This is my personal To-Do list.
Since I’ve got such a backlog of research to do, I decided to make public my list of links that I want to investigate. This list is my way of keeping track of links without having too many tabs open in my browser.
Some of these links won’t make it to a timeline post. Links will be deleted from this list as they are moved into timeline posts or deemed not useful. Please see the About page for more information about how I choose links.
In a few cases, I have already decided to use links on this list in a post, but I haven’t figured out yet where to put them. You can easily spot these links because they are fully decorated and have icons associated with them. This way, they are more visible to me. When I’m ready to use them, they’ll be ready to insert into a post.
For the most part, I have not yet fully evaluated the links below; therefore, the items on this list may contain bad information. It is up to your discretion whether to check them out at all. I cannot vouch for them in any way.
Links to Investigate
- October 1, 2022. Michael Mörz. “A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 MRNA Vaccination against COVID-19.” Vaccines 10 (10): 1651.
Research Journal. - October 1, 2022. “Experts Estimate 20 Million Are Already Dead Due to COVID Vaccination & over 2 Billion Injured.” The Exposé. - October 1, 2022. Jessica North. “Investigation Launched after Deaths of 39 Newborn Scots Babies.” Scottish Daily Express. - October 2, 2022. Niamh Harris. “Scottish Government Orders Investigation Into Mysterious Spike Of New Born Baby Deaths.” The People’s Voice. - October 3, 2022. Paul Farrell. “British Researcher Is given ANOTHER Grant by NIH to Investigate COVID.” Daily Mail Online. - October 3, 2022. Yuval Noah Harari. Science Is Not About Truth, It’s About Power. FreeThinkerFitness. Runtime: 2:06. - October 3, 2022. Del Bigtree with Aseem Malhotra. Dr. Aseem Malhotra: COVID JAB ‘HAS UNPRECEDENTED HARMS.’ The Highwire with Del Bigtree. Runtime: 40:47.
Video. - October 4, 2022. Edward Dowd. Ed Dowd: COVID and the Global Financial Collapse: A Tale of Catastrophes and Cover-Ups. American Freedom Alliance. Runtime: 52:30. - October 5, 2022. Lisa Haven. THEY FINALLY ADMITTED IT! The United Nation Suns World With Hair-Raising Admission! Lisa Haven – Restricted Republic. Runtime: 6:27. - October 6, 2022. Jeremy Poole. World Exclusive, Massive Fall in UK Births in JUNE!!! JeremyPoole. Runtime: 3:08. - October 6, 2022. “BREAKING: CCP Military Manufacturing Vaccines – Bioweapon Destroying Americans.” CD Media. Runtime of embedded video: 15:49. - October 6, 2022. Mike Adams. “Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston Unveils PATENTS and Documents Describing the Covid Vaccine 5G Link, Biosynthetic AI Nanotech, ‘Soft Actuators’ and NEUROWEAPONS Implanted with Needles.” Vaccine Damage News.
News. - October 7, 2022. Del Bigtree with Jefferey Jaxen. FDA WITHHOLDING AUTOPSY DATA. The Highwire with Del Bigtree. Runtime: 5:28. - October 7, 2022. Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson with Bryan Ardis. Dr. Bryan Ardis Follows The Money. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. Runtime: 2:11. - October 7, 2022. John Robb. VETERINARIAN TESTIMONY – PETS DYING FROM VACCINES. Jim Crenshaw. Runtime: 2:18. - October 8, 2022. Karen Kingston. “SECRETARY AUSTIN’S MILITARY ORDER TO MASS INJECT the US ARMED FORCES with ‘COVID-19 VACCINES’ Is Not Only Unlawful, but an Act of Treason.” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 10, 2022. Del Bigtree with Jefferey Jaxen. FAUCI FUNDS DASZAK AGAIN. The Highwire with Del Bigtree. Runtime: 14:04.
