / X.” Twitter.
Social Media.
- April 26, 2023. Samuel Lim, R. Rogers Yocum, Pamela A. Silver, and Jeffrey C. Way. “High Spontaneous Integration Rates of End-Modified Linear DNAs upon Mammalian Cell Transfection.” Scientific Reports 13 (1): 6835.
Research Journal. - July 26, 2023. Drew Pinsky and Kelly Victory with Joseph Fraiman. Dr. Joseph Fraiman: “Major Shortcomings” In mRNA Safety Monitoring w/ Dr Kelly Victory – Ask Dr Drew. Dr. Drew. Runtime: 1:29:29.
Video. - August 8, 2023. Mid-Michigan NOW. “Michigan Judge Denies Drug Manufacturer’s Immunity in Case of Contaminated COVID-19 Medication.” WWMT.
News. - October 10, 2023. “ICAN’s Attorneys File Major Lawsuit to Strike Down Portions of The PREP Act.” ICAN – Informed Consent Action Network.
Activist. - October 16, 2023. Alice Ashwell. “Kevin McKernan: Plasmid Derived dsDNA Contamination in mRNA ‘Vaccines.’” World Council For Health.
Doctor Organization, Activist. - October 19, 2023. David J. Speicher, Jessica Rose, L. Maria Gutschi, David M. Wiseman PhD, and Kevin McKernan. “DNA Fragments Detected in Monovalent and Bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 Vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory Dose Response Relationship with Serious Adverse Events.” OSF Preprints.
Research Journal. - October 19, 2023. David Speicher. “DNA Fragments Detected in Monovalent and Bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 Vaccines from Ontario, Canada.” Substack newsletter. Courageous Truth (blog). October 19, 2023.
Blog. - October 19, 2023. Jessica Rose. “DNA Fragments Detected in Monovalent and Bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 Vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory Dose Response Relationship with Serious Adverse Events.” Substack newsletter. Unacceptable Jessica.
Blog. - October 22, 2023. Dylan Gwinn. “16-Year-Old Texas High School Runner Collapses and Dies at Cross Country Meet.” Breitbart.
News. - October 21, 2023. Patricia Harrity. “Financial Markets Realise – Pfizer May Go Bankrupt.” The Exposé.
News. - “Lawyers to Contact for Suing Vaccine Manufacturers.” Airtable.
Cloud Document. - “The Future of Cloning Is Smarter and Faster.” SnapGene by Dotmatics | Software for Everyday Molecular Biology.
General Website Link.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the following article was published the same day as Steve Kirsch’s tweet: Financial Markets Realise – Pfizer May Go Bankrupt.