Image from Journal of Medical Virology. The bars represent distance. The shorter the bar, the closer the sequence is to that species. In other words, the shorter the bar, the more likely that species is to be the source.
All of COVID-19 can be answered right now, including its treatment for every aspect of COVID and any variants, all you have to do is look at how to treat snake venom poisoning from vipers, and you will know exactly how to treat COVID-19 and all of its variants.
An important point to keep in mind is that the venom theory does not invalidate a virus theory. They are NOT mutually exclusive. It is possible to have a venomized virus. Dr. Tau Braun helps to open up the venom idea as a hypothesis that can work in concert with other factors. Also, this theory does not invalidate anything said about nanotech. These factors are NOT mutually exclusive, either. All of these factors can be valid and exist together.
This theory suggests that anyone who has suffered a severe adverse event as a result of the jabs might want to consider using snake anti-venom as well as the inhibiting agents mentioned on the sales page for Snake Venom Phosphodiesterase I Purified Lyophilized. These are glutathione, cysteine [NAC], and ascorbic acids [vitamin C] and completely inhibited by 5 mM EDTA. Dr. Ardis suggests that HCQ, ivermectin, zinc, melatonin, and nicotine are also effective against snake venom. Please consult your doctor.
Snakes — the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra — may be the original source of the newly discovered coronavirus that has triggered an outbreak of a deadly infectious respiratory illness in China this winter.
Among the 139 toxin genes were 19 ‘venom-ome-specific toxins’ (VSTs) that showed venom-gland-specific expression, and these probably encode the minimal core venom effector proteins. … It is likely that these genes, together with the 19 VSTs, form the core toxic effector components of the venom and induce a wide range of symptoms including cardiovascular dysfunction, muscular paralysis, nausea, blurred vision and systemic effects such as hemorrhage.
The English word “virus” is based on a Latin word for “poisonous secretion,” and early on it often kept to its original meaning of “venom,” either the literal or figurative kind.
It becomes more clear in the Freedom Force Battalion video featuring Dr. Bryan Ardis that snake venom is used as a tool of sorts in the manufacture of mRNA. In another Freedom Force Battalion featuring Charlie Ward, Charlie Ward claims that SARS-CoV-2 was found in the water of Barcelona in November of 2019 before COVID-19 was announced in Wuhan. I did not find a source to confirm contamination on the supply side, but I did find a study saying that SARS-CoV-2 was found in Barcelona waste water as early as March of 2019. Dr. Ardis mentioned in the RedPill78 interview that the capability existed to use the water supply to target specific homes.
Sheila Holm quotes the following passages in her interview with L.T.:
Revelation 9:18-21 (NKJV)
18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed—by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths.
19 For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm.
20 But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk.
21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries* or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
* φαρμακεία/pharmakeia
- “Bible Gateway Passage: Revelation 9:18-21 – New King James Version.” Bible Gateway.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
- “Bible Gateway Passage: 2 Chronicles 7:14 – New King James Version.” Bible Gateway.
- April 11, 2022. Stew Peters with Bryan Ardis. LIVE WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER. Stew Peters Network. Runtime: 59:37.
Video, Expert, Key.
This is the show that got the topic started. - April 11, 2022. Bryan Ardis. THE LIE HAS BEEN EXPOSED! THE REAL ORIGIN OF COVID! PURE EVIL! The Dr. Ardis Show. Runtime: 1:29:23.
Video, Expert, Key. - April 12, 2022. Bryan Ardis with Tau Braun. THE DOCTOR WHO FIGURED IT OUT BEFORE DR. ARDIS!!! The Dr. Ardis Show. Runtime: 1:10:40.
Video, Expert. - May 16, 2022. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson with Bryan Ardis. Dr. Bryan Ardis and Covenom19. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. Runtime: 30:14.
Video, Expert.
This video includes the trailer for Covenom19. - Covenom19.
https://covenomseries.com/. - April 14, 2022. “The Snake Venom Hypothesis of Covid – Dr. Bryan Ardis [VIDEO].” Europe Reloaded. Runtime of embedded video: 59:37.
This is a good written summary of information provided by Dr. Ardis. - SYNBIO WARFARE.
General Website Link. - April 14, 2022. Mellissa Redpill the World with Bryan Ardis. Receipts – Fact Check This! 4-14-22. Freedom Force Battalion. Runtime: 1:30:13.
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At 29:27 in this video, Melissa asks Dr. Ardis about the blood clots found by the embalmers. - April 11, 2022. Mike Adams with Bryan Ardis. Part 1/3 – Dr. Bryan Ardis Reveals BOMBSHELL Origins of Covid, MRNA Vaccines and Treatments. Health Ranger Report. Runtime: 1:01:36.
Video, Expert. - April 12, 2022. Mike Adams with Bryan Ardis. Part 2/3 – Dr. Bryan Ardis Reveals BOMBSHELL Origins of Covid, MRNA Vaccines and Treatments. Health Ranger Report. Runtime: 46:12.
Video, Expert. - April 14, 2022. Mike Adams with Bryan Ardis. Part 3/3 – Dr. Bryan Ardis Reveals BOMBSHELL Origins of Covid, MRNA Vaccines and Treatments. Health Ranger Report. Runtime: 54:35.
Video, Expert. - April 17, 2022. Zak Paine with Bryan Ardis. Testing The Venom Theory with Bryan Ardis & Zak Paine on Sat. Night Livestream. RedPill78. Runtime: 2:18:31.
Video, Expert. - April 13, 2022. Madhava Setty. “‘Watch the Water’ Right on Remdesivir, But Snake Venom Theory Is a Stretch.” Children’s Health Defense.
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It is possible that the article title originally did not mention a bat or a pangolin. The title element in the header information of the page appears as:
<title>Where Did the New Coronavirus Come From? Potentially a Snake</title> - January 29, 2020. Katie Hunt. “Snake Venom Can Now Be Made in a Lab.” CTVNews.
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