vitamin d – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 28 Sep 2021 05:22:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 vitamin d – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 The FTC criminalizes nutritional advice about vitamin D and zinc in latest ploy to protect market monopoly for unproven, dangerous vaccines Fri, 23 Apr 2021 00:00:30 +0000 A chiropractor was accused of making false claims by saying vitamin D and zinc might work against covid. Yet the media push vaccines, when no vaccine has been approved by the FDA as safe and effective against covid-19. Source:


A chiropractor was accused of making false claims by saying vitamin D and zinc might work against covid. Yet the media push vaccines, when no vaccine has been approved by the FDA as safe and effective against covid-19.


Judy Mikovits on the vaccines Thu, 15 Jul 2021 00:00:53 +0000 Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any kind.   Please consult your medical advisor.  What I can tell you, though, is that these “vaccines” are something humanity has not dealt with before. The suggestions below are not guaranteed to work, but they may be your best chance for coping with the ongoing health…


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any kind.   Please consult your medical advisor.  What I can tell you, though, is that these “vaccines” are something humanity has not dealt with before. The suggestions below are not guaranteed to work, but they may be your best chance for coping with the ongoing health issues that may result from taking “vaccines” designed to create spike proteins.  No one yet really knows for sure what will help, though some treatments are showing promise.

According to Judy Mikovits, the source of the virus is the vaccines.  Judy Mikovits agrees that there is graphene in the vaccines as well.  The reason that the data safety sheets inserted in the packaging are blank is because the vaccines are in a large clinical trial right now.  As such, placebos are in use.  This is mentioned in the Letters of Authorization (LOAs) that accompanied the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs).  Some animal trials were not completed prior to the EUAs.  We are the animal trial for those particular tests, which was a condition of the EUAs.  Because these vaccines are still in trial, mandates are illegal.  The pharmaceutical companies are not telling us who is getting the vaccine and who is getting saline.  Ingredients in the vaccines and adverse reactions will vary by lot.

The simple solution to regaining our health for all time is not another inoculation ever until all of this is exposed and every single safety study and efficacy study with every combination of drug, with every other vaccine is done.  Those take decades. … Pre-exposure prophylaxis — that’s a vaccine.  I’ll take one in a pill.  I’ll take one in a nasal spray called Type 1 Interferon low dose.  I’ll take hydroxychloroquine, which Tony Fauci himself called a vaccine.  So, we need to turn this around first by saying, “No more!”

Judy Mikovits tells us that spike proteins synthetic viruses and are smaller than normal viruses.  They can enter through the skin as well as the respiratory tract.  They can go into every cell of the body because of the way they were made.  They are not restricted in the way normal viruses are.  Judy Mikovits believes that it is medical malpractice for vaccinated practitioners to treat vulnerable people such as cancer patients.

Judy Mikovits says that the methods for dealing with vaccine and spike protein adverse effects are, for the most part, the same as protocols for preventing the natural infection.  The vaccine need not be a death sentence.

Number 1: If it didn’t hurt you immediately, we can pray to God that you got the control, the saline in the experiment.

Number 2: If you have a healthy immune system, it will degrade those particles.  We don’t know how long your cells will manufacture that spike protein; but the healthier you are, the more your Type 1 Interferon immune system, the more your innate immune system, the more you keep your skin healthy, you go out and get vitamin D in the sunshine; your own body’s immune system, our God-given immune system can degrade and can heal us even from this synthetic weaponized virus. So that’s the great news.

The bad news is for the immune compromised who are exposed [to vaccinated people], as I just mentioned, in hospitals.  This is criminal. …

If you experience any symptoms, do what you would do to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or influenza infection.  Take hydroxychloroquine.  Take prophylactically ivermectin.  Take low-dose Interferon sprays.  Take N-acetyl cystine.  Take healthy glutathione, glycine.  There’s a product called Pro Immune, which is a powder of the building blocks, the amino acids, glycine, and glutamated N-l-cystine that make up our glutathione.  That’s your antioxidant.  It’s the oxidative stress causing the disease and causing the immune disfunction in one part.  So do all of those things to keep your immune system well.  Chicken soup, minerals, quercetin.  I can line up the natural products.  There are cannabinoids.  We have a cannabinoid balm, a skin cream that you can put, from hemp, on your skin, and that will keep the flame down.  That endocannabinoid system is the dimmer switch on your immune system.  It says, “It’s OK.”  It tells your immune system, “It’s OK.  Turn the fire off.  We got this.”  So we can protect ourselves with natural products, with plants, with botanicals, with healing.

But the most powerfully immune-suppressive thing there is, is fear and anger.  So imagine if tomorrow, you walk outside and you never saw another mask.  Then you’re not going to look around and say, “Oh, who’s vaccinated?”  I can confidently say my hydroxychloroquine, my Interferon, my ivermectin, my supplements that I took in the morning make me immune.  So I can confidently say, “Yes, I’m not only vaccinated; I’m immune.”

The graphene in the vaccines necessitates detox protocols as well.


See also, on this site:
