excess deaths – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 15 Oct 2024 04:39:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://pandemictimeline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Covid-150x150.ico excess deaths – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com 32 32 Funeral director reports large number of deaths https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/12/funeral-director-reports-large-number-of-deaths/ Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:14 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=7905 John O’Looney is a funeral director in England, a country with one of the highest jab rates.  He is seeing more deaths than usual in his funeral home.  Many of the excess deaths are being caused by blood clots and related disorders.  John O’Looney estimates that he is seeing 5 or 6 TIMES the normal…

John O’Looney is a funeral director in England, a country with one of the highest jab rates.  He is seeing more deaths than usual in his funeral home.  Many of the excess deaths are being caused by blood clots and related disorders.  John O’Looney estimates that he is seeing 5 or 6 TIMES the normal rate of blood clot deaths and in all ages.  Normally, these deaths are seen in the elderly.  Others are dying of normally mild illnesses because their immune systems have been decimated by the jabs.  These people believe that they are sick because they did not get the second jab, but John O’Looney says that is not it.

Lining up for jabs when you’re already ill is not the answer. … You will die if you keep taking these jabs.

— John O’Looney, funeral director

Meanwhile, a new study out of Israel supports the idea that it is the vaxxed who are getting sick.  Israel also has a high jab rate.

🔬 A new Israeli preprint study in MedRxIV titled “Protection and waning of natural and hybrid COVID-19 immunity,” compares natural immunity to injection-induced immunity. Guess which one was stronger? You got it, on the first guess.

The study concludes that:

— Naturally immune have a far lower infection rate than injected.

— Naturally immune have a lower infection rate than Injected then Recovered from subsequent infection.

— Naturally immune then Injected have only a slightly lower (almost imperceptible) infection rate than naturally immune without injection.

For severe cases, the researchers found:

— Naturally immune: 0.5 severe cases per 100K

— Naturally immune + Injected: 0.6

— Injected then Recovered: 1.1

— Injected only: 4.6 — nine times (9X) the naturally immune!!

— Boosted: 0.4 (only for the first 0-2 months, though)

Jeff Childers

With regard to those becoming desperately sick from normally mild illnesses such as the common cold, is this not what Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche told us would happen?

People like me and John O’Looney who have been trying to warn you about what is coming do not take pleasure in watching the predictions come true.  The reason we tell you about these things is because we want you to live!


  • Video
    December 7, 2021. John O’Looney. British Funeral Director John O’Looney Update: “Unnatural Large Number of Deaths.” TruthVideos1984. Runtime: 7:06.
  • Research Journal
    December 5, 2021. Yair Goldberg, Micha Mandel, Yinon M. Bar-On, Omri Bodenheimer, Laurence Freedman, Nachman Ash, Sharon Alroy-Preis, Amit Huppert, and Ron Milo. “Protection and Waning of Natural and Hybrid COVID-19 Immunity.
    Research Journal.
  • Law Blog
    December 7, 2021. Jeff Childers. “☕ Coffee & Covid ☙ Tuesday, December 7, 2021 ☙ 100% UNEMPLOYED 🦠.☕ Coffee & Covid 2021 🦠.
    Law, Blog.
  • Video
    January 21, 2022. “Funeral Director John O’Looney of the United Kingdom: ‘I’ve Never Seen so Many Deaths….’” Runtime of embedded video: 34:52.

See also, on this site:

Life insurance company CEO says deaths are up 40% since vaccines introduced https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/12/life-insurance-company-ceo-says-deaths-are-up-40-since-vaccines-introduced/ Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:00:23 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8541 The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people. “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news…


The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”

If the projections of Thomas Renz and Todd Callender are correct, the problem will get much, much worse.

The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.

Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.

The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.

The deaths went up among all age groups among working adults after the jabs were introduced.  A three-sigma event is one that has a less than 1% chance of occurring by chance.  This confirms what John O’Looney has been trying to tell us.  The jabs are causing death, even if that is not the stated cause.  All cause deaths have gone up since the jabs were introduced.

This increase is taking place across the industry.  An insurance company such as OneAmerica provides life insurance through employers.  The increased death rate in Americans of working age could bankrupt these life insurance companies.

Do The Math: Here’s How We Get To Nearly 100,000 Excess Deaths Per Month In America Right Now

According to IndexMundi.com, there are normally about 7,755 deaths per day in the USA, pre-covid. The 40% increase in mortality now being seen by life insurance companies, if applied across all age groups, would mean an additional 3,100 deaths per day.

Multiply that by 30 days and you get over 93,000 excess deaths per month in the USA.

Day Month Year
Normal 7,755 235,881 2,830,575
Excess 3,102 94,353 1,132,230
Total 10,857 330,234 3,962,805

Many life insurance policies have a clause in them, indemnifying them against losses due to medical experiments.  Check your policy before using experimental drugs such as COVID vaccines.  The fact that Pfizer has issued a progress report as recently as November proves that they are still proceeding with scheduled testing, which is scheduled to complete in May of 2023.  These vaccines are still in testing in spite of any approvals that may have been issued.

And now [in July 2022] we have the CEO of Lincoln National, the fifth largest life insurance company in America, corroborating the 40% surge in all-cause mortality.

Baxter Dmitry

Such an increase in death was unnecessary.  Doctors told the Senate before the approval of the jabs that early treatment could keep people out of the hospital and almost entirely avoid death.  With that information, emergency use authorizations should never have been issued for the jabs.  And because the Senate was told, no one in government should be able to say that they did not know that treatments were available.



