Pandemic Timeline

All-cause deaths are higher among the working demographic

People between the ages of 25-64 with group life policies have been historically healthy, dying at about 30% to 40% percent the rate of the general population. (3 to 4 deaths for every 10)

But in 2021, these numbers flipped. And those with group life policies started to die off faster than the general population.

General population: 31.7% excess mortality in 2021.

Group life: 40% excess mortality in 2021.

Remember, 2021 was the year of vaccine mandates.

And who do people on group life insurance policies tend to work for? Large, well-established companies — large, well-established companies with vaccine mandates.

Ed Dowd: “So that’s an eight-point differential for a group that traditionally experiences MUCH LOWER mortality. This is a Mic drop. I don’t care what anybody says.”

Vigilant Fox


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