treatment protocol – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 05 Sep 2023 00:30:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 treatment protocol – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 French Peer-Reviewed Study: Our Treatment Cured 100% Of Coronavirus Patients Thu, 19 Mar 2020 00:00:28 +0000 He tweeted: Full peer-reviewed study has been released by Didier Raoult MD, PhD. After 6 days 100% of patients treated with HCQ + Azithromycin were virologically cured. Source:

He tweeted:

Full peer-reviewed study has been released by Didier Raoult MD, PhD. After 6 days 100% of patients treated with HCQ + Azithromycin were virologically cured.


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko publishes his COVID-19 treatment protocol. Thu, 02 Jul 2020 00:00:18 +0000 This protocol utilized HCQ, zinc, and azithromycin. The study reports a very low fatality rate of 0.71% in treated patients with confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. The existence and efficacy of this protocol should have invalidated any application for emergency use authorization of experimental vaccines. Dose of HCQ in the Zelenko Protocol was 200mg twice…


This protocol utilized HCQ, zinc, and azithromycin. The study reports a very low fatality rate of 0.71% in treated patients with confirmed positive cases of COVID-19.

The existence and efficacy of this protocol should have invalidated any application for emergency use authorization of experimental vaccines. Dose of HCQ in the Zelenko Protocol was 200mg twice a day, which is a normal dosing level. Compare with dosing of WHO study, which used 5 to 10 times that amount.



See also, on this site:

The United States Senate holds Hearing on COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment. Thu, 19 Nov 2020 00:00:44 +0000 It will all be needless death from here on out, given that there is a readily available solution to the pandemic. — Dr. Pierre Kory, from a related December 8th hearing Sources: Related: See also, on this site: Many members of Congress and their staff have been using ivermectin


It will all be needless death from here on out, given that there is a readily available solution to the pandemic.

— Dr. Pierre Kory, from a related December 8th hearing



See also, on this site:

NIH upgrades recommendation on ivermectin, making it an acceptable option for use in COVID-19 Thu, 14 Jan 2021 00:00:27 +0000 This new designation upgraded the status of ivermectin from “against” to “neither for nor against”, which is the same recommendation given to monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma, both widely used across the nation. — Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), January 15, 2021 So that paragraph on the NIH page now reads: There is…


This new designation upgraded the status of ivermectin from “against” to “neither for nor against”, which is the same recommendation given to monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma, both widely used across the nation.

— Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), January 15, 2021

So that paragraph on the NIH page now reads:

There is insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.

— “Ivermectin,” NIH

The recommendation was revised based on data presented by the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).  At least now, the NIH does not recommend against ivermectin.  Your physician should now be able to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19 based on the FDA off-label policy without risk of losing their hospital privileges or license.  Just hand them the NIH report, perhaps with the press release and the FDA off-label policy.

For the fact checkers out there:  “No evidence” is not the same as “insufficient evidence.”  There is evidence.  If there was no evidence, the NIH would not have felt compelled to upgrade their recommendation on ivermectin based on what FLCCC members presented, considering that the politically preferred jabs were about to be granted Emergency Use Authorizations.  There was no way the NIH would have come out “for” ivermectin or say that there was “sufficient evidence” for its use.  That could have derailed the EUAs, and so would have been politically taboo at the time.



See also, on this site:

Potential ways to reduce spike protein damage Mon, 14 Jun 2021 00:00:55 +0000 Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any kind.   Please consult your medical advisor. What I can tell you, though, is that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are something humanity has not dealt with before. The suggestions below are not guaranteed to work, but they may be your best chance for coping with the ongoing…


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any kind.   Please consult your medical advisor. What I can tell you, though, is that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are something humanity has not dealt with before. The suggestions below are not guaranteed to work, but they may be your best chance for coping with the ongoing health issues that may result from taking “vaccines” designed to create spike proteins.  No one yet really knows for sure what will help, though some treatments are showing promise.

I have split this post into separate posts.  You can find content that was previously in this post here:

Disclaimer: The following is the result of research by anons of unknown qualifications.  Though the following quoted resource is based on medical journal information and contains links to references, the truth is that no one yet knows for sure what will work. The following is offered for your exploration.


Lots of somewhat frantic enquiries today about how to help covidiots who took the jab and are now worried about spike protein damage. Well they damn well should be worried as that shit’ll kill ya.

Anyway, here are the things anons have dug on that, based on preliminary research, seem to have some potential to reduce spike protein damage – either by protecting cells from the spikes, or by dissolving the spikes themselves.

    1. Pine needle tea2
    2. Fennel tea (you know, the seeds they put in Italian sausage)
    3. Anise tea (the star-like things they use in Chinese cooking, taste like liquorice)
  2. Bromelain (an extract made from pineapples) – often sold in 10mg tabs
  3. Acetylcysteine (also called N-Acetylcysteine or NAC) – an amino acid often sold as 200mg tabs that the FDA suddenly wants to regulate now.

