vaccines – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 19 Nov 2024 07:38:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 vaccines – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 The National Research Act is signed into law. Fri, 12 Jul 1974 00:00:37 +0000 If you are feeling pressured to take a vaccine, DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB! Make your boss fire you. Please see the statement from America’s Front Line Doctors about this. As of August 23, 2021, the Pfizer-BioNTech inoculation is now approved under the brand name Comirnaty. The Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine…


If you are feeling pressured to take a vaccine, DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB! Make your boss fire you. Please see the statement from America’s Front Line Doctors about this.

As of August 23, 2021, the Pfizer-BioNTech inoculation is now approved under the brand name Comirnaty. The Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine clearly states that pre-authorization Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the Comirnaty vaccine are equivalent. Any objections based on the experimental status of this vaccine are now moot. The argument now becomes whether that approval was legal. Dr. Jane Ruby and Karen Kingston both have concerns about the legality of the approval. See the post about the approval for details.

The National Research Act was enacted by the 93rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Richard Nixon on July 12, 1974 after a series of congressional hearings on human-subjects research, directed by Senator Edward Kennedy. The National Research Act created the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research to develop guidelines for human subject research and to oversee and regulate the use of human experimentation in medicine. The National Research Act issued Title 45, Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations [45 CFR 46]: Protection of Human Subjects. The National Research Act is overseen by the Office of Human Research Protections. The Act also formalized a regulated IRB process through local institutional review boards, also overseen by the Office of Human Research Protections.

The National Research Act gained traction as a response to the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study.

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines, explains the protections provided by the National Research Act this way:

So point number one, just to summarize; you can find it in The Code of Federal Regulations. It’s referred to as the Common Rule. So this is actually Federal Law. It’s not just words that academicians agree to. The first thing is that an emergency use authorization product, which is what all these vaccines are, as well as many of the drugs, is an experimental product. It’s not yet licensed. So that’s point number one. They’re all experimental products.

Point number two; if you’re going to be administering experimental products to patients, that falls under clinical research, and medical research. And so you have to follow the guidance for medical research. I mentioned the Common Rule is codified in the Code of Federal Regulations.

The first clause, importantly, in the Common Rule, is there has to be complete disclosure of risk. Intuitively, what that means is, when you buy a bottle of aspirin, you pull out this little piece of paper. You look at that, and you go, “Holy Moly, this aspirin is going to kill me.” If you read all the way through, it says it could cause heart attacks or gastric erosions. You look at that and you say, “Oh, I don’t know if I want to take that aspirin.”

But the truth is that the ones that are common are up at the top. We all take aspirin or Tylenol or some version of that. That’s the level of disclosure of adverse event risk that must be provided to patients participating in clinical research. That level of information, as we’ve just been discussing, is censored. It’s not available. So we are not meeting the criteria for full disclosure of risk.

Second key principle is that that full disclosure has to be comprehensible and comprehended. Earlier on, I referred to Thrombocytopenia, and you said, “What the heck was that?” And I said, “Low platelets.” That’s a great example. The first one was scientific jargon that was incomprehensible to you. The second one you could understand. So these risks have to be conveyed using language that people can comprehend.

Third key principle; you cannot coerce. You cannot entice. The patient or the subject has to freely accept the experimental medicine of their own volition. All this messaging about, “You must take the vaccine. You must take the vaccine because otherwise Aunt Mary could get infected.” All of this messaging that the vaccine is safe, and all the peer pressure that’s happening around the vaccine is coercion.

Now it gets even more florid with other nations. I don’t think we’ve done it here in the States, but Canada has. “We are going to give out ice cream cones to get the kiddies to come and take the jab.” That’s been done. That’s coercion and enticement.

Then there’s the last little codicil in all this. We call it the age of consent. So we here in the States generally agree that the age of consent is 18. If you are at or below the age of consent, you need to have approval or consent from your parent or guardian to take an experimental medicine. They act as your agent because you’re not able to provide consent by definition.

We cannot, by law, have infants, children, and adolescents receiving experimental products without authorization of their parents.

