Tedros Adanhom Ghebreyesus – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com Chronological Sequence of Events Fri, 17 Jun 2022 05:17:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://pandemictimeline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Covid-150x150.ico Tedros Adanhom Ghebreyesus – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com 32 32 Chinese leader Xi Jinping and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus meet in Beijing https://pandemictimeline.com/2020/01/chinese-leader-xi-jinping-and-who-director-general-tedros-adhanom-ghebreyesus-meet-in-beijing/ Tue, 28 Jan 2020 00:00:52 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=3697 Source:

Source: ]]>
The WHO declares an “infodemic” https://pandemictimeline.com/2020/02/the-who-declares-an-infodemic/ Sat, 15 Feb 2020 00:00:13 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=778 “We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous” – WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Munich Security Conference on Feb 15, 2020. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an infodemic as “an over-abundance of information, some accurate and some…


“We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous” – WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Munich Security Conference on Feb 15, 2020.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an infodemic as “an over-abundance of information, some accurate and some not that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it.

The WHO strategy to control an infodemic includes these four pillars:

First Pillar: Facilitate Accurate Knowledge Translation
Second Pillar: Knowledge Refinement, Filtering, and Fact-Checking
Third pillar: Build eHealth Literacy
Fourth Pillar: Monitoring, Infodemiology, Infoveillance, and Social Listening

Meanwhile, scientists also monitor social media for clues about how drugs are faring.  “Evidence from the real world is valuable, as clinical trials often enroll patients who aren’t representative of the general population. We learn more about drug safety from real-world evidence and can adjust clinical recommendations to balance risk and benefits.” (WSJ)  This real-world evidence includes social media posting.  And yet, the aggressive fact-checking and censorship of anything negative to the vaccines including reports of personal experiences is removing signals that warn scientists of problems.



  • Research Journal
    April 9, 2020. Jose Yunam Cuan-Baltazar, Maria José Muñoz-Perez, Carolina Robledo-Vega, Maria Fernanda Pérez-Zepeda, and Elena Soto-Vega. “Misinformation of COVID-19 on the Internet: Infodemiology Study.JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 6 (2): e18444.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    February 15, 2021. Bin Chen, Xinyi Chen, Jin Pan, Kui Liu, Bo Xie, Wei Wang, Ying Peng, Fei Wang, Na Li, and Jianmin Jiang. “Dissemination and Refutation of Rumors During the COVID-19 Outbreak in China: Infodemiology Study.Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (2): e22427.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    December 15, 2020. Elaine Okanyene Nsoesie, Nina Cesare, Martin Müller, and Al Ozonoff. “COVID-19 Misinformation Spread in Eight Countries: Exponential Growth Modeling Study.Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (12): e24425.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    August 25, 2020. Alessandro Rovetta, and Akshaya Srikanth Bhagavathula. “Global Infodemiology of COVID-19: Analysis of Google Web Searches and Instagram Hashtags.Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (8): e20673.
    Research Journal.
  • News
    June 22, 2021. Joseph A. Ladapo and Harvey A. Risch. “Opinion | Are Covid Vaccines Riskier Than Advertised?Wall Street Journal, sec. Opinion.

See also, on this site:

Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee Foundation): Conclusions https://pandemictimeline.com/2020/10/stiftung-corona-ausschuss-corona-committee-foundation-conclusions/ Sat, 03 Oct 2020 00:00:47 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=5305 Reiner Fuellmich is the leader of Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee Foundation). The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020. Their conclusions are the following:  The corona crisis must be renamed the “Corona Scandal” It is: The biggest tort case ever The…


Reiner Fuellmich is the leader of Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee Foundation).

The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020.

Their conclusions are the following: 

  • The corona crisis must be renamed the “Corona Scandal”
  • It is:
    • The biggest tort case ever
    • The greatest crime against humanity ever committed
  • Those responsible must be:
    • Criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity
    • Sued for civil damages
  • Deaths
    • There is no excess mortality in any country
    • Corona virus mortality equals seasonal flu
    • 94% of deaths in Bergamo were caused by transferring sick patients to nursing homes where they infected old people with weak immune systems
    • Doctors and hospitals worldwide were paid to declare deceased victims of Covid-19
    • Autopsies showed:
      • Fatalities almost all caused by serious pre-existing conditions
      • Almost all deaths were very old people
      • Sweden (no lockdown) and Britain (strict lockdown) have comparable disease and mortality statistics
    • US states with and without lockdowns have comparable disease and mortality statistics
  • Health
    • Hospitals remain empty and some face bankruptcy
    • Populations have T-cell immunity from previous influenza waves
    • Herd immunity needs only 15-25% population infection and is already achieved
    • Only when a person has symptoms can an infection be contagious
  • Tests:
    • Many scientists call this a PCR-test pandemic, not a corona pandemic
    • Very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive
    • Likelihood of false-positives is 89-94% or near certainty
    • Prof. Drosten developed his PCR test from an old SARS virus without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China
    • The PCR test is not based on scientific facts with respect to infections
    • PCR tests are useless for the detection of infections
    • A positive PCR test does not mean an infection is present or that an intact virus has been found
    • Amplification of samples over 35 cycles is unreliable but WHO recommended 45 cycles
  • Illegality:
    • The German government locked down, imposed social-distancing/ mask-wearing on the basis of a single opinion
    • The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating
    • The lockdowns were based on non-existent infections
    • Former president of the German federal constitutional court doubted the constitutionality of the corona measures
    • Former UK supreme court judge Lord Sumption concluded there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for corona measures
    • German RKI (CDC equivalent) recommended no autopsies be performed
    • Corona measures have no sufficient factual or legal basis, are unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately
    • No serious scientist gives any validity to the infamous Neil Ferguson’s false computer models warning of millions of deaths
    • Mainstream media completely failed to report the true facts of the so-called pandemic
    • Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models
    • Drosten (of PCR test), Tedros of WHO, and others have committed crimes against humanity as defined in the International Criminal Code
    • Politicians can avoid going down with the charlatans and criminals by starting the long overdue public scientific discussion
  • Conspiracy:
    • Politicians and mainstream media deliberately drove populations to panic
    • Children were calculatedly made to feel responsible “for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow Corona rules”
    • The hopeless PCR test is used to create fear and not to diagnose
    • There can be no talk of a second wave
  • Injury and damage:
    • Evidence of gigantic health and economic damage to populations
    • Anti-corona measures have:
      • Killed innumerable people
      • Destroyed countless companies and individuals worldwide
    • Children are being taken away from their parents
    • Children are traumatized en masse
    • Bankruptcies are expected in small- and medium-sized businesses
  • Redress:
    • A class action lawsuit must be filed in the USA or Canada, with all affected parties worldwide having the opportunity to join
    • Companies and self-employed people must be compensated for damages


See also, on this site:

A UK team files a complaint with the International Criminal Court https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/12/a-uk-team-files-a-complaint-with-the-international-criminal-court/ Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:29 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8958 Subject of complaint: Violations of the Nuremberg Code Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute Violation of Article 8 of the Rome Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute Perpetrators listed on the case include: Boris Johnson, Prime Minister for the United Kingdom Christopher…

Subject of complaint:

  • Violations of the Nuremberg Code
  • Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 8 of the Rome
  • Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute

Perpetrators listed on the case include:


See also, on this site:
