If you go online right now and do a search on Joe Rogan, you will find article after article from the mainstream media about how Joe Rogan is an idiot because he took horse dewormer.
The fact is that Joe Rogan took ivermectin formulated for humans that was prescribed to him by a medical doctor. Ivermectin was approved for human use in 1996. The world was so impressed with ivermectin that its discoverers won a Nobel Prize for their efforts. More recently, in January 2021, doctors made such a good case to the NIH for the use of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19 that the NIH had to make it an approved option for use in treating COVID-19. India wants to prosecute the WHO’s chief scientist because removing ivermectin from their formulary on her advice led to deaths. The FDA’s off-label policy allows doctors to prescribe approved medications not specifically approved for the ailment they want to treat, and yet the AMA now wants to ban ivermectin, which happens to be on the WHO’s list of essential medicines. Prior to AMA and WHO meddling in response to COVID-19, ivermectin was considered one of the safest drugs available. The FDA needs to tell the AMA to go pound sand. Apparently, the AMA has already had to back off about hydroxychloroquine (pp. 16-21). Meanwhile, Japan has gotten so fed up with contaminated vaccines that they have decided to use ivermectin instead.
But here’s the most important fact in this event that needs to be remembered: Joe Rogan recovered and did so quickly. He kicked the worst of COVID-19 in just one day. Meanwhile, how long does it take for COVID-19 patients to recover on the standard protocols? Seems to me, he’s a genius. Why is everyone arguing with his success?
- September 1, 2021. Joe Rogan. “‘I GOT COVID. My Apologies, but We Have to Move the Nashville Show to Sunday, October 24. Much Love to You All.’” Instagram. Runtime of attached video: 1:38.
Social Media. - September 7, 2021. Joe’s COVID Experience, CNN’s Ivermectin Claims. PowerfulJRE.
Video. - September 1, 2021. Joe Rogan Announces He Has COVID-19 And Feels Great After Ivermectin And Multi-Drug Treatment. KanekoaTheGreat. Runtime: 1:38.
This is a mirror of the video posted by Joe Rogan, just in case. Bonus: His list of treatments is in the description, - November 22, 1996. US Food & Drug Administration. “Drugs@FDA: FDA-Approved Drugs: STROMECTOL.”
Food & Drug Administration. - “EEML – Electronic Essential Medicines List | Ivermectin.” World Health Organization.
World Health Organization. - Drugs.Com. “Ivermectin Uses, Side Effects & Warnings.”
Reference. - April 18, 2019. US Food & Drug Administration. “Understanding Unapproved Use of Approved Drugs ‘Off Label.’”
Food & Drug Administration. - “I-MASK + Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19.” FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.
Doctor Organization, Activist, PDF.
This is protocols for prevention and treatment incorporating ivermectin. - September 1, 2021. “AMA, APhA, ASHP Statement on Ending Use of Ivermectin to Treat COVID-19.” American Medical Association.
American Medical Association. - November 2020. Georgia. “Hydroxychloroquine and Combination Therapies – Off-Label Use.” November 20 Handbook Addendum, Resolution: 509, pp. 16-21. American Medical Association.
American Medical Association, PDF. - April 22, 2021. Pierre Kory, Gianfranco Umberto Meduri, Joseph Varon, Jose Iglesias, and Paul E. Marik. “Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19.” American Journal of Therapeutics 28 (3): e299–318.
Research Journal. - September 5, 2021. FULLY VAXXED EX-CHAMP HOSPITALIZED, UNVAXXED JOE ROGAN CURED IN 3 DAYS. Bright Light News.
- “Ivermectin.” COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines.
National Institutes of Health. - July 8, 2021. “Table: Characteristics of Potential Antiviral Agents.” COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines.
National Institutes of Health.
Ivermectin is the second drug in this table. Take this chart to your doctor. - September 3, 2021. Tom Pappert. “‘Cheers’ Star Kirstie Alley, 70, Says She Used Ivermectin, Joe Rogan Protocol To Treat COVID And Recovered In 12 Days.” National File.
News. - April 9, 2020. “AMA Prefers Death to Treating without Data, States the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).” Yahoo! News.
News. - September 2021. A. D. Santin, D. E. Scheim, P. A. McCullough, M. Yagisawa, and T. J. Borody. “Ivermectin: A Multifaceted Drug of Nobel Prize-Honoured Distinction with Indicated Efficacy against a New Global Scourge, COVID-19.” New Microbes and New Infections 43 (September): 100924.
Research Journal. - September 2, 2021. Stew Peters with Zev Zelenko. “Dr. Zev Zelenko: COVID Genocide ‘Very Nefarious, Sinister Purpose.’” The Stew Peters Show, Red Voice Media. Runtime of embedded video: 16:28.
News. - July 24, 2021. “Ivermectin Stories.” World Ivermectin Day.
See also, on this site:
- Stromectol (Ivermectin) is approved by the Food & Drug Administration.
- Many members of Congress and their staff have been using ivermectin
- WHO Chief Scientist charged with causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin.
- Independent Investigator Debunks Ivermectin Overdose Story
- Japan, fed up with contaminated vaccines, chooses to use ivermectin instead
- NIH upgrades recommendation on ivermectin, making it an approved option for use in COVID-19
- Nobel Prize awarded for work with ivermectin and artemisinin
- Tag: ivermectin
News flash to the AMA: People would not be messing around with veterinary horse paste right now if you and other regulatory bodies had not been messing around with doctors’ right to prescribe off-label. It really is your fault if people are getting ill from downing too much horse paste. Had their doctors felt comfortable prescribing human formulated ivermectin tablets with proper instructions on the bottle labels, the people would not have felt the need to find a way around the road blocks you’ve thrown up in their way. Quit interfering with our right to stay well! Quit interfering with our doctors’ right to practice! Let doctors be doctors.
A note to whoever put together that cease and desist statement to the AMA for hydroxychloroquine: It’s time to do it again for ivermectin. The principle is the same, but so soon they forget!