This is my personal To-Do list.
Since I’ve got such a backlog of research to do, I decided to make public my list of links that I want to investigate. This list is my way of keeping track of links without having too many tabs open in my browser.
Some of these links won’t make it to a timeline post. Links will be deleted from this list as they are moved into timeline posts or deemed not useful. Please see the About page for more information about how I choose links.
In a few cases, I have already decided to use links on this list in a post, but I haven’t figured out yet where to put them. You can easily spot these links because they are fully decorated and have icons associated with them. This way, they are more visible to me. When I’m ready to use them, they’ll be ready to insert into a post.
For the most part, I have not yet fully evaluated the links below; therefore, the items on this list may contain bad information. It is up to your discretion whether to check them out at all. I cannot vouch for them in any way.
Links to Investigate
- November 1, 2020. M Leitzke, D Stefanovic, J-J Meyer, S Schimpf, and P Schönknecht. “Autonomic Balance Determines the Severity of COVID-19 Courses.” Bioelectronic Medicine 6 (1): 22.
Research Journal. - November 2, 2020. David S. Hilzenrath. “FDA Whitewashes Warnings About Coronavirus Vaccine Trials.” Project On Government Oversight. - November 5, 2020. Emilia Niemiec. “COVID-19 and Misinformation: Is Censorship of Social Media a Remedy to the Spread of Medical Misinformation?” EMBO Reports 21 (11): e51420. - November 9, 2020. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with David E. Martin. “‘TRUTH’ With RFK Jr. and David Martin: Fauci’s Checkered Past, Moderna’s Warp Speed Vaccine.” Children’s Health Defense. Runtime of embedded video: 43:40. - November 9, 2020. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with David E. Martin. “‘TRUTH’ With RFK Jr. and David Martin: Fauci’s Checkered Past, Moderna’s Warp Speed Vaccine.” Children’s Health Defense.
Transcript from above post. - November 11, 2020. “PROCESSO N.o 1783/20.7T8PDL.L1-3.” Conselho Regional de Lisboa da Ordem dos Advogados. - November 11, 2020. Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés. HABEAS CORPUS INTERESSE EM AGIR SARS-COV-2 TESTES RT-PCR PRIVAÇÃO DA LIBERDADE DETENÇÃO ILEGAL. Acórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa.,
Local copy. - November 13, 2020. editor. “Unintended Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 100 Dead.” Vanguardian News. - November 13, 2020. “Public Policy, Opinions, Behavior, and Health Outcomes during the COVID Pandemic.” The Bush School of Government & Public Service. - November 16, 2020. Whitney Webb. “Cyber War Declared in U.S. and UK to Quash Vaccine Hesitancy as Nations Prepare for Mass Inoculations.” Children’s Health Defense. - November 17, 2020. “Media Hypes Moderna’s COVID Vaccine, Downplays Risks.” Children’s Health Defense. - November 19, 2020. Ethan Huff. “SCIENCE FAIL: Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests Are Unreliable, Unlawful ‘Evidence’ of Alleged Covid-19 Infections.” Natural News. - November 20, 2020. Art Moore. “Senate Hears Experts Decry Demonization of Livesaving ‘Trump Drug.’” WND. - November 23, 2020. Dr. Roger Hodkinson – COVID Is the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public! Rogersings NWO News! - November 25, 2020. Faye Higbee. “German Lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich Reviews Nov. 25 Lawsuit Filed Against MSM ‘Fact Checkers’ Re. PCR Covid Test Results.” Educate-Yourself. - November 27, 2020. Peter Andrews. “Landmark Legal Ruling Finds That Covid Tests Are Not Fit for Purpose. So What Do the MSM Do? They Ignore It.” RT International.