Now, listening to this, [one] might say, “Well, we have this special case of an epidemic, and we all have to get the vaccine.” Why do we all have to get the vaccine? What’s the logic behind that? What we’re told is, “We all have to get vaccinated so we will reach herd immunity.” That’s the logic.

The problem is that this is a fallacy. We have not even gathered the data to be able to calculate in these clinical trials what would give us herd immunity. What would herd immunity mean? It would mean that we have what’s called sterilizing immunity, or in some way, if we get infected, that we don’t spread it to somebody else. That means that we’re not producing virus and shedding virus.



See also, on this site:

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (USA) Fri, 14 Nov 1986 00:00:05 +0000 NCVIA’s purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims in order to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines, and to provide cost-effective arbitration for vaccine injury claims.  The Justice Department was put in charge of the compensation program in an unprecedented arrangement.  Vice President George H.…


NCVIA’s purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims in order to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines, and to provide cost-effective arbitration for vaccine injury claims.  The Justice Department was put in charge of the compensation program in an unprecedented arrangement.  Vice President George H. W. Bush encouraged the signing of this bill in spite of objections from the Justice Department.

“There are so many of them. They give them to them so quickly. Like, from the moment they’re born, they want to bang them up with vaccines.”

What very few people know about the childhood vaccine schedule is that, in the early 1980s, vaccine manufacturers were losing BIG money.

For every $1 they made off the DTP vaccine, they were losing about $20 to injury lawsuits.

So Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the vaccine business.

President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines. Wyeth answered that they couldn’t because vaccines are “unavoidably” unsafe.

This led to the signing of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act, which gave vaccine manufacturers special liability protections.

“And so, anybody who tells you vaccines are safe and effective, the industry itself got immunity from liability by convincing the President and Congress that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,” Robert Kennedy Jr. told Joe Rogan in a previous interview.

Joe Rogan Raises SERIOUS Questions About the Childhood Vaccine Schedule

“Isn’t it weird that you can just lie to people, and you could force people to take things, and you could hide the side effects, and you can’t sue them?”

Vaccines are the ONLY product that you can’t sue the manufacturers directly.

Joe Rogan Drops Great Vaccine Question



The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization is launched. Mon, 01 Nov 1999 00:01:20 +0000 November 1999 GAVI is formed as an initiative between The WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the then newly created Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Sources: Related:


November 1999

GAVI is formed as an initiative between The WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the then newly created Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.



Pfizer files patent US6372224: Canine coronavirus S gene and uses therefor Fri, 28 Jan 2000 00:00:58 +0000 From the patent: The present invention provides the amino acid and nucleotide sequences of a CCV spike gene, and compositions containing one or more fragments of the spike gene and encoded polypeptide for prophylaxis, diagnostic purposes and treatment of CCV infections. — Patent US6372224B1 This is the patent for the spike protein virus, a vaccine…


From the patent:

The present invention provides the amino acid and nucleotide sequences of a CCV spike gene, and compositions containing one or more fragments of the spike gene and encoded polypeptide for prophylaxis, diagnostic purposes and treatment of CCV infections.

Patent US6372224B1

This is the patent for the spike protein virus, a vaccine for the canine Coronavirus, which is actually one of the multiple forms of Coronavirus.

From the Reiner/Martin interview:

But as you know, up until 1999, the topic of Coronavirus vs V [VSV?] the patenting activity around Coronavirus was uniquely applied to veterinary sciences. The first vaccine ever patented for Coronavirus was actually sought by Pfizer. The application for the first vaccine for Coronavirus, which was specifically this s spike protein. So the exact same thing that allegedly we have rushed into invention. The first application was filed January 28 2000, 21 years ago. So the idea that we we mysteriously stumbled on the the way to intervene on vaccines is not only ludicrous, it is incredulous because Timothy Millor, Sharon Klepfer, Albert Paul Reed, and Elaine Jones on January 28 2000, filed what ultimately was issued as US Patent 6372224 which was the spike protein virus, a vaccine for the canine Coronavirus, which is actually one of the multiple forms of Coronavirus. But as I said, the early work up until 1999 was largely focused in the area of vaccines for animals, the two animals receiving the most attention were probably Ralph Barics work on rabbits and the rabbit cardiomyopathy that was associated with significant problems among rabbit breeders, and then canine Coronavirus in Pfizer’s work to identify how to develop s and spike protein vaccine target candidates giving rise to the obvious evidence that says that neither the Coronavirus concept of a vaccine, nor the principle of the Coronavirus itself as a pathogen of interest with respect to the spike proteins behaviour is anything novel at all. As a matter of fact, it’s 22 years old, based on patent filings. What’s more problematic, and what is actually the most egregious problem is that Anthony Fauci and NIAID found the malleability of Coronavirus to be a potential candidate for HIV vaccines. And so SARS is actually not a natural progression of a zoonetic modification of Coronavirus.