See also, on this site:

@VigilantFox reports excess deaths among Millennials https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/03/vigilantfox-reports-excess-deaths-among-millennials/ Fri, 18 Mar 2022 00:00:10 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=9413 Last week, I made the claim that the Millennial age group saw 61,000 deaths—excess deaths—in a one-year timeframe with an acceleration into mandates and the boosters in the fall.  They just experienced the Vietnam War. … The rate of change [in all-cause mortality] is the smoking gun. The rate of change and the acceleration into…


Last week, I made the claim that the Millennial age group saw 61,000 deaths—excess deaths—in a one-year timeframe with an acceleration into mandates and the boosters in the fall.  They just experienced the Vietnam War.

The rate of change [in all-cause mortality] is the smoking gun. The rate of change and the acceleration into mandates and boosters. Basically, in my mind, it’s case closed.

Edward Dowd worked together with an insurance industry expert to develop the chart above.  The chart shows excess deaths among Millennials.  According to Edward Dowd, the death rate in this age group is up as much as 84% over normal.  Peaks coincide with rollouts of vaccines and imposition of mandates.

Edward Dowd’s chart shows just those deaths that are above the normal baseline.  The CDC chart shows all deaths for the age group.

In my opinion, at the time the jabs received their first approvals, there was already enough evidence to indicate that the Emergency Use Authorizations should have been revoked instead.


See also, on this site:

The Exposé finds all-cause deaths to be higher among vaccinated https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/05/the-expose-finds-all-cause-deaths-to-be-higher-among-vaccinated/ Sat, 14 May 2022 00:00:08 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=10201 Official figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics show that deaths per 100,000 among double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds were on average 91% higher than deaths per 100,000 among unvaccinated 18-39-year-olds between January 2021 and January 2022. This means it can no longer be denied that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly because even the official…


Official figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics show that deaths per 100,000 among double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds were on average 91% higher than deaths per 100,000 among unvaccinated 18-39-year-olds between January 2021 and January 2022.

This means it can no longer be denied that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly because even the official Government published figures now prove it.

The Exposé

One benefit of the UK’s nationalized health care system is that they are able to provide much better statistics than the US.  In the US, statistics like these might be found in the records of insurance companies.

They can’t hide the bodies. Excess mortality by age in quarter three of 2021 from life insurance claims data. Our public health establishment is entirely ignoring this disaster. These younger people did not die of Covid.

Source (p. 23): Society of Actuaries Research Institute report. Actuaries are paid to calculate insurance premiums: they care only about the numbers. soa.org/48ff80/globala…

Wall Street is aware of this–take a look at stock prices for certain companies that may be implicated.
I’m working with insurance company executives and regulators who want answers. They are a large and powerful industry that historically has intervened to improve workplace safety, automobile safety, fire code safety, etc. They lose money when people die unnecessarily.

Aaron Kheriaty, MD



See also, on this site:

All-cause deaths are higher among the working demographic https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/10/all-cause-deaths-are-higher-among-the-working-demographic/ Sat, 01 Oct 2022 00:01:00 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=11269 People between the ages of 25-64 with group life policies have been historically healthy, dying at about 30% to 40% percent the rate of the general population. (3 to 4 deaths for every 10) But in 2021, these numbers flipped. And those with group life policies started to die off faster than the general population. •…


People between the ages of 25-64 with group life policies have been historically healthy, dying at about 30% to 40% percent the rate of the general population. (3 to 4 deaths for every 10)

But in 2021, these numbers flipped. And those with group life policies started to die off faster than the general population.

General population: 31.7% excess mortality in 2021.

Group life: 40% excess mortality in 2021.

Remember, 2021 was the year of vaccine mandates.

And who do people on group life insurance policies tend to work for? Large, well-established companies — large, well-established companies with vaccine mandates.

Ed Dowd: “So that’s an eight-point differential for a group that traditionally experiences MUCH LOWER mortality. This is a Mic drop. I don’t care what anybody says.”

Vigilant Fox


See also, on this site:

Liz Gunn’s whistleblower releases his findings https://pandemictimeline.com/2023/11/liz-gunns-whistleblower-releases-his-findings/ Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:57 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=15744 It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses. — Steve Kirsch, November 30, 2023 Thanks to the efforts of a courageous whistleblower, the entire world now knows, and can download, the…


It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses.

Steve Kirsch, November 30, 2023

Thanks to the efforts of a courageous whistleblower, the entire world now knows, and can download, the data proving the COVID vaccines have killed over 10,000 people in New Zealand.

Earlier this week, a courageous whistleblower sent an email to the New Zealand Ministry of Health (NZMH) officials notifying them that the data that they have in their possession can only be explained if the COVID vaccines are killing thousands of New Zealanders.

The NZMH authorities didn’t publish a cohort time-series analysis to confirm or deny the leaker’s accusation. They did no analysis whatsoever on their own data.

Instead, the officials resorted to ad hominem attacks on the leaker to besmirch him and try to distract the public.

The NZMH has a duty to investigate the leaker’s allegations by doing a simple analysis that anyone can do. It takes about 15 minutes of effort. I know that because I’ve done it myself on the NZMH data. It shows the vaccines should be immediately stopped. The NZMH officials chose not to spend the 15 minutes and not to look. There’s a term for that; it’s called criminal negligence.

Steve Kirsch, December 1, 2023

The whistleblower has unique access to the data in question. He designed and built the database for the NZ government, specifically for the COVID-19 vaccine. It is official government data and it includes extremely detailed COVID-19 vaccine data for 2.2 million Kiwis. The whistleblower watched in horror over a two-year period as the death data escalated in front of his eyes, until he felt he had to step forward to expose it.

Free NZ

How many of the remaining 559 of those vaccinated with Batch ID 1 were injured?

“Winston Smith” says, “Prove me wrong!”

As of this writing, the population of New Zealand is 5,246,119.



See also, on this site:
