Dr. Richard Fleming presents ‘Event 2021’, a science-based presentation on the COVID-19 pandemic, from the virus, to vaccines, treatments, and the Public Health response. Virtually everything in this presentation is backed by documentation.
If you have time for it, this is probably the best information out there on COVID-19. Perhaps you can view it in multiple sessions if time is tight.
Dr. Fleming explains how the virus came to be. Yes, it was lab-created. Dr. Fleming shows imaging of the virus. Scientists know that there is a virus because they can see it with their instruments. They have sequenced the DNA of the virus and can identify it. The information shared by Dr. Fleming differs somewhat from that shared by Dr. David Martin. The main actors in the story are the same, though.
Dr. Fleming explains some early work on finding cures. It is important to know that generally doctors were told that there were no treatment. And if doctors tried to use methods of treatment that were not on some official list, they could lose their licenses. In other words, doctors were prevented under threat from trying methods and drugs that they thought might work. It is quite possible that many of the people who died could have been saved had doctors been allowed their usual discretion to choose medicines for their patients as they saw fit.
Dr. Fleming talks about choosing medications not for the diseases for which they were approved, but rather for the mechanisms by which they work. He showed a chart he had made of mechanisms of COVID-19 with a list of drugs and the viral mechanisms they could inhibit. He and his colleagues had conducted a test of various medications including HCQ. He explains the protocols of the test.
The presentation includes a video appearance by Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a scientist from Hong Kong who explains what she found when she searched for the origins of SARS-COV-2 and how it appears to be a bioweapon.
Dr. Fleming presents ways we can help with the legal efforts to prevent abuse from the government.
Dr. Fleming presents treatment plans for COVID-19 and spike proteins resulting from jabs. These are downloadable.
- June 5, 2021. Richard Fleming. “LIVE FROM ‘EVENT 2021’ IN DALLAS, TX.” The Highwire.
Activist, Expert, Video. - June 5, 2021. “LIVE STREAM OF EVENT 2021.” Fleming-Method.
This page includes a link to a compact version of the slides PDF. - June 5, 2021. Richard M. Fleming. “EVENT 2021: What If the People You Trust Are the People Causing the Problem?” Fleming-Method.
This page includes links to the studies on which material in the presentation are based.
- September 14, 2020. Li-Meng Yan, Shu Kang, Jie Guan, and Shanchang Hu. “Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route,”
Research Journal.
Full report.
The publication note from 17 July 2021 shown with the abstract is interesting to say the least.