Dr. David Martin at 02:53


See also, on this site:







The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act is presented Fri, 21 Dec 2001 00:00:50 +0000 The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act is prepared by The Center for Law and the Public’s Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] The MSEHPA (Model State Emergency Health Powers Act) which was passed by many states in 2002, included provisions that would allow state…


The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act is prepared by The Center for Law and the Public’s Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]

The MSEHPA (Model State Emergency Health Powers Act) which was passed by many states in 2002, included provisions that would allow state health officials to use the state militia to:

Take control of all roads leading into and out of cities and states;

Seize homes, cars, telephones, computers, food, fuel, clothing, firearms and alcoholic beverages for their own use (and not be held liable if these actions result in the destruction of  personal property);

Arrest, imprison and forcibly examine, vaccinate and medicate citizens without consent (and not be held liable if these actions result in your death or injury).

— ce399

Fortunately for the People, the Supremacy Clause in the U.S. Constitution declares that where federal and state laws conflict, federal law supersedes state law.

Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause.  It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions. It prohibits states from interfering with the federal government’s exercise of its constitutional powers, and from assuming any functions that are exclusively entrusted to the federal government. It does not, however, allow the federal government to review or veto state laws before they take effect.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
— US Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 2

The National Research Act (also known as The Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects or The Common Rule) is federal law.  The Emergency Health Powers Acts are state laws.  Therefore, none of the Emergency Health Powers Acts can violate the protections provided in the National Research Act.  Please refer to the article about the National Research Act for further details.

Pres. Trump prevented the mandating of COVID-19 vaccines by releasing the vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization while still in testing.  Otherwise, Emergency Health Powers Acts in the various states could have allowed the mandating of the COVID-19 vaccines.  While the vaccines are still in testing, it is a violation of the federal National Research Act for anyone to mandate them.  Families of victims could potentially sue based on violation of the federal National Research Act.

As of August 23, 2021, the Pfizer-BioNTech inoculation is now approved under the brand name Comirnaty. The Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine clearly states that pre-authorization Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the Comirnaty vaccine are equivalent. Any objections based on the experimental status of this vaccine are now moot. The argument now becomes whether that approval was legal. Dr. Jane Ruby and Karen Kingston both have concerns about the legality of the approval. See the post about the approval for details.

  • Food & Drug Administration
    October 20, 2021. “Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech].” US Food & Drug Administration.
    Food & Drug Administration.
    This document has instructions for healthcare providers who are administering the vaccines.


See also, on this site:

Legislation by state.

The following map is provided as a research hint.

This map is probably good as of sometime in 2006.
More states may have passed an Emergency Health Powers Act by now.

This list below of links by state is nowhere near complete at this time.  Emergency Health Powers Acts have been enacted in at least 34 states.  Eventually, I will get more of this filled in.





























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia




God Eternal within the body Fri, 30 Jan 2004 00:00:02 +0000 A coded message has been found within the molecules of life; deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking Biblical alphabets to our genetic code, the “language of life” may now be read as the ancient letters of a timeless message. Regardless of race, religion, heritage or lifestyle,…


A coded message has been found within the molecules of life; deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking Biblical alphabets to our genetic code, the “language of life” may now be read as the ancient letters of a timeless message. Regardless of race, religion, heritage or lifestyle, the message is the same in each cell of every woman, child and man, past and present.

