[Spain‘s] Supreme Court considers that the presentation of this certificate in the establishments of drinks is an intense and extensive restriction of the individual rights that it needs of a “substantive justification”; In other words, the High Court believes that in order to order this measure, it must be justified to preserve public health, something that does not happen in the Andalusian case.
The text of the Supreme Court also considers that a restriction of rights like this cannot be based “on a technical report from the General Directorate of Public Health” because a “opinion does not allow us to understand the proportionality of said measure.”
— El Correo, as translated by Google
Justice suspended the decree of the prefect of Yvelines submitting shopping centers to #PassSanitaire because “people without Pass could not obtain basic goods”! Nothing was planned for them! Monstrous! This prefect must be sacked, quickly!
— Profession GENDARME, as translated by Google
- August 24, 2021. Nick Corbishley. “Spain’s Supreme Court Rules Against Using Vaccine Passports to Restrict Access to Public Spaces.” Naked Capitalism.
Blog. - August 18, 2021. Álvaro Soto. “El Supremo tumba el pasaporte covid para entrar en el ocio nocturno.” El Correo. https://www.elcorreo.com/sociedad/salud/supremo-tumba-pasaporte-20210818170045-ntrc.html.
News. - August 14, 2021. Ana Moreno. “El pasaporte covid y la vacunación obligatoria no calan en España por los pinchazos masivos y el freno judicial.” infoLibre.
News. - August 27, 2021. T. L. B. Staff. “France: The Court Suspends Health Pass Restrictions in Large Shopping Centers in a Key Region.” Europe Reloaded.
News. - August 26, 2021. “Yvelines : la justice suspend l’arrêté du préfet sur le pass sanitaire dans les centres commerciaux.” Profession GENDARME.