Jesse Ventura and his team of investigators dig deep into the behind-the-scenes government doings. What he reveals will shock you and awe you, but still, you’re left to make up your own mind about what you do or do not believe.
Jessie Ventura interviewed Alex Jones behind a warehouse, then Dr Rima Laibow in a private landing strip. They warned of the UN, the WHO, the Bildeberg Group, planned pandemics, forced injections, population reduction and sterilization.
Jesse Ventura and the team investigate the Bildergberg Group – a group that meets annually in secret heavily-guarded meetings in Europe, America, and Canada. Jesse learns that the Bilderberg Group comprises some of the most ‘powerful’ people in the world, including heads of states and business leaders who want to control the world through a centralized government. Jesse also uncovers the Bilderberg’s plan to reduce the world’s population by up to 90% through the use of ‘vaccines’ and food distribution control, in order to make control of the world easier.
TIMING [The 16 YEAR Plan OBAMA / CLINTON Globalist Control] – Presidency of Barack Obama from his inauguration as president of the United States on January 20, 2009
Alex Jones Coined the saying “The Soft Kill Plan” Culling by medical misadventure using vaccines as the catalyst to activate a death cycle.
This plan was delayed and was kicked off in 2020 with the mysterious COVID-19 Virus, which has been the biggest Mass deception planned on human society fuelled by mainstream media and BigTech draconian censorship attempts to enforce vaccination have been clear and the magic card vaccine passports was played 2021; this however has suffered a massive push back globally and is on the horizon of failure in the Americas and Australia and UK
- December 30, 2009. “Secret Societies.” Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
Reference. - December 30, 2009. Jesse Ventura. 2009 DEC 30 Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies The Bilderbergs Global Death Plot. Runtime: 44:04.
General Website Link. - May 24, 2021. Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, and Rima Laibow. Pandemic! Rima Laibow On Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura S1 E05 Secret Societies 2009. Info that matters. Runtime: 43:56.
Video. - February 23, 2023. Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, and Rima Laibow. Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura S1 E05 Secret Societies (2009). RAVries. Runtime: 43:56.
Video. - July 13, 2023. Mark Trozzi. “The Covid Agenda Exposed in 2009!” DrTrozzi.
- December 2, 2009. LeeF. “Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Claims The U.N. Would Release A Virus To Trigger Depopulation Through Vaccines!” HISTORY HEIST.
General Website Link. - April 26, 2012. “The Rockefellers NWO Oligarchs versus Governor Jesse Ventura Dr. Rima Laibow Aaron Russo Alex Jones Pat Buchanan.” 2013 Patriot.
Blog. - April 10, 2022. Mark Trozzi. “WHO Schemes & How to STOP THEM | The Dr Rima Laibow Show.” DrTrozzi.