— Amazon book description, The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future.

According to Gregg Braden, the message of the first layer of DNA is, “God Eternal within the body.”  And so it is that science has discovered the God message written within us.  The genetic codes in our bodies were created by God the Father.  They form a book of sorts written by God Himself.  In other words, your genetic material is sacred text.

The following information was published by J.J. Hurtak in 1977:

The keys to future biophysics are given in nuclear membranes involved in language transparency codings beyond acid denaturation and in gel formation by nuclei connecting different mammalian chromosomes to one another.

1 The Name of YHWH is coded within every biochemical function in our body, especially within the life-giving DNA-RNA matrix.

36 Whereas the third face is the distribution of the divine letters so as to form a vibratory grid out of the 64 arrangements of the divine letters, the coding grid as the fourth face receives the original instruction for the coding of numerous amino acids through Light messenger projections which coordinate grids three and four.

37 The Light messengers are pulsating letter geometries which comprise the activity of what is known in the language of biochemistry as tRNA.  The tRNA is manifested as a Light messenger for YHWH, whereby the tRNA becomes the linkage messenger for the divine Word which then activates the membrane substance through “chosen” geometric forms.

38 A look at the hemoglobin molecule shows the importance of the formulations from the codes.  Other biological programs that were carried out in the past reorganized the formulations which developed, for example, elongated red blood cells.  (Residual effects of this can be seen in tests involving torpid cells versus deoxygenated cells.)

39 This flow process of messenger linkage (from the mantra grid to the transducer coding grid) can also be used for transformation from the divine to the human or the human to the divine, for the mantra-vibratory grid is the circuit diagram between the biophysical shell and the next unfoldment of the biological shell.  For example, when Jacob’s name was changed to “Israel” there was a biogenetic regenesis established, whereby the seed of Jacob could grow into the “divine seed” and inherit the kingdoms of Light.

The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®

Revelation 22:19 (ESV)

and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Might the same apply if we do anything that might modify our genetic material?

Do such modifications affect our ability to communicate with God?

When the mRNA in the jabs rewrites genetic code in the body, does it erase the name of God?

Does it write in another name?

Was this a hidden purpose for the jabs?

Is this why the proponents of the jabs are so insistent that we take them when they should have been halted the first week, if not the first day, due to adverse events?

What exactly are we doing to ourselves if we accept the jabs?

What does the jab mRNA do to the progeny of those who take it?

Hint: Luciferase is one of the ingredients in the jabs.



  • Video
    September 24, 2021. Magenta Pixie. Singing Cells or Hive Mind Matrix – Apple Choicepoint for Plasma Generation and Stargate Ascension. Magenta Pixie.
    The religious might think to reject this due to its nature, but I recommend viewing it anyway.  It agrees with my assessment based on Revelation 22:19, but it goes into more detail.  It also agrees with the story told in the link “A Harsh Passover” linked into the AstraZeneca post.  The jabbed may well have forfeited their ascension in at least this cycle.
  • Video
    September 10, 2022. Penny Wittbrodt. Nurse Dies and Gets Shown the Truth About Energy and Moments (Powerful NDE). The Other Side NDE. Runtime: 24:04.
    The scene in which God shows Himself in the DNA begins at 19:35.

See also, on this site:

WHO publishes its checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning Sat, 01 Jan 2005 00:01:26 +0000 Sometime in 2005: The preface includes this text: A few weeks later, the first local outbreaks are reported from other continents. Rates of absenteeism in schools and businesses begin to rise. Phones at health departments ring constantly. The spread of the new virus continues to be the major news item in print and electronic media.…


Sometime in 2005:

The preface includes this text:

A few weeks later, the first local outbreaks are reported from other continents. Rates of absenteeism in schools and businesses begin to rise. Phones at health departments ring constantly. The spread of the new virus continues to be the major news item in print and electronic media. Citizens start to clamour for vaccines, but they are still not available. Antiviral drugs cannot be obtained. Police departments, local utility companies and mass transit authorities experience significant personnel shortages that result in severe disruption of routine services. Soon, hospitals and outpatient clinics are critically short-staffed as doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers themselves become ill or are afraid to come to work. Fearing infection, elderly patients with chronic medical conditions do not dare to leave home. Intensive care units at local hospitals are overwhelmed, and soon there are insufficient ventilators for the treatment of pneumonia patients. Parents are distraught when their healthy young adult sons and daughters die within days of first becoming ill. Several major airports close because of high absenteeism among air traffic controllers. Over the next 6–8 weeks, health and other essential community services deteriorate further as the pandemic sweeps across the world.


