This is my personal To-Do list.
Since I’ve got such a backlog of research to do, I decided to make public my list of links that I want to investigate. This list is my way of keeping track of links without having too many tabs open in my browser.
Some of these links won’t make it to a timeline post. Links will be deleted from this list as they are moved into timeline posts or deemed not useful. Please see the About page for more information about how I choose links.
In a few cases, I have already decided to use links on this list in a post, but I haven’t figured out yet where to put them. You can easily spot these links because they are fully decorated and have icons associated with them. This way, they are more visible to me. When I’m ready to use them, they’ll be ready to insert into a post.
For the most part, I have not yet fully evaluated the links below; therefore, the items on this list may contain bad information. It is up to your discretion whether to check them out at all. I cannot vouch for them in any way.
Links to Investigate
- March 13, 2020. Pharmaceutical Industry Editor. “Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory, Wuhan Institute of Virology, China.” Pharma Industry Review. - March 13, 2020. “President Donald J. Trump Directs FEMA Support Under Emergency Declaration for COVID-19.” FEMA. - March 15, 2020. Daisuke Wakabayashi and Steve Lohr. “Bill Gates Stepping Down From Microsoft’s Board.” The New York Times.
Cited in video 3YCgmyu6eK0U. - March 18, 2020. “Prioritizing and Allocating Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of COVID-19.” Executive Order 13909. Executive Office of the President, Donald J. Trump. - March 21, 2020. Jason Hommel. “Scientists Say the COVID19 Test Kits Do Not Work, Are Worthless, and Give Impossible Results.” RevealingFraud.Com. - March 23, 2020. “Preventing Hoarding of Health and Medical Resources To Respond to the Spread of COVID-19.” Executive Order 13910. Executive Office of the President, Donald J. Trump. - March 24, 2020. “New ICD Code Introduced for COVID-19 Deaths.” COVID-19 Alert No. 2. National Vital Statistics System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, PDF. - March 24, 2020. Fabio G.C. Carisio. “CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 7. NWO-CIA-DEM Top Secret Military Missions in Ukraine, Fort Detrick, Sigonella, Wuhan, Modena.” Gospa News. - March 28, 2020. Phil Stone. “Henry Kissinger in a Speech to the World Health Organization Council on Eugenics February the 25th 2009.” Philosophers Stone. - March 30, 2020. “Notice of Designation of Scarce Materials or Threatened Materials Subject to COVID-19 Hoarding Prevention Measures.” 2020–06641. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.