WHO and World Bank Group today launched a new mechanism to strengthen global health security through stringent independent monitoring and regular reporting of preparedness to tackle outbreaks, pandemics, and other emergencies with health consequences.
- May 24, 2018. “WHO and World Bank Group Join Forces to Strengthen Global Health Security.” World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/news/item/24-05-2018-who-and-world-bank-group-join-forces-to-strengthen-global-health-security.
World Health Organization. - May 24, 2018. “New Health Board Aims to Break ‘Cycle of Panic and Neglect’ on Pandemics.” UN News.
United Nations. - “GPMB.” Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.
General Website Link.
- September 2019. “A World at Risk.” Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.
General Website Link.
This is the first annual report of the GPMB. Dr. David Martin claims that this annual report was released on September 18, 2019.