October 1878
Full Definition of fraud
specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal rightwas accused of credit card fraud
b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : TRICK automobile insurance frauds
2 a : a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : IMPOSTOR He claimed to be a licensed psychologist, but he turned out to be a fraud.
also : one who defrauds : CHEAT
b : one that is not what it seems or is represented to be The UFO picture was proved to be a fraud.
Fraud must be proved by showing that the defendant’s actions involved five separate elements: (1) a false statement of a material fact, (2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result.
- October 1878. UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON. U.S. Supreme Court.
Judgment. - “Definition of FRAUD.” In Merriam-Webster.
Reference. - “Fraud.” In The Free Dictionary.
- “Three Elements That Can Render Court Rulings Vacatable.” Family Guardian Fellowship.
General Website Link.
Given what I have seen so far, I believe every one of the above requirements can be proved. On this basis, any contracts that waive liability for injuries caused by the COVID-19 vaccines can be rendered null and void. That said, plaintiffs may wish to wait until the fraud is more widely recognized before proceeding with claims. A case that is acquitted cannot go to trial a second time.