This will be a model trial intended to get indictments.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a lawyer who has been working tirelessly at holding world governments accountable, spearheading Nuremberg 2.0.
Tonight he will give us an update on exactly what these lawsuits are, how they differ from the original Nuremberg Trials, and where he is up to in his global efforts.
There are multiple cases in the works, actually.
- January 6, 2022. Maria Zeee with Reiner Fuellmich. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Update on Nuremberg 2.0. mariazeee. Runtime: 57:32.
Video. - January 23, 2022. Chloé Frammery with Reiner Fuellmich. Flash Spécial Du 23.01.2022 – Interview Exclusive de Reiner Fullmich Par Chloé – Confirmation d’actions Juridiques à l’international. Brussels: AGORA TVNEWS. Runtime: 6:52.
This interview is in English. - January 23, 2022. Christian Peronne, Henrion Caudes, Astrid Stuckelberger, and Reiner Fuellmich. Conférence de Presse à Bruxelles 23.01.2022 – Pr Peronne, Dr Henrion Caudes, Dr Stuckelberger, Fuellmich – Totalement Censuré Dans Les Médias. Brussels: AGORA TVNEWS. Runtime: 22:39.
The press conference is in English with the exception of the second speaker because she was promoting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book translated into French. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in this topic, in my opinion.
- January 7, 2022. Viviane Fischer and Reiner Fuellmich with Werner Bergholz and Tjascha Vuzem. Session 86: The Fog Is Lifting. Corona Investigative Committee. English voiceover. Runtime: 6:45:17.
Concern about toxic ethelene oxide on test swabs was brought up toward the end of Werner Bergholz’s session.