Video. - October 10, 2022. Ethan Huff. “Study Links COVID ‘Vaccines’ to Parkinson’s Disease.” NewsTarget. - October 11, 2022. Jim Hoft. “BREAKING BIG: Pfizer Director Admits Vaccine Was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission During EU Hearing Contrary to Previous Claims (VIDEO).” The Gateway Pundit. - October 12, 2022. Karen Kingston. “Part 1: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: The ‘Novel’ Coronavirus & ‘Spike Protein.’” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 13, 2022. Ingrid A. Beck, Sheila Styrchak, Leslie Miller, Fred Mast, Vladimir Vigdorovich, Winnie Yeung, Daisy Ko, Alyssa Oldroyd, Samantha Hardy, Song Li, John Houck, Yonghou Jiang, Nicholas Dambrauskas, Catherine Darcey, Andrew Raappana, William Selman, D. Noah Sather, John D. Aitchison, Whitney E. Harrington, and Lisa M. Frenkel. “Persistent Nonviral Plasmid Vector in Nasal Tissues Causes False-Positive SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Nucleic Acid Tests.” Microbiology Spectrum 10 (6): e01695-22. - October 13, 2022. Robert O. Young with Ariyana Love. MEGA BOMBS! Deadly GMO Parasites Are the mRNA Vectors: Patent Review with Dr. Young & Dr. Love. DrRobertYoung. Runtime: 2:02:04. - October 14, 2022. Karen Kingston. “Part 4: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: Lies, Damn Lies, and Spike Proteins.” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 16, 2022. Karen Kingston. “1st: Personal Message from Karen Kingston.” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 17, 2022. Karen Kingston. “Dear Anonymous Reuters Fact Check Team Member, Regarding Graphene Oxide.” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 18, 2022. Karen Kingston. “Part 5: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: Why Are Quantum Dots in the COVID-19 Injections?” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 19, 2022. Karen Kingston. “Early Warnings About COVID-19 Vaccines Being Bioweapons: Fox News.” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 19, 2022. Steve Stiger with Mat Staver and Pete Chambers. Liberating the Oppressed – LTC (Ret.) Pete Chambers – Freedom AliveTM Ep59. Liberty Counsel. - October 20, 2022. Valentin Bruttel, Alex Washburne, and Antonius VanDongen. “Endonuclease Fingerprint Indicates a Synthetic Origin of SARS-CoV-2.” bioRxiv. - October 21, 2022. Karen Kingston. “Part 7: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: The MRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Can’t Edit the Human Genome Is a Lie. That’s Exactly What the COVID-19 Injections Are Doing.” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 23, 2022. Karen Kingston. “Part 8: Dismantling the COVID-19 Deceptions: The Unvaccinated Are Safe.” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 25, 2022. Ana Maria Mihalcea with David Nixon, Shimon Yanowitz, and Matt Taylor. Irrefutable Proof of Self Assembly Structures in C19 Shots – Structures Assembling and Disassembling. Arthema Sophia Publishing – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. Runtime: 1:20:27. - October 25, 2022. Anders Hagstrom. “New York Supreme Court Reinstates All Employees Fired for Being Unvaccinated, Orders Backpay.” Fox News.
News. - October 25, 2022. Hannah Nightingale. “BREAKING: New York City Ordered by Court to Reinstate All Those Fired over Covid Vaccine Mandates.” The Post Millennial. - October 26, 2022. Karen Kingston. “Early Data Proves Pfizer Vaccines Don’t Prevent Transmission Needs Context.” Substack newsletter. The Kingston Report. - October 26, 2022. Steve Stiger with Mat Staver and Pete Chambers. The Weaponization of Public Health – LTC (Ret.) Pete Chambers – Freedom AliveTM Ep60. Liberty Counsel. Runtime: 28:30. - October 26, 2022. Tom Howell Jr. and Alex Swoyer. “N.Y. Court Orders Rehiring, Back Pay for Fired Unvaccinated Workers.” The Washington Times. - October 28, 2022. Belle Carter. “Pfizer ADMITS in Contract That Long-Term Effects and Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Are Not Currently Known.’” Natural News.