Charges filed against WHO, UN, others. Wed, 10 Jun 2009 00:00:45 +0000 Journalist Jane Bürgermeister files charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest-ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.  She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges…


Journalist Jane Bürgermeister files charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest-ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.  She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.

She had previously filed charges on April 8, 2009, with the Vienna City Courthouse where she lives against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria.  See her post of April 13, 2009, Charges filed with the 1st part translated into English (archived).


Bill Gates says vaccines are for population control. Fri, 12 Feb 2010 00:00:24 +0000 In this TED Talk, Bill Gates mentions vaccines as a potential population control mechanism to keep population DOWN. This would be antithetical to the original purpose of vaccines, which was to preserve life. The general theme of the talk is on climate change and how to reduce emission of CO2. Comments about population begin at…


In this TED Talk, Bill Gates mentions vaccines as a potential population control mechanism to keep population DOWN. This would be antithetical to the original purpose of vaccines, which was to preserve life. The general theme of the talk is on climate change and how to reduce emission of CO2. Comments about population begin at about 4:25.

Bill Gates’ plan to eradicate disease stems from a bold concept: The demographic theories of Thomas Malthus, generally accepted for the past two centuries, are wrong. Specifically, that subsistence eventually translates into population growth, and population growth eventually translates into misery.

So in 1997, when he and Melinda first ventured into public health—their eponymous foundation would come into being in two years—they focused on birth control, funding a Johns Hopkins effort to use computers to help women in the developing world learn about contraception. The logic was crisp and Bill Gates-friendly. Health = resources ÷ people. And since resources, as Gates noted, are relatively fixed, the answer lay in population control. Thus, vaccines made no sense to him: Why save kids only to consign them to life in overcrowded countries where they risked starving to death or being killed in civil war?

That same epiphany for his public health philanthropy came even earlier. Bill’s dad had set up a dinner at Seattle’s posh Columbia Tower Club with the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH). While the meeting started with birth control—among other efforts, PATH taught Chinese condom makers to test their products before shipping them—Gates began consuming data that startled him. In society after society, he saw, when the mortality rate falls—specifically, below 10 deaths per 1,000 people—the birth rate follows, and population growth stabilizes. “It goes against common sense,” Gates says. Most parents don’t choose to have eight children because they want to have big families, it turns out, but because they know many of their children will die.

In terms of giving, Gates did a 180-degree turn. Rather than prevent births, he would aim his billions at saving the kids already born. “We moved pretty heavily into vaccines once we understood that,” says Gates.



Report: fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported to the VAERS. Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:00:07 +0000 Grant Final Report: Review of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) determines that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Even if we assume that the COVID-19 situation has created increased awareness of VAERS, we can assume that adverse reactions are still grossly underreported. If nothing has changed, this means that statistics derived…


Grant Final Report: Review of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) determines that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Even if we assume that the COVID-19 situation has created increased awareness of VAERS, we can assume that adverse reactions are still grossly underreported. If nothing has changed, this means that statistics derived from VAERS can be multiplied by 100.

In addition to being grossly underreported, it appears that the data in VAERS may not be entirely up to date.  It appears that the CDC is behind in their reporting of adverse reactions.

According to Dr. David Martin, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 requires that the VAERS database be maintained accurately.  This is a statutory requirement for maintaining immunity.

The following shows how VAERS data compares with the Pfizer clinical trial data.

Page 35 of CCCA report: Roll Out Surveillance: You Don’t Find What You Don’t Look For
Left side chart is the Pfizer clinical trials. Right side chart is the passive surveillance of the general population post-rollout.



See also, on this site:


