Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt together toured the opposition camp in Kiev in December [2013]
Two senior American diplomats, thinking their conversation about the Ukraine was secure and private, were caught disparaging the European Union in a phone call that was apparently bugged, and U.S. officials say they strongly suspect Russia of leaking the conversation.
— CBS News
- February 4, 2014. Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt. Марионетки Майдана [Puppets of the Maidan]. Re Post. Runtime: 4:10.
Video. - February 7, 2014. BBC News. “Ukraine Crisis: Transcript of Leaked Nuland-Pyatt Call,” sec. Europe.
News. - February 7, 2014. “Top U.S. Diplomat Victoria Nuland, Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt Caught out in Private Chat Leaked Online.” CBS News.
News. - “Victoria Nuland.” In Wikipedia.
Reference. - “Geoffrey R. Pyatt.” In Wikipedia.
This incident is relevant to the general topic of this website due to Victoria Nuland’s connection to the Ukraine biolabs.