Academic research on why these things are thought to be effective against spike proteins:

  • Research Journal
    September 16, 2020. Satish Sagar, Ashok Kumar Rathinavel, William E. Lutz, Lucas R. Struble, Surender Khurana, Andy T. Schnaubelt, Nitish Kumar Mishra, et al. “Bromelain Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Infection in VeroE6 Cells.BioRxiv, September, 2020.09.16.297366.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    December 10, 2012. Rajendra Pavan, Sapna Jain, Shraddha, and Ajay Kumar. “Properties and Therapeutic Application of Bromelain: A Review.Biotechnology Research International 2012 (December): e976203.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    October 1, 2020. Francis L. Poe, and Joshua Corn. “N-Acetylcysteine: A Potential Therapeutic Agent for SARS-CoV-2.Medical Hypotheses 143 (October): 109862.
    Research Journal.
  • Doctor Organization
    December 20, 2020. “The Functional Medicine Approach to COVID-19: Virus-Specific Nutraceutical and Botanical Agents: N-ACETYLCYSTEINE (NAC).” The Institute for Functional Medicine.
    Doctor Organization.
  • Research Journal
    June 1, 2020. James J. DiNicolantonio, and Mark McCarty. “Thrombotic Complications of COVID-19 May Reflect an Upregulation of Endothelial Tissue Factor Expression That Is Contingent on Activation of Endosomal NADPH Oxidase.Open Heart 7 (1): e001337.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    April 22, 2020. Roopa Guthappa. “Molecular Docking Studies of N-Acetyl Cysteine, Zinc Acetyl Cysteine and Niclosamide on SARS Cov 2 Protease and Its Comparison with Hydroxychloroquine.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    January 1, 2014. Xiao-yi Chen, Li Yuan, Lian Wei, Min Wang, and Yi-xiong Lei. “Content Analysis of Shikimic Acid in the Masson Pine Needles and Antiplatelet-Aggregating Activity.International Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 2 (January): 110.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    June 1, 2017. Steven Xu, Md. Mokarrom Hossain, Benjamin B. Y. Lau, Trang Quynh To, Aditya Rawal, and Leigh Aldous. “Total Quantification and Extraction of Shikimic Acid from Star Anise (Llicium Verum) Using Solid-State NMR and Cellulose-Dissolving Aqueous Hydroxide Solutions.Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 5 (June): 115–21.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    May 15, 2015. Jeremy Just, Bianca J. Deans, Wesley J. Olivier, Brett Paull, Alex C. Bissember, and Jason A. Smith. “New Method for the Rapid Extraction of Natural Products: Efficient Isolation of Shikimic Acid from Star Anise.Organic Letters 17 (10): 2428–30.
    Research Journal.
  1. In the pharmaceutical industry, shikimic acid from the Chinese star anise (Illicium verum) is used as a base material for production of oseltamivir (Tamiflu).
  2. Notes on the pine needle tea:
    • Some pine species are toxic. Please do your research as to which pine trees can be used and how to identify them.
    • Pregnant women should NOT drink pine needle tea.

Additional resources:

FLCCC develops a post-jab protocol Tue, 06 Sep 2022 00:00:46 +0000 FLCCC has published a post-jab protocol.  (I SO do not like calling these drugs “vaccines”!) Since major public health authorities do not recognize post-COVID-vaccine injuries, and there is no specific ICD classification code, clearly this is NOT advice on how to treat any known disease. — James Roguski There was a webinar about the post-jab…

FLCCC has published a post-jab protocol.  (I SO do not like calling these drugs “vaccines”!)

Since major public health authorities do not recognize post-COVID-vaccine injuries, and there is no specific ICD classification code, clearly this is NOT advice on how to treat any known disease.

James Roguski

There was a webinar about the post-jab protocol on September 25, 2022. That video is embedded in James Roguski’s post.

Given the lack of recognition of post-“vaccine” issues, let alone the lack of research into them, these protocols are in no way proven. At this point, no one can claim a proven solution to post-“vaccine” issues. There simply has not been enough time to do the science. The success of these protocols can in no way be guaranteed.  They are the best guesses of the doctors as to what will work, with the backing of some anecdotal experience with the protocols.  Generally, the interventions suggested in the protocol are in the “it’s worth a try” category, using substances that are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and may have other benefits.  At this stage and given the circumstances we find ourselves in, this may be the best that can be offered at this time.

Doing nothing also has risks.  The use of these protocols is a decision best made with your doctor.

Please study the protocols carefully before using them yourself or recommending them for a patient.  There is at least one important note within the document about timing and interactions, and there may be others.

Please review the protocols on a regular basis.  FLCCC protocols are works in progress and are periodically modified as more is learned.

I will develop this post a bit further.


See also, on this site:
